Wear behavior of as-cast and heat treated triple particle size SiC reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites
Published 2009“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Choice of gDNA isolation method has a significant impact on average murine Telomere Length estimates
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that TL measurements, from murine gDNA, isolated via Spin Columns (SC) and Magnetic Beads (MB), generate significantly smaller T/S ratios compared to gDNA isolated via traditional phenol/chloroform methods. …”
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Organic-inorganic PTAA-SiGe transparent optical materials performance analysis for photo device applications
Published 2024“…To investigate the electrical performance of SiGe active materials based photo device, the spin coated organic p-materials contact is developed on sputtered SiGe on Quartz and ITO glass substrates. …”
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Organic-inorganic PTAA-SiGe transparent optical materials performancem analysis for photo device applications
Published 2024“…To investigate the electrical performance of SiGe active materials based photo device, the spin coated organic p-materials contact is developed on sputtered SiGe on Quartz and ITO glass substrates. …”
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Cancer control and prevention in Argentina
Published 2019“…From the 1920s to the early 1980s, three distinct periods can be identified: first, an institutional approach, where the first cancer institute attempted to concentrate all the activities related to the control of cancer, that is, lay education, scientific research, diagnosis and treatment, patients’ support, and cancer statistics; second, a state approach, inaugurated by the arrival of Juan Domingo Perón to government, where the centralization of cancer initiatives became a state affair; and third, a long period characterized by the retirement of the state—marked by political unrest and a succession of military governments until the return of democracy in 1983—informed by decentralizing policies, the prominent role of civil society actors, such as voluntary organizations and medical societies, and the relative sway of the Pan American Health Organization. Throughout these three periods, all these actors played a role, and their ambivalent relationship and, often poor, interaction shaped the country’s efforts to control and prevent a disease that, since the 1940s, has steadily occupied the second cause of death. …”
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Book Section -
Histopathological effects of Eurycoma Longifolia jack extract (tongkat ali) on the prostate of rats
Published 2013“…These dysplastic changes were equivalent to low grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia PIN. Conclusion: E.L. root extract can cause abnormal proliferation in the prostatic epithelium and these changes are dose dependant. …”
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A comprehensive survey on ‘‘various decoupling mechanisms with focus on metamaterial and metasurface principles applicable to SAR and MIMO antenna systems’’
Published 2020“…Such techniques include the use of defected ground structure (DGS), parasitic or slot element, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), complementary split-ring resonators (CSRR), decoupling networks, P.I.N or varactor diodes, electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, etc. …”
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Neurotisation In Extended Brachial Plexus Injury: Spinal Acessory Nerve (SAN) to Suprascapular Nerve (SSN) and Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AIN) branch to Pronator Quadratus (PQ) t...
Published 2018“…Nerve conduction studies showing evidence of left pan-plexus injury. Over 8 months he recovered lower trunk function and was planned for nerve transfer surgery for shoulder abduction and wrist extension. …”
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An analytical study of the role of selected metal ions in bone and joint diseases
Published 1995“…The speciation of the titanium (III)/titanium (IV) complexes in the biological matrices was investigated with Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy and high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with a Hahn spin echo pulse sequence. The chemical nature of non-protein bound iron present in knee joint synovial fluid obtained from RA patients was also investigated by use of NMR…”
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Thesis -
DNA extraction methodologies for ultra long nanopore sequencing to determine chromosome specific rodent telomere lengths
Published 2024“…Previous work in our lab shows that phenol/chloroform extraction damages DNA less than spin columns and magnetic beads and that extraction methods are crucial for accurate TL determination. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Development of Smart Chopper Composting Monitoring System
Published 2024“…A DC motor controlled by the Arduino Mega microcontroller was used to spin the chopper blades to shred the food into smaller sizes. …”
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Deposition of ZnO-Al (AZO) thin films for optical properties
Published 2021“…In this work, sol gel method and spin coating was used to deposited AZO thin films. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Gadzikano, Romano ciacipen, czyli w stronę dekolonizacji badań romologicznych
Published 2024“…Na stronie "Studiów Migracyjnych – Przeglądu Polonijnego" czytamy, że czasopismo „kontynuuje tradycje Przeglądu Polonijnego, który ukazał się po raz pierwszy w 1975 roku z inicjatywy ówczesnego Komitetu Badania Polonii PAN. Od samego początku Przegląd Polonijny […] był pismem interdyscyplinarnym, w którym dzieje i przemiany funkcjonowania skupisk polonijnych analizowano w kontekście szeroko rozumianych procesów migracji i stosunków etnicznych”. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…In this work, n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film was effectively constructed by means of sol-gel spin coating technique in an effort to diminish the electron-hole recombination rate from single-layered thin film. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…In this work, n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film was effectively constructed by means of sol-gel spin coating technique in an effort to diminish the electron-hole recombination rate from single-layered thin film. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…In this work, n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film was effectively constructed by means of sol-gel spin coating technique in an effort to diminish the electron-hole recombination rate from single-layered thin film. …”
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