Dose and duration of opioid use in patients with cancer andn non-cancer pain at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia: A retrospective cross sectional study
Published 2016“…The median days covered in a year was 37 days in both study groups. Conclusions: The finding from this study showed that 42% of opioid users at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia received opioids for non-cancer pain and 21.8% of these users were prescribed opioid for long term. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Monetary policy shocks and Islamic banks' deposits in a dual banking system: empirical evidence from Malaysia and Bahrain
Published 2009“…First, the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is used to examine the long-run dynamics among the variables. Compared to the Malaysian Islamic banks' deposits, the study finds that the Islamic banks' deposits in Bahrain are sensitive to monetary policy changes. …”
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Development and evaluation of linerboard made from soda-anthraquinone treated coconut coir fiber for protective packaging
Published 2018“…In addition, the used of coir fiber as short fiber in the blending process may replace the using of imported long fiber as commonly used in Malaysian industrial linerboard.…”
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Thesis -
Development of timber concrete composite (TCC) beam with post-tensioning
Published 2020“…So this type of rod bar (silver color with long nut coupling) is the more efficient in use due to the high contact friction surface area for long coupling nut. …”
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Thesis -
An empirical study of the effects of personality in pair programming using the five-factor model
Published 2009“…Pair Programming (PP) has been long researched in industry and academia. Although research evidence about its usefulness is somewhat inconclusive, previous studies showed that its use in an academic environment can benefit students in programming and design courses. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An empirical investigation of banking customers’ perception of the viability of Islamic banking in Côte d’Ivoire
Published 2015“…Recommendations based on research findings are also offered.…”
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Ottoman connections to the Malay world: Islam, law and society
Published 2011“…This book constitutes a study of Southeast Asia, discussing the Malay world's long historical connection with the Muslim people including the Rumi-Turks, Hadramīs and the Ottomans. …”
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Book -
Solitons mobility in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice
Published 2011“…The present work is devoted to the theoretical investigation of the dynamics of Bose –Einstein condensates (BEC) in optical lattice with the long range magnetic dipole-dipole interaction between atoms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linear and nonlinear models of heredity for blood groups and rhesus factor
Published 2009“…We consider linear and nonlinear stochastic models for transmission of blood types and Rhesus factor from parents to their offspring and investigate long run behavior of these models. In this study we will consider an application of the theory of Markov chains and the theory of nonlinear transformations in medicine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Continuous quality improvement strategies in engineering curriculum
Published 2011“…The strategies of continuous quality improvement are normally described in terms of ability to satisfy the current and future needs of industry, mobility, and life-long commitment to learning. In this paper, the need for continuous quality improvement in higher education; the role of academic in higher education; some of the strategies and techniques universities are employing for continuous quality improvement are discussed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy logic approach for prediction the lift coefficient on an aircraft model with and without winglet
Published 2009“…This paper describes the unique structure of an aircraft model with and without winglet tested at Aerodynamics Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering (University Putra Malaysia) using subsonic wind tunnel of 1000 mm × 1000 mm rectangular test section and 2500 mm long. Focusing on predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft model, three main issues are studied in this paper. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling G2C adoption in developing country: A case study of Malaysia
Published 2009“…Electronic government or e-government has long been known as a breakthrough of a new form of communication and transaction between the government and citizens, the government and industries, and among the government agencies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Influence of TaC Powder Additive on electrical discharge machining of stainless Steel
Published 2011“…Results indicate that the surface roughness were found to be lowest at 2.5A under long machining periods of various concentrations of the powder. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A new approach of applying cryogenic coolant in turning AISI 304 stainless steel
Published 2010“…The base of the device is a magnet and it can be fixed at any suitable position on the tool or tool post. A long flexible and adjustable copper nozzle is used to apply liquid nitrogen at any angle or from any position. …”
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Article -
Introduction to fingerprint verification
Published 2011“…It has been used as a form of identification for a long time and considers an acceptance and fear. Fingerprints consider by people as unique and can be used to identify someone. …”
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Book Chapter -
Modification of CDV reactor for carbon nanomaterialns production
Published 2010“…However, improvement of the CVD reactor system was necessary due to its long time requirement to complete each batch of production. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
State of the art review on walking support system for visually impaired people
Published 2011“…The technology for terrain detection and walking support system for blind people has rapidly been improved the last couple of decades but to assist visually impaired people may have started long ago. Currently, a variety of portable or wearable navigation system is available in the market to help the blind for navigating their way in his local or remote area. …”
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Article -
The Feudal Lords of Lahore’s stock exchange
Published 2010“…The chief architect behind all these feudal and corrupt practices was the man who had been working as a General Manager for a long time. The Malaysian CEO patiently studied the organizational culture and practices and introduced several cultural and structural changes. …”
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Article -
دور المؤثرات السقافية في تقدير المدى الزمني للفونيم: دراسة فونولوجية حاسوبية = dawr al-mu'asirat al-siyaqiyah fi taqdir al-mada al-zamani li al-fonim: dirasah fonololojiyah hasubi...
Published 2012“…This is done by tracking the time of long vowels in the samples of the study. The effects in approximating the time of the phoneme will be concluded through the analysis of the Quranic recitations by the samples which consist of reliable recitors such as Syaikh ‘Abdulla Basfar, Saikh Muhammad Ayyub, and Syaikh Masyari bin Rasyid al-‘Afasi. …”
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Article -
An empirical analysis of causality between development of non-bank financial intermediaries and the economic growth in malaysia
Published 2012“…The result also shows evidence of a unique long-run causality running from nonbank financial intermediaries to per capita economic growth, but not the vice versa…”
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