Impact of fiber optic dispersion on the performance of OFDM-QAM system
Published 2010“…The influence of dispersion on the (OFDM) spectrum is investigated with fiber lengths, bit rates, no. of channels and source line widths. The inter-channel interference occurs due to dispersion-induced broadening of OFDM spectrum. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A constitutional perspective on the legal effect of international laws and treaties on Syariah in Malaysia
Published 2009“…International laws and international treatise and conventions must be adopted as long as they are not in conflict with the Syariah as well as religious values and norms of other religion practiced in Malaysia. This is in line with the Rukun Negara which states that 'Belief in God' as one of the pillars of the nation. …”
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Book Chapter -
The acceptance of satay innovation for domestic tourism.
Published 2020“…The study involved thematical analysis in line with phenomenological approach. Hence, the research outcome may offer understanding to strengthen of promotion and marketing in Malaysian food heritage.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Using Passive Strategies to prevent overheating and promote resilient buildings
Published 2016“…This paper assesses the likelihood of a model dwelling in London overheating in line with climatic predictions for the year 2030, 2050 and 2080. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multi-Way and Poly-Phase Wideband Differential Phase Shifter Based on Metamaterial Technology
Published 2019“…This paper presents multi-way and poly-phase differential phase shifter (DPS) based on metamaterial technology to realize delay lines of equal length. The proposed phase shifter provides the required phase shift relative to the reference line over a wide bandwidth. …”
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Article -
Visual inference of arm movement is constrained by motor representations
Published 2015“…Our study highlighted a direction effect: endpoint prediction accuracy was better to infer the final position of horizontal motion directed toward the median line of human body. This finding suggests that the spatial prediction of endpoint is mapped onto implicit biomechanical knowledge such as joint limitation. …”
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Article -
How do counselling psychologists talk about doing therapy with working class clients in an IAPT setting?: a Foucauldian discourse analysis
Published 2020“…These discourses were explored in their historical and political contexts in line with FDA principles. Each discourse has implications for counselling psychologists, their working class clients, and wider society.…”
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Thesis -
A study on the sustainable financial inclusion in selected SAARC countries: a gender-based perspective
Published 2021“…The policy implications are further suggested in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).…”
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Article -
Fraudulent mediums and miracle-mongers: illusion, concealment and revelation in the works of Crivelli, Greenberg and Houdini
Published 2024“…This article aims to raise questions and comparisons between illusions found in pictorial language, magical apparatus and parafictions, illustrating the fine line between illusion and material, and concealment and revelation.…”
Article -
Comparison of Basic Iterative Methods Used to Solve of Heat and Fluid Flow Problems
Published 2023“…The Jacobi method, the point Gauss-Seidel method, the successive over-relaxation method (SOR), the line Gauss method (TDMA), the ADI method and Strongly Implicit (SIP) method are among the iterative approaches investigated, which are then compared to find the most optimal method. …”
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Article -
Comparison of Basic Iterative Methods Used to Solve of Heat and Fluid Flow Problems
Published 2023“…The Jacobi method, the point Gauss-Seidel method, the successive over-relaxation method (SOR), the line Gauss method (TDMA), the ADI method and Strongly Implicit (SIP) method are among the iterative approaches investigated, which are then compared to find the most optimal method. …”
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Article -
A review of using the force/torque sensor in robotics application
Published 2020“…Most of the robots on the assembly line use a force/torque sensor in a complex assembly process. …”
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Book Section -
Modeling of a turning tool holder with finite elements and simulation of its free vibration frequencies
Published 2012“…This study is part of an ongoing research that aims at modeling and simulating the turning process itself, with the ultimate goal of providing off-line simulation and prediction of chatter.…”
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Article -
Knowledge on nutrition and frequency of food intake among pregnant women visiting Peringgit Community Polyclinic Melaka (PCPM)
Published 2011“…Faridah Hashim as a Deputy Dean (Academic) and supervisor for her helpful supervision and guidance, without which this study would not have been able to see its fruition. Dato’ Dr. Hj. Azmi Bin Hashim (Pengarah, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka) and State Matron, Dr. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Terracotta figurines from the National and Military Museums in Sana’a, Yemen
Published 2007“…These include Wadi al-Thayyilah (1), Ma’rib (2), Wadi al-Jauf (3), Hajar bin Humeid (4), Sabir Lahj (5) and al-Quraiyat (6). …”
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Article -
الحلقة المفقودة في معادلة الحضارة من منظور التنوير الياباني إنجازات العزلة وتطورات الانفتاح = The missing link in the equation of civilization from the perspective of the Japanese...
Published 2015“…The study aspires to investigate the Japanese model of development based on the elements of civilization, namely man, the earth and time; as portrayed by Malik bin Nabi. We intend to examine these civilizational elements in the context of the Japanese model, and also to investigate the level of maturity of civilizational thoughts in the Japanese experience, especially after the Meiji. …”
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Article -
Evaluation of solid-state bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge as a promising environmental-friendly disposal technique
Published 2004“…The Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) sludge was considered for evaluation of SSB by monitoring the microbial growth and its subsequent roles in biodegradation under two conditions:(i) flask (F) and (ii) composting bin (CB) cultures. Sterile and semi-sterile environments were allowed in the F and the CB, respectively, using two mixed fungal cultures, Trichoderma harzianum with Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2094 (T/P) and T. harzianum with Mucor hiemalis (T/M) and two bulking materials, sawdust (SD) and rice straw (RS). …”
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Article -
Turning trash into treasure: exploring the potential of AI in municipal waste management - an in-depth review and future prospects
Published 2024“…To close this gap, this study conducts a thorough review of the relevant literature with an application of preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses-based methods, examining 229 peer-reviewed publications to explore the role of AI in different MWM areas, such as waste characteristics forecasting, waste bin level monitoring, process parameter prediction, vehicle routing, and MWM planning. …”
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Article -
Harmonisation of Contracts Act 1950 and the Shariah
Published 2016“…All of these legal requirements must be made according to prescribed time free from any conditions not in line with the Shariah (Kharofa, 2007). Due to the rapid development in contract laws around the world, certain provisions in the Contracts Act 1950 seem to appear outdated. …”
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