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Belgrave's quest for moral order in Bahrain, 1926-1957
Published 2018“…It shows how colonial officials responsible for exercising authority over Bahrain viewed these trends with alarm, as likely to spur a broader process of social decline, and ultimately bring about challenges to Britain’s political legitimacy in Bahrain.…”
Thesis -
Perceptions of a Buruli ulcer controlled human infection model: How, who, and why?
Published 2025“…An M. ulcerans controlled human infection model (MuCHIM) is likely to accelerate our understanding of this otherwise neglected disease, and may be an efficient platform for testing vaccines and other interventions. …”
Journal article -
The molecular pathogenesis of FUS mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using in vivo and in vitro models
Published 2015“…</p> <p>This work suggests that mutations in <em>FUS</em> are likely to affect motor neurons even when expressed at very low levels. …”
Thesis -
Concept of Computational Fluid Dynamics Design and Analysis Tool for Food Industry: A Bibliometric
Published 2024“…Completing this research will likely provide information regarding publication sources and contributions made by several scientists from various affiliates and countries worldwide.…”
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Article -
The Role Perceived Customer Value, Relational Norms, and Switching Costs in Determining Islamic Banking Customes' Loyalty in Dual Banking Environment Settings (S/O 12698)
Published 2021“…While relationship quality has been identified as an important predictor of customer loyalty, perceived value, relational norms, and switching costs are also likely to influence relationship quality and customer loyalty. …”
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Monograph -
Analysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) degradation kinetics of evolved IsPETase variants using a surface crowding model
Published 2024“…Based on total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy and adsorption experiments, IsPETase is likely experiencing crowded conditions on PET films. …”
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Article -
Effect of a high strength chemical industry wastewater on microbial community dynamics and mesophilic methane generation
Published 2014“…The analysis revealed that the presence of organisms resembling Syntrophomonadaceae could have contributed to increased production of acetic and propionic acid intermediates while decrease of organisms resembling Pelotomaculum sp. could have most likely contributed to accumulation of propionic acid. …”
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Journal Article -
Low biodegradability of dissolved organic matter from Southeast Asian peat-draining rivers
Published 2021“…Our results suggest that direct microbial respiration is perhaps not a major pathway for peatland tDOC remineralization in Southeast Asia and that photo-oxidation is more likely to control the fate of this carbon.…”
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Journal Article -
Hippocampal transcriptome profiling reveals common disease pathways in chronic hypoperfusion and aging
Published 2021“…Our data provide a genetic-based molecular framework for hypoperfusion-induced hippocampal damage and reveal common cellular signaling pathways likely to be important in the pathophysiology of VaD.…”
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Journal Article -
Factors associated with the intention to practise family planning among antenatal women with risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in Klang Health District: a cross-sectional study
Published 2024“…Malay antenatal women from low-income households with good knowledge and previous practice were more likely to have the intention to practise FP after delivery. …”
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Article -
Plan Implementation Challenges in a Shrinking City: A Conformance Evaluation of Youngstown’s (OH) Comprehensive Plan With a Subsequent Zoning Code
Published 2020“…Takeaway for practice: Our findings indicate that implementing smart shrinkage land use recommendations in shrinking cities is likely to be challenging because legislators may resist codification of reduced populations and lessened economic capacity. …”
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Carbon Capture Efficiency in Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plants: Analyzing the Effects of Variable Load Operations
Published 2024“…Harsher start-up penalties applied to natural gas plants likely increase the incremental value of alternative energy technologies, although natural gas retains a critical role in the energy mix.…”
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Thesis -
Investigation of the fuel consumption of a ship considering the dynamic coupling effect among resistance, propeller torque and engine power under the control of a governor
Published 2023“…Given the extensive costs involved to upgrade an existing ship in the fleet, it is likely that most ship owners will choose to reduce their ships’ speed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Molecular and biochemical characterisation of human casein kinase I alpha splice variants
Published 2009“…Both splice variants are also likely to be encoded by the 2.4 kb mRNA transcripts, generated by employing an alternate polyadenylation signal identified in the longer transcripts. …”
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Thesis -
Development of novel monitors for early detection of fouling in reverse osmosis systems
Published 2014“…The current generation of RO membranes is of sufficiently high permeability that further significant improvement in RO membrane permeability is less likely to be the primary driver for a major reduction in the cost of desalination but should arise from a variety of other process improvements. …”
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Thesis -
Molluscum contagiosum and associations with atopic eczema in children: a retrospective longitudinal study in primary care
Published 2015“…Children were found to be more likely to have an MC consultation if they had previously consulted a GP with AE (OR 1.13; 95% CI = 1.11 to 1.16; P<0.005).…”
Journal article -
Fedratinib combined with ropeginterferon alfa-2b in patients with myelofibrosis (FEDORA): study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, Bayesian phase II trial
Published 2025“…It has shown activity in MF and is well-tolerated, but combination with other therapies is likely needed to achieve clonal remission. Combining a JAK2 inhibitor with an interferon may be synergistic, as haematopoietic cells are activated from quiescence (a typical kinase resistance mechanism) rendering them more sensitive to inhibition. …”
Journal article -
Early, very high-titre convalescent plasma therapy in clinically vulnerable individuals with mild COVID-19 (COVIC-19): protocol for a randomised, open-label trial
Published 2023“…However, many aspects of CCP treatment still require investigations: in particular (1) Optimisation of the CCP product, (2) Identification of the patient population in need and most likely to benefit from this treatment approach, (3) Timing of administration and (4) CCP efficacy across viral variants in vivo. …”
Journal article -
Environmental risk factors for self-harm during imprisonment: A pilot prospective cohort study
Published 2025“…Findings regarding prisoner-staff ratio and self-harm most likely reflect a reverse causal relationship. Replication in larger cohort studies is required to address the limitations of this pilot study.…”
Journal article