Global China
Published 2022“…China’s influence in global capitalism has increasingly become prevalent, exceeding the limit of studies about China. …”
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Eurocentric fables of international debt and China. China report
Published 2024Get full text
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L’urgenza del suono come espressione propria: conversazione con Anna Oxa
Published 2024“…In questa conversazione la cantante italiana Anna Oxa riflette sulla sua carriera, sulla sua relazione con i fan, e sugli elementi chiave della sua pratica artistica, come ad esempio l’importanza di creare la propria musica al di là delle pressioni del mondo della celebrità, i dettami dell’industria musicale, o le aspettative tradizionali di genere che esistono nei confronti delle artiste donne nel mondo della musica. …”
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An extended NATREX model for China
Published 2008“…This paper extends, for the first time, Stein’s (1995a) NATREX model to China and other similar emerging market economies. …”
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Rural transformation and productivity in China
Published 2008“…This paper carries out for the first time an econometric investigation of the contribution of rural transformation to total factor productivity in China. We find that the efficiency gains resulting from rural transformation make a significant and nontrivial contribution to factor productivity in China. …”
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Microcredit in China: Recommendations for Policy Makers
Published 2010“…This is the first of a series of planned reports on microcredit in China. In this paper we offer our view of what is preventing microcredit from developing in China and offer a list of recommendations for Chinese policy makers that wish to promote this sector. …”
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China collection 2.1: Aerosol Optical Depth dataset for mainland China at 1km resolution
Published 2015“…We compared the China Collection 2.1 AOD datasets for 2010 with AERONET data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Visualizing the intercity highway network in mainland China
Published 2019“…China is accelerating its high-speed transportation network development. …”
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Visualizing the intercity railway network in Mainland China
Published 2018“…In China, railways play a major role in inter-city travel. his study uses an equal population cartogram to plot the intercity railway network in Mainland China…”
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Conceptualizing Made in China for a museum exhibition
Published 2022“…The Wereldmuseum Rotterdam is planning to hold an exhibition on China in 2023 in which fashion and design are one of the exhibiting categories. …”
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Two pandemics in China, One Health in Chinese
Published 2022“…The philosophy of One Health is now widely accepted by the international community, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was first reported in China, but its origin is far from certain. China has suffered two major pandemics during the 21st century. …”
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China's influence on fashion-making in Southeast Asia
Published 2024“…This podcast discusses Ling's research on China’s influence on fashion-making in Southeast Asia, from the fabric supply chain through design and sales; how fashion designers in the region feel about this influence and how these sentiments vary by country; steps Vietnamese designers are taking to highlight Vietnamese characteristics in fashion; how the research fieldwork and methodology are conducted for the study.…”
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Labour reallocation and total factor productivity growth in China
Published 2010“…This paper carries out an empirical investigation of the contribution of labour reallocation, which can produce efficiency gains over and above those associated with technical progress, to total factor productivity in China during the pre-reform and post-reform periods. …”
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A limping West sees a confident China
Published 2008“…This paper is a commentary on China post the Beijing Olympics and its economic self-confidence. …”
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International capital markets structure, preferences and puzzles: the US-China case
Published 2014“…In this paper, we show that instead a two country-two good model with recursive preferences, international complete markets and correlated long-run innovations can address all five puzzles for a relatively large range of parameter values, specifically in the case of the US and China. Therefore, in contrast to other IBC models, its performance does not rely on any financial market imperfections.…”
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Quality assurance plan for China collection 2.0 aerosol datasets
Published 2014Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Role of China in Africa : three case studies of Angola, Ethiopia and Zambia
Published 2019“…Therefore, this paper will focus on three examples of China’s development ‘partnerships’: Angola, Ethiopia and Zambia. …”
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The equilibrium real effective exchange rate of China : a NATREX approach
Published 2008“…In this paper we examine the determinants of China’s equilibrium real effective exchange rate and investigate the misalignments in the Renminbi. …”
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The value and meaning of temporality and Its relationship to identity in Kunming City, China
Published 2018“…This chapter highlights the changing relationships between the city and its modes of representation through an examination of the historical transformations of Kunming, a city on the southwest border of China. Our intention is to introduce particular characteristics of urban space in Kunming as the basis for a more detailed examination of the historical differences between Western and Chinese perspectives of temporality in building, which will be explored in a forthcoming book, and how these differences are manifested in the changing social contexts of the city. …”
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Book Section -
An atmospheric correction algorithm for FY3/MERSI data over land in China
Published 2016“…This paper presents an atmospheric correction algorithm for FY3/MERSI data over land in China, taking into account the directional properties of the observed surface by a kernel-based Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model. …”
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