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A bilayer swellable drug-eluting stent for the treatment of fibrosis-induced ureteral stricture recurrence
Published 2018“…These observations were likely due to the high equilibrium water content hence promoting the drug release. …”
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Thesis -
Strategies to increase response rate and reduce non-response bias in population health research: a series of randomised controlled trials during a large COVID-19 study
Published 2025“…Those receiving an additional text message were more likely to return a completed swab compared to those receiving the standard approach, 73.3% v 70.2%: percentage difference 3.1% (95% CI 2.2%, 4.0%).…”
Journal article -
Immune Checkpoint Blockade sensitivity and Progression-Free Survival associates with baseline CD8+ T cell clone size and cytotoxicity
Published 2021“…Cytotoxic effector clones were more likely to persist long-term following ICB and overlapped with public tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte clonotypes. …”
Dataset -
The relationship between leisure time physical activity patterns, Alzheimer’s disease markers and cognition
Published 2025“…Engagement in leisure time physical activity in the life course is associated with better cognitive functioning at age 70, even in those with early markers of Alzheimer’s disease. If causal, this is likely via multiple pathways, potentially through the preservation of hippocampal volume, as well as via cognitive resilience pathways delaying cognitive manifestations of early markers of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly in women. …”
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Adverse health events associated with antipsychotic use: an umbrella review
Published 2021“…In terms of patient variables, older adults aged over 65 and patients with dementia were more likely to experience antipsychotic-associated adverse outcomes than adults and patients with schizophrenia. …”
Thesis -
Differences in the effectiveness of individual-level smoking cessation interventions by socioeconomic status
Published 2025“…<p><b>Background</b></p> People from lower socioeconomic groups are more likely to smoke and less likely to succeed in achieving abstinence, making tobacco smoking a leading driver of health inequalities. …”
Journal article -
Early Immune Regulatory Changes in a Primary Controlled Human Plasmodium vivax Infection: CD1c + Myeloid Dendritic Cell Maturation Arrest,...
Published 2017“…Induction of the kynurenine pathway and increased Treg activation, together with skewed mDC maturation, suggest P. vivax promotes an immunosuppressive environment, likely impairing the development of a protective host immune response.…”
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Journal Article -
The effect of the amyloid-beta peptide on the fluidity of cell membranes : a study by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Published 2017“…Although there have been several studies done regarding this topic, the results have been conflicting and thus inconclusive, likely due to the drawbacks and biases introduced by techniques used in those studies. …”
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Thesis -
Selective lighting up of epiberberine alkaloid fluorescence by fluorophore-switching aptamer and stoichiometric targeting of human telomeric DNA G-quadruplex multimer
Published 2015“…The steady-state absorption, steady-state/time-resolved fluorescence, and NMR studies demonstrate that EPI most likely interact with the 5′ end flanking sequence substructure beyond the core [Q] and the G-quadruplex tetrad in a much more specific manner than the other alkaloids. …”
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Journal Article -
Structural analysis of the novel influenza A (H7N9) viral Neuraminidase interactions with current approved neuraminidase inhibitors Oseltamivir, Zanamivir, and Peramivir in the pre...
Published 2013“…Results: Combination of molecular docking and Molecular Dynamics simulation reveal that zanamivir forms more favorable and stable complex than oseltamivir and peramivir when binding to the active site of the H7N9 neuraminidase. And it is likely that the novel influenza A (H7N9) virus adopts a higher probability to acquire resistance to peramivir than the other two inhibitors. …”
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Journal Article -
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
Published 2025“…In other words, analyses with results that were far from the mean were no more or less likely to have dissimilar variable sets, use random effects in their models, or receive poor peer reviews than those analyses that found results that were close to the mean. …”
Journal article -
Fiona Patrick - Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych)
Published 2024“…Self-loathing may be a relevant NSB in overweight/obese populations. Considering the likely heterogeneity of overweight/obese populations is important in future work.…”
Thesis -
Forwards in time approaches to understanding genealogies in Λ-Fleming-Viot type models
Published 2024“…The patterns of isolation by distance reveal that ancestors are more likely to have originated from areas of high population density. …”
Thesis -
Understanding customer retrials in call centers: preferences for service quality and service speed
Published 2021“…<p><strong>Problem definition: </p></strong> Customers are likely to initiate retrial calls when their previous contact with a call center fails to deliver a satisfactory resolution. …”
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Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of responses to clinical and novel bisphosphonates
Published 2024“…Pre-clinical studies also indicate that the observed non-skeletal effects of bisphosphonates are likely due to mechanisms beyond inhibition of osteoclasts. …”
Thesis -
Long Covid: a global health issue – a prospective, cohort study set in four continents
Published 2024“…Participants in HICs were more likely to report not feeling fully recovered (54.3% vs 18.0%, p<0.001; 56.8% vs 40.1%, p<0.001), fatigue (42.9% vs 27.9%, p<0.001; 41.6% vs 27.9%, p<0.001), new/persistent fever (19.6% vs 2.1%, p<0.001; 20.3% vs 2.0%, p<0.001) and have a higher prevalence of anxiety/depression and impact on usual activities compared with participants in LMICs at 2 to <6 and 6 to <12 months post-COVID-19 hospital discharge, respectively. …”
Journal article -
Consensus on current management of endometriosis
Published 2013“…A different group of international experts from those participating in this process would likely have yielded subtly different consensus statements. …”
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Internet tool to support self-assessment and self-swabbing of sore throat: development and feasibility study
Published 2023“…A web-based tool that helps people assess their sore throat, through the use of clinical prediction rules, taking throat swabs or saliva samples, and taking throat photographs, has the potential to improve self-management and help identify those who are the most and least likely to benefit from antibiotics. <br><strong> Objective:<br></strong> We aimed to develop a web-based tool to help patients and parents or carers self-assess sore throat symptoms and take throat photographs, swabs, and saliva samples for diagnostic testing. …”
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Childhood bullying and mental health: understanding risk, resilience, and the role of anti-bullying interventions
Published 2023“…Children and young people in these latter groups are more likely to have elevated levels of mental health problems (Singham et al., 2017). …”