Ultrasound tiga - dimensi
Published 2003“…Latarbelakang : Laporan projek ini dibuat bagi menilai kemampuan aplikasi ultrasonografi tiga dimensi (3-D) di dalam pemaparan visual fetus pada trimester ketiga di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Kubang Kerian. Percubaan awal telah dilakukan secara in-vitro ke atas fantom ultrasaun setaraan tisu, bagi mendapatkan imej-imej satahan yang berserenjang, imej arbitrari dan pembinaan semula imej berpeleraian tinggi serta imej render isipadu secara interaktif. …”
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Thesis -
Penghasilan dan penilaian video pembelajaran (CD) bagi mata pelajaran Prinsip Ekonomi (BPA 1013) bertajuk permintaan dan penawaran di KUITTHO
Published 2004“…Seramai 60 orang pelajar semester 2 Sarjana Muda Sains Pengurusan di Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn telah dipiih bagi membuat penilaian kebolehgunaan produk ini sebagai alat bantuan mengajar di dalam kelas. …”
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Pelaksanaan dan penilaian kemahiran insaniah dalam mata pelajaran kokurikulum di UTHM
Published 2008“…Ini bagi membolehkan UTHM menjadi salah satu Universiti yang berasaskan kepada sains dan teknologi yang terkemuka di Malaysia.…”
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Thesis -
Waqf lands and challenges from the legal perspectives in Malaysia
Published 2012“…In the long term, amendments of the laws are imminent so that the status and objectives of waqf could be realized in the way that it is prescribed by Islam.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fast and slow carbonaceous BOD speciation of sewage effluent
Published 2010“…The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test has been a long standing test method to quantify the amount of biodegradable organic matter present in a water sample. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Visual plumes coastal dispersion modeling in south-west Sabah
Published 2011“…The modeling results indicated that there would not be a significant change in ambient concentration for all constituents modeled when the effluent discharge is increased from 1,500 m3/hr to 2,400 m3/hr, as long as the current quality is maintained. The plume travel distance would also not entrain into foreign waters as long as proposed volumetric discharge rate is no violated.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ranking of the nine challenges of malaysian vision 2020
Published 2012“…The exotic phrase “Vision 2020” has been coined to signify a lofty and long term objective pertaining to some issue in many countries across the world. …”
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Monograph -
Calcium hydroxide apexification in immature lower premolar with dens evaginatus: a case report
Published 2015“…Calcium hydroxide has been widely accepted over a long period of time. Recently, revascularization has gained popularity in which blood clot act as a scaffold permitting the ingrowth of new tissue from periapical area in the absence of bacteria A healthy 13-year-old female patient was referred to our clinic. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effects of tawfik on ethical decision making process: the case of micro and small businesses in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Sometimes they decided for 'short cut' instead of the long-winded and difficult actions. Some informants argued that sometimes they performed special prayers and making supplications for clueless and too difficult issues, problems and cases. …”
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Article -
Dynamic linkages among ASEAN-5 emerging stock markets
Published 2009“…Practical implications – The paper reveals that unlike during the pre-crisis period, the long-run diversification benefits that can be earned by investors across the ASEAN markets in the post-crisis period tend to diminish. …”
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