In-Utero effects of the crude ethanolic extract of the leaves of mitragyna speciosa on neural tube formation in rats
Published 2010“…This study indicates that the crude extract of the leaves of MS is capable of selective neurotoxicity and producing spina bifida like NTD as characterized by altered brain size and neural tube formation, a finding that may have an important implication in the dependence liability associated with its use. …”
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Langerhans cell histiocytosis with extensive spinal and thyroid gland involvement presenting with quadriparesis: an unusual case in an adult patient
Published 2011“…Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the spine frequently presents as a solitary lesion and rarely results in neurological deficit. …”
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Case report of huge cervical dumbbell tumor in neurofibromatosis. Give up surgery?
Published 2011“…Neurofibromas that arise from the spinal canal may be intradural or extradural and most commonly in the cervical spine (44%), followed by the thoracic spine (27%) and the lumbar spine (21%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…Its low melting point is characterized as unique combination of superior properties like good friction and wear properties and economic in manufacturing. …”
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A study on laser engraving process parameters and performance characteristics for wood base materials
Published 2018“…This research presents a study on the parameter of laser engraving on pine wood and WPC materials by using EleksMaker Laser A5-Pro model with low diode laser (500Mw, 405nm wavelength). …”
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Thesis -
Bone health in urban midlife Malaysian women: risk factors and prevention
Published 2005“…Premenopausal women on HRT also showed a substantial decrease in spine and hip BMD, 18.6% (0.081 g/cm2) and 9.0% (0.122 g/cm2), respectively. …”
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Development of coated peanut separator and frying skillet machine
Published 2018“…The groundnut is sticking and become like a ping pong size ball and the time consuming to fry is longer. …”
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Photonic controlled metasurface for intelligent antenna beam steering applications including 6G mobile communication systems
Published 2023“…The metasurface layer is a lattice pattern of square framed rhombus ring shaped unit-cells that are interconnected by PIN photodiodes. The metasurface layer essentially acts like a superstrate when exposed to RF/microwave radiation. …”
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Holocene environmental change in the Scottish Highlands: multi-proxy evidence from blanket peats
Published 1997“…This thesis seeks to investigate the Holocene environmental history of two areas of Northern Scotland with specific reference to the evidence for pine woodland density variations and tree-line dynamics. …”
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Thesis -
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented with right upper limb weakness : a case report
Published 2012“…Distant metastasis to the cervical spine is the least common site in the vertebral system. …”
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Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…A study has been made on the wear and fiction of hardened AISI 1045 steel using a pi-pin-ondisc type of fiction and wear apparatus. During the investigation the linear pin wear, coe@cient of friction and rise in pin specimen temperature were monitored and wear and fiction curues 'plotted. …”
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Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…In line with this concept, an artificial control system is known as Central Pattern Generator (GPG) is an online motion generation system that can be generated instantly like spine based control system. CPG also generates online motion instantly. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Minute book of the Council of Irish County Association, 1966-1967
Published 1966“…Grey marbled paper covers, blue cloth spine. Manuscript.…”
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Minutes -
Minute book of the Council of Irish County Association, 1963-1969
Published 1963“…Brown covers, light brown cloth spine. Manuscript, with typescript insertions.…”
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Administrative Committee Minute Book. 1976-1982
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Minutes -
The potential of effective microorganism (EM) inclusion in enhancing the properties of cement paste and concrete
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the high compressive strength and low porosity also leading to improve the internal densification of cement matrix which reported the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and ettringite by detecting from formation of bundle shape and needles like pine leaves, acicular, thin, narrow and pointed shape, respectively at later age of 28 days and 60 days using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). …”
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Thesis -
Introducing an electronic portfolio : results of a one-semester pilot
Published 2009“…As part of this scheme, every undergraduate course includes a core spine module at each level: HEO (Higher Education Orientation) - a subject specific introduction to HE study module in the first year, an employability related module at level 2, and a project in the final year. …”
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Development of switchable planar reflectors for beam shaping realization
Published 2016“…Higher tunable loss factor of 1.91dB was demonstrated by liquid crystal based design as compared to tunable loss factor of 1.43dB shown by PIN diode based design. The investigations were further extended by carrying out equivalent circuit analysis of PIN diode based and liquid crystal based designs for detailed characterization of reconfigurable planar reflector designs. …”
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