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From housework to home-making: unpacking the experiences of Indonesian migrant domestic workers in Singapore
Published 2024“…Firstly, ‘home’ is conceptualised as multi-dimensional, ascribed to elements of time, space and emotion. For most respondents, ‘home’ remains tied to a singular geographical boundary at any one time, while emotional attachment to people or communities influences the intensity of ‘home’. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spatio-temporal model to forecast COVID-19 confirmed cases in high-density areas of Malaysia
Published 2024“…Specifically, the study compares the effectiveness of the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), a univariate model and the Generalized Space-Time autoregressive integrated (GSTARI), a multivariate model. …”
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Article -
Soliton Resolution for the Energy-Critical Nonlinear Wave Equation in the Radial Case
Published 2023“…We prove that every finite energy solution with bounded energy norm resolves, continuously in time, into a finite superposition of asymptotically decoupled copies of the ground state and free radiation.…”
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Article -
Technologies of the soul: ancient wisdom in the smart nation
Published 2023“…Technologies of the Soul shows us how Asia’s ancient traditions have adapted rituals, sacrifices, prayers, and sabbaticals – and other techniques of the self – to create space outside of time to maintain peace and serenity.…”
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Working Paper -
Scheduling of dynamically evolving parallel programs using the genetic approach
Published 2011“…Each parallel program dynamically evolves during execution time and resulted in a tree-like execution structure. …”
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Thesis -
The sinusoidal traversable wormhole.
Published 2013“…In a baby universe or the universe at a very small scale, the geometry of space-time is believed to exist as a foamy structure; a term called quantum foam first suggested by John Wheeler. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simulation tools for designing transportation of goods infrastructures in industrial areas
Published 2015“…With the rising development and constraint of time and space, the demand for simulation tools are on the rise. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Engineering education with virtual reality (Drill press machinary)
Published 2017“…In educational school, students in engineering or material affiliated courses will come across machineries that do preparation of workpiece to meet the design parameters. But due to the space constraints and tide lesson schedules, not all students can get to interact with all the machineries at least before they start working in their relevant fields. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The musician chair
Published 2018“…Due to the variety of equipment, handling multiple items is a not an easy task most of the time. With limited space on stage, moving or adjusting these equipment simultaneously require extra effort and care in order to prevent hits and drops. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Safe reinforcement learning in automotive
Published 2020“…This approach leads to an improvement in performance and scalability for finding the right monitoring policies, as the safety properties enforces bounds on the search space.…”
Thesis -
The rise and fall of ‘’: Dilemmas and opportunities when creating online forums to investigate health behaviour
Published 2014“…I reflect on how the use of virtual space may allow for more liberated and ‘free’ talk about sensitive topics in health, yet at the same time may create a voyeuristic and potentially abusive environment. …”
Journal article -
Multilevel converter-based grid-connected energy storage systems
Published 2018“…The first order filter need less storage space and have smoother output when the maximum ramp rate is same. …”
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Thesis -
First results on a new PIAA coronagraph testbed at NASA Ames
Published 2017“…Furthermore, the current NASA science budget may only allow for a small 1-2 m space telescope for this task, which puts strong demands on the performance of the imaging instrument. …”
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Presentation -
Ideology, patronage, and manipulation of translation in Zouxiang weilai congshu: with special reference to the translation and introduction of Max Weber
Published 2023“…By placing translated literature against a specific cultural time and space, this paper explains the cultural objectives and forms of literary translation, as well as translations that were specially made to achieve certain cultural objectives and the cultural effect of such translations.…”
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Journal Article -
iOS platform development for BSTAR system
Published 2016“…Moreover, the manipulation of these corresponding devices like air conditioning and dehumidifier is merely available in a limited distance and space. Another possibility is that the system should be started at the time when the user cannot make, like the time the user is sleeping. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sizing of energy storage system for grid-connected inverters to enhance system stability
Published 2019“…The simulations were conducted in both Simulink and real time (OPAL-RT), after which the experiment was taken a step further by implementing the control of the ESS in a hardware-in-the-loop setup (dSpace).…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Emergency evacuation of urban underground commercial street based on BIM approach
Published 2024“…The analysis includes evacuation stair travel time and personnel available safe evacuation time (TASET). …”
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Article -
Developing a portable, high-speed, low-cost desktop photoacoustic tomography imaging system
Published 2019“…Due to this we saved a humongous amount of space occupied by the previously used Nd:YAG-OPO laser (placed outside the scanning area). …”
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Thesis -
The influence of mode dominance and traveling waves on flexible cylinder flow-induced vibration
Published 2024“…Flexible cylinder flow-induced vibration exhibits complex variations in space and time. Sheared current profiles lead to variable excitation along the length. …”
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Article -
The geomorphic work of the European mole (Talpa europaea): long-term monitoring of molehills using structure-from-motion photogrammetry
Published 2024“…</p> <p>By examining molehills created by the European mole (<em>Talpa europaea</em>) over four months on a floodplain in Oxfordshire, UK, we provide a quantitative assessment of how these landforms evolve over time and space. Through the creation of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, we derive a variety of metrics describing molehill morphology and produce a detailed record of how molehills change at weekly time intervals. …”
Journal article