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Structure and functions of a metallo-beta-lactamase- like hypothetical protein bleg1_2437 from alkali-tolerant soil bacterium Bacillus lehensis G1
Published 2015“…In the present study, there are 1202 hypothetical proteins (HPs) have been discovered from newly sequenced genome of alkali-tolerant soil bacterium B. lehensis G1, HP Bleg1_2437 may likely be an MBL. Domain and sequence analysis of HP Bleg1_2437 using InterProScan and DELTA-BLAST revealed that this 23 kDa protein contains highly conserved metal-binding residues such as H54, H56, D58, H59, H131 and H191 that are similar with the those in subclass B3 of MBL that are involved in the coordination of two Zn2+ ions. …”
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Thesis -
In situ cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol binder for improving the long-term cycle life of silicon anodes in Li ion batteries
Published 2021“…Here, we report an in situ cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose-polyethylene glycol (CMC-PEG) binder and its application to the silicon anode to improve cycle life. Through in situ cross-linking during the electrode drying process, the cross-linked CMC-PEG binder is simply prepared without an additional process. …”
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Journal Article -
Health-related difficulty in internet use among older adults: correlates and mediation of its association with quality of life through social support networks
Published 2022“…We therefore examine the key correlates of health-related difficulty in internet use among older adults, and how it may affect the quality of life (QoL) through their perceived social support networks.…”
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Journal Article -
A novel approach based on the elastoplastic fatigue damage and machine learning models for life prediction of aerospace alloy parts fabricated by additive manufacturing
Published 2022“…After that, the two commonly-used ML models including artificial neural network (ANN) and random forest (RF) are implemented to carry out fatigue life prediction. Furthermore, the predicted data are compared with the experimental fatigue life, and the proposed novel method is verified. …”
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Journal Article -
Using surface markers to describe the kinematics of the medial longitudinal arch in a longitudinal study of flexible flat feet and health-related quality of life
Published 2023“…In addition, the effect of FFF in childhood on quality of life (QofL) in adulthood was assessed, to help decide which feet should be treated. …”
Thesis -
3D patient specific instrumentation for high tibial osteotomy
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Targeting NAPE-PLD: assessing its potential in the fight against malaria
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
From the complexities of Schizophrenia to the linguistics of Dialects and Singlish : a Chinese rendition of the sound of sch : a mental breakdown, a life journey by Danielle Lim
Published 2017“…Taking a functionalist perspective of translation, the Chinese rendition of The Sound of Sch: A Mental Breakdown, A Life Journey hopes to raise public awareness about mental illnesses in its target text readers, and to reduce social stigmatisation of the mentally ill in that process. …”
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Thesis -
Emergence of cortical network motifs for short-term memory during learning
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
3D printing formulation of probiotic extracellular vesicles for gastrointestinal cancer
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Commercialization strategy for FormaCyte therapeutics: Type 1 diabetes patient insights and regulatory pathway analysis on US FDA's impact on other jurisdictions
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of microfluidic chip for modeling of human gastrointestinal tract
Published 2025Subjects: Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Identification of novel interactions between MicroRNAs and pattern-recognition receptor signalling in dentritic cells
Published 2011Subjects:Thesis -
Darkness in the human gene and protein function space : widely modest or absent illumination by the life science literature and the trend for fewer protein function discoveries since 2000
Published 2019“…It has been found that less than 5000 human genes have each at least 100 FPEs in the available literature corpus. …”
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Journal Article -
Quantum scale biomimicry of low dimensional growth : an unusual complex amorphous precursor route to TiO2 band confinement by shape adaptive biopolymer-like flexibility for energy applications
Published 2020“…Here, we provide evidence for synthetic biomimicry akin to bio-polymerization mechanisms to steer disorder-to-order transitions via solvent plasticization-like behaviour. This challenges the rationale of quantum driven confinement processes by conventional processes. …”
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Journal Article -
Association between feel-like temperatures and injury risk during international outdoor athletic championships: a prospective cohort study on 29 579 athlete starts during 10 championships
Published 2024“…<p><strong>Objective:</strong> To analyse associations between feel-like temperatures measured with the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and injury rates during international athletic championships.…”
Journal article -
Dynamic altruistic cooperation within breast tumors
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
The mediating effect of positive and negative religious coping, compassion and resilience on the relationship between negative life events and wellbeing among women in Kenya, the Philippines, Nicaragua and Spain
Published 2025“…The current study explores the mediating effect of positive and negative religious coping on the relationship between negative life events and wellbeing, via its link with compassion and resilience among women who are involved in women’s empowerment programs run by a US faith-based non-profit humanitarian and disaster relief organisation, Convoy of Hope. …”
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