Showing 2,701 - 2,711 results of 2,711 for search '(((sspinal OR (((bin OR lingae) OR pin) OR pink)) OR line) OR (spins OR ping))', query time: 0.20s Refine Results
  1. 2701

    Measurement of the CKM angle $$\gamma $$ in the $${{{B} ^0} \rightarrow {D} {{K} ^{*0}}}$$ channel using self-conjugate $${D} \rightarrow {{K} ^0_{\textrm{S}}} h^+ h^-$$ decays by Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Beteta, C. Abellan, Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Adlarson, P., Afsharnia, H., Agapopoulou, C., Aidala, C. A., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., Akiba, K., Albicocco, P., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Albero, A. Alfonso, Aliouche, Z., Cartelle, P. Alvarez, Amalric, R., Amato, S., Amey, J. L., Amhis, Y., An, L., Anderlini, L., Andersson, M., Andreianov, A., Andreola, P. A., Andreotti, M., Andreou, D., Ao, D., Archilli, F., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Atzeni, M., Audurier, B., Perea, I. B. Bachiller, Bachmann, S., Bachmayer, M., Back, J. J., Bailly-reyre, A., Rodriguez, P. Baladron, Balagura, V., Baldini, W., de Souza Leite, J. Baptista, Barbetti, M., Barbosa, I. R., Barlow, R. J., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Bartolini, M., Baryshnikov, F., Basels, J. M., Bassi, G., Batsukh, B., Battig, A., Bay, A., Beck, A., Becker, M., Bedeschi, F., Bediaga, I. B., Beiter, A., Belin, S., Bellee, V., Belous, K., Belov, I., Belyaev, I., Benane, G., Bencivenni, G., Ben-Haim, E., Berezhnoy, A., Bernet, R., Andres, S. Bernet, Berninghoff, D., Bernstein, H. C., Bertella, C., Bertolin, A., Betancourt, C., Betti, F., Bezshyiko, Ia., Bhom, J., Bian, L., Bieker, M. S., Biesuz, N. V., Billoir, P., Biolchini, A., Birch, M., Bishop, F. C. R., Bitadze, A., Bizzeti, A., Blago, M. P., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blank, J. E., Blusk, S., Bobulska, D., Bocharnikov, V. B., Boelhauve, J. A., Garcia, O. Boente, Boettcher, T., Bohare, A., Boldyrev, A., Bolognani, C. S., Bolzonella, R., Bondar, N., Borgato, F., Borghi, S., Borsato, M., Borsuk, J. T., Bouchiba, S. A., Bowcock, T. J. V., Boyer, A., Bozzi, C., Bradley, M. J., Braun, S., Rodriguez, A. Brea, Breer, N., Brodzicka, J., Gonzalo, A. Brossa, Brown, J., Brundu, D., Buonaura, A., Buonincontri, L., Burke, A. T., Burr, C., Bursche, A., Butkevich, A., Butter, J. S., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Cadeddu, S., Cai, H., Calabrese, R., Calefice, L., Cali, S., Calvi, M., Gomez, M. Calvo, Campana, P., Perez, D. H. Campora, Quezada, A. F. Campoverde, Capelli, S., Capriotti, L., Carbone, A., Cardinale, R., Cardini, A., Carniti, P., Carus, L., Vidal, A. Casais, Caspary, R., Casse, G., Cattaneo, M., Cavallero, G., Cavallini, V., Celani, S., Cerasoli, J., Cervenkov, D., Chadwick, A. J., Chahrour, I. C., Chapman, M. G., Charles, M., Charpentier, Ph., Barajas, C. A. Chavez, Chefdeville, M., Chen, C., Chen, S., Chernov, A., Chernyshenko, S., Chobanova, V., Cholak, S., Chrzaszcz, M., Chubykin, A., Chulikov, V., Ciambrone, P., Cicala, M. F., Vidal, X. Cid, Ciezarek, G., Cifra, P., Ciullo, G., Clarke, P. E. L., Clemencic, M., Cliff, H. V., Closier, J., Cobbledick, J. L., Coco, V., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Cojocariu, L., Collins, P., Colombo, T., Comerma-Montells, A., Congedo, L., Contu, A., Cooke, N., Corredoira, I., Corti, G., Meldrum, J. J. Cottee, Couturier, B., Craik, D. C., Torres, M. Cruz, Currie, R., Da Silva, C. L., Dadabaev, S., Dai, L., Dai, X., Dall’Occo, E., Dalseno, J., D’Ambrosio, C., Daniel, J., Danilina, A., d’Argent, P., Davies, J. E., Davis, A., De Aguiar Francisco, O., de Boer, J., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Cian, M., De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca, U., De Lucia, E., De Miranda, J. M., De Paula, L., De Serio, M., De Simone, D., De Simone, P., De Vellis, F., de Vries, J. A., Dean, C. T., Debernardis, F., Decamp, D., Dedu, V., Buono, L. Del, Delaney, B., Dembinski, H.-P., Denysenko, V., Deschamps, O., Dettori, F., Dey, B., Nezza, P. Di, Diachkov, I., Didenko, S., Ding, S., Dobishuk, V., Dolmatov, A., Dong, C., Donohoe, A. M., Dordei, F., Reis, A. C. dos, Douglas, L., Downes, A. G., Duan, W., Duda, P., Dudek, M. W., Dufour, L., Duk, V., Durante, P., Duras, M. M., Durham, J. M., Dutta, D., Dziurda, A., Dzyuba, A., Easo, S., Egede, U., Egorychev, A., Egorychev, V., Orro, C. Eirea, Eisenhardt, S., Ejopu, E., Ek-In, S., Eklund, L., Elashri, M. E., Ellbracht, J., Ely, S., Ene, A., Epple, E., Escher, S., Eschle, J., Esen, S., Evans, T., Fabiano, F., Falcao, L. N., Fan, Y., Fang, B., Fantini, L., Faria, M., Farmer, K., Farry, S., Fazzini, D., Felkowski, L. F., Feng, M., Feo, M., Gomez, M. Fernandez, Fernez, A. D., Ferrari, F., Lopes, L. Ferreira, Rodrigues, F. Ferreira, Sole, S. Ferreres, Ferrillo, M., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Filippov, S., Fini, R. A., Fiorini, M., Firlej, M., Fischer, K. M., Fitzgerald, D. S., Fitzpatrick, C., Fiutowski, T., Fleuret, F., Fontana, M., Fontanelli, F., Foreman, L. F., Forty, R., Foulds-Holt, D., Lima, V. Franco, Sevilla, M. Franco, Frank, M., Franzoso, E., Frau, G., Frei, C., Friday, D. A., Frontini, L. F., Fu, J., Fuehring, Q., Fulghesu, T., Gabriel, E., Galati, G., Galati, M. D., Torreira, A. Gallas, Galli, D., Gambetta, S., Gandelman, M., Gandini, P., Gao, H. G., Gao, R., Gao, Y., Gao, Y., Garau, M., Martin, L. M. Garcia, Moreno, P. Garcia, Pardiñas, J. García, Plana, B. Garcia, Rosales, F. A. Garcia, Garrido, L., Gaspar, C., Geertsema, R. E., Gerken, L. L., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Giambastiani, L., Gibson, V., Giemza, H. K., Gilman, A. L., Giovannetti, M., Gioventù, A., Gironell, P. Gironella, Giugliano, C., Giza, M. A., Gizdov, K., Gkougkousis, E. L., Gligorov, V. V., Göbel, C., Golobardes, E., Golubkov, D., Golutvin, A., Gomes, A., Fernandez, S. Gomez, Abrantes, F. Goncalves, Goncerz, M., Gong, G., Gooding, J. A., Gorelov, I. V., Gotti, C., Grabowski, J. P., Cardoso, L. A. Granado, Graugés, E., Graverini, E., Graziani, G., Grecu, A. T., Greeven, L. M., Grieser, N. A., Grillo, L., Gromov, S., Gu, C., Guarise, M., Guittiere, M., Guliaeva, V., Günther, P. A., Guseinov, A. K., Gushchin, E., Guz, Y., Gys, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Hadjivasiliou, C., Haefeli, G., Haen, C., Haimberger, J., Haines, S. C., Halewood-leagas, T., Halvorsen, M. M., Hamilton, P. M., Hammerich, J., Han, Q., Han, X., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Hao, L., Harnew, N., Harrison, T., Hasse, C., Hatch, M., He, J., Heijhoff, K., Hemmer, F. H., Henderson, C., Henderson, R. D. L., Hennequin, A. M., Hennessy, K., Henry, L., Herd, J., Heuel, J., Hicheur, A., Hill, D., Hilton, M., Hollitt, S. E., Horswill, J., Hou, R., Hu, J., Hu, J., Hu, W., Hu, X., Huang, W., Huang, X., Hulsbergen, W., Hunter, R. J., Hushchyn, M., Hutchcroft, D., Ibis, P., Idzik, M., Ilin, D., Ilten, P., Inglessi, A., Iniukhin, A., Ishteev, A., Ivshin, K., Jacobsson, R., Jage, H., Elles, S. J. Jaimes, Jakobsen, S., Jans, E., Jashal, B. K., Jawahery, A., Jevtic, V., Jiang, E., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Y. J., John, M., Johnson, D., Jones, C. R., Jones, T. P., Joshi, S. J., Jost, B., Jurik, N., Juszczak, I., Kaminaris, D., Kandybei, S., Kang, Y., Karacson, M., Karpenkov, D., Karpov, M., Kautz, J. W., Keizer, F., Keller, D. M., Kenzie, M., Ketel, T., Khanji, B., Kharisova, A., Kholodenko, S., Khreich, G., Kirn, T., Kirsebom, V. S., Kitouni, O., Klaver, S., Kleijne, N., Klimaszewski, K., Kmiec, M. R., Koliiev, S., Kolk, L., Kondybayeva, A., Konoplyannikov, A., Kopciewicz, P., Kopecna, R., Koppenburg, P., Korolev, M., Kostiuk, I., Kot, O., Kotriakhova, S., Kozachuk, A., Kravchenko, P., Kravchuk, L., Kreps, M., Kretzschmar, S., Krokovny, P., Krupa, W., Krzemien, W., Kubat, J., Kubis, S., Kucewicz, W., Kucharczyk, M., Kudryavtsev, V., Kulikova, E. K., Kupsc, A., Lacarrere, D., Lafferty, G., Lai, A., Lampis, A., Lancierini, D., Gomez, C. Landesa, Lane, J. J., Lane, R., Langenbruch, C., Langer, J., Lantwin, O., Latham, T., Lazzari, F., Lazzeroni, C., Gac, R. Le, Lee, S. H., Lefèvre, R., Leflat, A., Legotin, S., Lenisa, P., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Leverington, B., Li, A., Li, H., Li, K., Li, L., Li, P., Li, P. -R., Li, S., Li, T., Li, T., Li, Y., Li, Z., Lian, Z., Liang, X., Lin, C., Lin, T., Lindner, R., Lisovskyi, V., Litvinov, R., Liu, G., Liu, H., Liu, K., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Salvia, A. Lobo, Loi, A., Castro, J. Lomba, Longstaff, I., Lopes, J. H., Huertas, A. Lopez, Soliño, S. L.ópez, Lovell, G. H., Lu, Y., Lucarelli, C., Lucchesi, D., Luchuk, S., Martinez, M. Lucio, Lukashenko, V., Luo, Y., Lupato, A., Luppi, E., Lynch, K., Lyu, X. -R., Ma, R., Maccolini, S., Machefert, F., Maciuc, F., Mackay, I., Macko, V., Mohan, L. R. Madhan, Madurai, M. M., Maevskiy, A., Maisuzenko, D., Majewski, M. W., Malczewski, J. J., Malde, S., Malecki, B., Malinin, A., Maltsev, T., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Mancuso, C., Escalero, R. Manera, Manuzzi, D., Manzari, C. A., Marangotto, D., Marchand, J. F., Marconi, U., Mariani, S., Benito, C. Marin, Marks, J., Marshall, A. M., Marshall, P. J., Martelli, G., Martellotti, G., Martinazzoli, L., Martinelli, M., Santos, D. Martinez, Vidal, F. Martinez, Massafferri, A., Materok, M., Matev, R., Mathad, A., Matiunin, V., Matteuzzi, C., Mattioli, K. R., Mauri, A., Maurice, E., Mauricio, J., Mazurek, M., McCann, M., Mcconnell, L., McGrath, T. H., McHugh, N. T., McNab, A., McNulty, R., Meadows, B., Meier, G., Melnychuk, D., Merk, M., Merli, A., Garcia, L. Meyer, Miao, D., Miao, H., Mikhasenko, M., Milanes, D. A., Milovanovic, M., Minard, M.-N., Minotti, A., Minucci, E., Miralles, T., Mitchell, S. E., Mitreska, B., Mitzel, D. S., Modak, A., Mödden, A., Mohammed, R. A., Moise, R. D., Mokhnenko, S., Mombächer, T., Monk, M., Monroy, I. A., Monteil, S., Morello, G., Morello, M. J., Morgenthaler, M. P., Moron, J., Morris, A. B., Morris, A. G., Mountain, R., Mu, H., Mu, Z. M., Muhammad, E., Muheim, F., Mulder, M., Müller, K., Murray, D., Murta, R., Muzzetto, P., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., Nanut, T., Nasteva, I., Needham, M., Neri, N., Neubert, S., Neufeld, N., Neustroev, P., Newcombe, R., Nicolini, J., Nicotra, D., Niel, E. M., Nieswand, S., Nikitin, N., Nolte, N. S., Normand, C., Fernandez, J. Novoa, Nowak, G. N., Nunez, C., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Oeser, T., Okamura, S., Oldeman, R., Oliva, F., Olocco, M. O., Onderwater, C. J. G., O’Neil, R. H., Goicochea, J. M. Otalora, Ovsiannikova, T., Owen, P., Oyanguren, A., Ozcelik, O., Padeken, K. O., Pagare, B., Pais, P. R., Pajero, T., Palano, A., Palutan, M., Panshin, G., Paolucci, L., Papanestis, A., Pappagallo, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Pappenheimer, C., Parkes, C., Passalacqua, B., Passaleva, G., Pastore, A., Patel, M., Patrignani, C., Pawley, C. J., Pellegrino, A., Altarelli, M. Pepe, Perazzini, S., Pereima, D., Castro, A. Pereiro, Perret, P., Perro, A., Petridis, K., Petrolini, A., Petrucci, S., Petruzzo, M., Pham, H., Philippov, A., Pica, L., Piccini, M., Pietrzyk, B., Pietrzyk, G., Pinci, D., Pisani, F., Pizzichemi, M., Placinta, V., Plews, J., Casasus, M. Plo, Polci, F., Lener, M. Poli, Poluektov, A., Polukhina, N., Polyakov, I., Polycarpo, E., Ponce, S., Popov, D., Poslavskii, S., Prasanth, K., Promberger, L., Prouve, C., Pugatch, V., Puill, V., Punzi, G., Qi, H. R., Qian, W., Qin, N., Qu, S., Quagliani, R., Rachwal, B., Rademacker, J. H., Rajagopalan, R., Rama, M., Pernas, M. Ramos, Rangel, M. S., Ratnikov, F., Raven, G., De Miguel, M. Rebollo, Redi, F., Reich, J., Reiss, F., Ren, Z., Resmi, P. K., Ribatti, R., Ricciardi, S., Richardson, K., Richardson-Slipper, M., Rinnert, K., Robbe, P., Robertson, G., Rodrigues, E., Fernandez, E. Rodriguez, Lopez, J. A. Rodriguez, Rodriguez, E. Rodriguez, Rolf, D. L., Rollings, A., Roloff, P., Romanovskiy, V., Lamas, M. Romero, Vidal, A. Romero, Ronchetti, F., Rotondo, M., Rudolph, M. S., Ruf, T., Fernandez, R. A. Ruiz, Vidal, J. Ruiz, Ryzhikov, A., Ryzka, J., Silva, J. J. Saborido, Sagidova, N., Sahoo, N., Saitta, B., Salomoni, M., Gras, C. Sanchez, Sanderswood, I., Santacesaria, R., Rios, C. Santamarina, Santimaria, M., Santoro, L., Santovetti, E., Saranin, D., Sarpis, G., Sarpis, M., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Saur, M., Savrina, D., Sazak, H., Smead, L. G. Scantlebury, Scarabotto, A., Schael, S., Scherl, S., Schertz, A. M., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Schmelling, M., Schmidt, B., Schmitt, S., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schubiger, M., Schulte, N., Schulte, S., Schune, M. H., Schwemmer, R., Schwering, G., Sciascia, B., Sciuccati, A., Sellam, S., Semennikov, A., Soares, M. Senghi, Sergi, A., Serra, N., Sestini, L., Seuthe, A., Shang, Y., Shangase, D. M., Shapkin, M., Shchemerov, I., Shchutska, L., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shen, Z., Sheng, S., Sheth, S. S., Shevchenko, V., Shi, B., Shields, E. B., Shimizu, Y., Shmanin, E., Shorkin, R., Shupperd, J. D., Siddi, B. G., Coutinho, R. Silva, Simi, G., Simone, S., Singla, M., Skidmore, N., Skuza, R., Skwarnicki, T., Slater, M. W., Smallwood, J. C., Smeaton, J. G., Smith, E., Smith, K., Smith, M., Snoch, A., Lavra, L. Soares, Sokoloff, M. D., Soler, F. J. P., Solomin, A., Solovev, A., Solovyev, I., Song, R., Song, Y., Song, Y. S., Song, Y. S., De Almeida, F. L. Souza, De Paula, B. Souza, Norella, E. Spadaro, Spedicato, E., Speer, J. G., Spiridenkov, E., Spradlin, P., Sriskaran, V., Stagni, F., Stahl, M., Stahl, S., Stanislaus, S., Stein, E. N., Steinkamp, O., Stenyakin, O., Stevens, H., Strekalina, D., Su, Y. S., Suljik, F., Sun, J., Sun, L., Sun, Y., Swallow, P. N., Swientek, K., Szabelski, A., Szumlak, T., Szymanski, M., Tan, Y., Taneja, S., Tat, M. D., Terentev, A., Teubert, F., Thomas, E., Thompson, D. J. D., Tilquin, H., Tisserand, V., T’Jampens, S., Tobin, M., Tomassetti, L., Tonani, G., Tong, X., Machado, D. Torres, Toscano, L., Tou, D. Y., Trippl, C., Tuci, G., Tuning, N., Ukleja, A., Unverzagt, D. J., Ursov, E., Usachov, A., Ustyuzhanin, A., Uwer, U., Vagnoni, V., Valassi, A., Valenti, G., Canudas, N. Valls, Dijk, M. Van, Hecke, H. Van, Herwijnen, E. van, Hulse, C. B. Van, Laak, R. Van, Veghel, M. van, Gomez, R. Vazquez, Regueiro, P. Vazquez, Sierra, C. V.ázquez, Vecchi, S., Velthuis, J. J., Veltri, M., Venkateswaran, A., Vesterinen, M., Vieira, D., Diaz, M. Vieites, Vilasis-Cardona, X., Figueras, E. Vilella, Villa, A., Vincent, P., Volle, F. C., Bruch, D. vom, Vorobyev, V., Voropaev, N., Vos, K., Vrahas, C., Walsh, J., Walton, E. J., Wan, G., Wang, C., Wang, G., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, N. W., Wang, R., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Ward, J. A., Watson, N. K., Websdale, D., Wei, Y., Westhenry, B. D. C., White, D. J., Whitehead, M., Wiederhold, A. R., Wiedner, D., Wilkinson, G., Wilkinson, M. K., Williams, I., Williams, M., Williams, M. R. J., Williams, R., Wilson, F. F., Wislicki, W., Witek, M., Witola, L., Wong, C. P., Wormser, G., Wotton, S. A., Wu, H., Wu, J., Wu, Y., Wyllie, K., Xian, S., Xiang, Z., Xie, Y., Xu, A., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, L., Xu, M., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Yang, D., Yang, S., Yang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Yeroshenko, V., Yeung, H., Yin, H., Yu, C. Y., Yu, J., Yuan, X., Zaffaroni, E., Zavertyaev, M., Zdybal, M., Zeng, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zharkova, A., Zhelezov, A., Zheng, Y., Zhou, T., Zhou, X., Zhou, Y., Zhovkovska, V., Zhu, L. Z., Zhu, X., Zhu, X., Zhu, Z., Zhukov, V., Zhuo, J., Zou, Q., Zucchelli, S., Zuliani, D., Zunica, G.

    Published 2024
    “…The CKM angle <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$\gamma $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>γ</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> is determined by examining the distributions of signal decays in phase-space bins of the self-conjugate <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${D} \rightarrow {{K} ^0_{\textrm{S}}} h^+ h^-$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>D</mml:mi> <mml:mo>→</mml:mo> <mml:msubsup> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>K</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> <mml:mtext>S</mml:mtext> <mml:mn>0</mml:mn> </mml:msubsup> <mml:msup> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>+</mml:mo> </mml:msup> <mml:msup> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>-</mml:mo> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> decays, where <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$h = \pi , K$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>=</mml:mo> <mml:mi>π</mml:mi> <mml:mo>,</mml:mo> <mml:mi>K</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>. …”
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  2. 2702

    Rotor angle stability-constrained dispatch and control of large-scale wind penetrated power system by Yuan, Heling

    Published 2022
    “…In general, four main effects on power system transient stability are: 1) wind generation has no contribution to system inertia and system with synchronous generators replaced by wind turbines will lead to reduction of inertia, 2) power electronics converter-based interfacing is added when wind turbines are implemented, which will change the dynamic behavior of the system, 3) power dispatch of synchronous machines will change fast to compensate wind power variation, 4) the magnitude and direction of power flows will fluctuate quickly and randomly in the transmission lines. Hence, it is an essential and significant problem to maintain system’s stability with high level wind power penetration. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  3. 2703

    Evaluating the socio-environmental impacts of monoculture cashew expansion in the Northern Western Ghats, India by Anushka Rege

    Published 2022
    “…Research along such socio-environmental lines can possibly contribute to the development of sustainability and certification initiatives for cashew. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  4. 2704

    Extreme learning machines for feature learning by Liyanaarachchi Lekamalage, Chamara Kasun

    Published 2017
    “…Hierarchal features consist of multiple levels and the low level features represent edges of an image such as lines and curves while high level features represent parts of the image such as nose, eyes of a face. …”
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  5. 2705

    Dynamics and stability of evaporating and condensing liquid layers by Wei, Tao

    Published 2018
    “…Finally, conclusions are drawn, and perspectives of future study based on these works have been proposed, including to model the dynamics of thin evaporating droplets with moving contact lines resulting from the successive touchdown of an evaporating layer and to investigate the relation between short-wave convection and long-wave deformation instabilities in the presence of phase change.…”
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  6. 2706

    Unsupervised bayesian generative methods by Li, Shaohua

    Published 2016
    “…This finding bridges the two very different lines of model selection methods. The third task is about Word Embedding, a technique that maps words in a natural language to continuous vectors which encode the semantic/syntactic regularities among the words. …”
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  7. 2707

    Semantic scene understanding on 3D point clouds by Dong, Shichao

    Published 2025
    “…Robotic techniques have automated many processes in production lines. However, in flexible production scenarios, certain tasks cannot yet be fully handled by robots and still require human involvement. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  8. 2708

    Next generation design of floating systems for coastal solar farms by Bi, Cheng

    Published 2023
    “…Experiments on a novel adaptive barrier-mooring system (ABMS) including perimeter pontoons, submerged barriers, clump weights, mooring lines and anchors were conducted to examine the adaptivity of ABMS to a large tidal range as well as its performance on platform stabilization under wave action. …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  9. 2709

    Antidiabetic activity of Curculigo latifolia extracts in vitro and in vivo studies by Ishak, Nur Akmal

    Published 2014
    “…In the present study, antidiabetic properties of C. latifolia in cell lines (in vitro) and in diabetic-induced rats were determined. …”
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  10. 2710

    Computational analysis for infectious diseases surveillance and host-pathogen interactions (in the context of Influenza A viruses) by Beyene, Biruhalem Taye

    Published 2017
    “…We used host gene expression signatures of cell lines from three species (A549 (human), CEF (chicken), and MDCK (canine) in response to six IAVs (H1N1/WSN, H5N2/F59, H5N2/F118, H5N2/F189, H5N3 and H9N2 viruses). …”
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    Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy
  11. 2711

    Tsewang Norbu NGB by Cantwell, C, Mayer, R

    Published 2025
    “…We give these where they occur: in due course, we intend to expand the entries for the opening formula to give the opening lines, even when a version of the classic formula does not occur. …”