Published 2010“…It would be instructive, therefore, to reflect on Martin Lings' explanation of the concepts of "development" (tatawwur), "progress" (taqaddum), "renewal" (tajdid) and "renaissance" (nahdah).....…”
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Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of molecular geometry and configuration
Published 1984“…Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr) spectroscopy has been employed to determine molecular geometries, anisotropies in the indirect spin-spin couplings and chemical shifts, quadrupolar coupling constant, signs of indirect spin-spin coupling constants and conformational preferences of selected molecules by using isotropic and oriented solvents.…”
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Thesis -
Fabrication of spintronics device by direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from ferromagnetic electrodes
Published 2008“…We describe an alternative method for realizing a carbon nanotube spin field-effect transistor device by the direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on substrates by alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition. …”
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Theoretical study for magnetic effect in dissociative adsorption of oxygen to a platinum monolayer on Ni(110) surface
Published 2012“…The reason of decrease of activation barrier can be attributed to the flow of electrons from oxygen to platinum surface because the d orbitals have spin polarization at the Fermi level where the down spin d orbitals are unoccupied.…”
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Theoretical study for magnetic effect in dissociative adsorption of oxygen to a platinum monolayer on Ni(110) surface
Published 2011“…The reason of decrease of activation barrier can be attributed to the flow of electrons from oxygen to platinum surface because the d orbitals have spin polarization at the Fermi level where the down spin d orbitals are unoccupied.…”
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Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…This paper will evaluate Malay mythology and the science of symbols from the perennialists point of view by taking into of consideration the various explanations made by scholars like Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr regarding myths, symbols and imageries in traditional thought and literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface roughness of sputtered silicon. I. surface modeling
Published 2001“…The beam function includes ion type, ion acceleration energy, and beam parameters. …”
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Optimization of gadolinium-doped zinc oxide films for diluted magnetic semiconductor and its effects on organic solar cell performance
Published 2017“…The result showed that the efficiency of Spin-OSC (0.16 %) was higher than conventional-OSC (0.04 %). …”
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Thesis -
MBE growth and investigation of (001) GaAs surfaces using SIMS
Published 1985“…The sensitivity of various secondary ion species to the primary ion dose was also measured. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of finite bandwidth squeezed light on entanglement creation in the Dicke model
Published 2004“…We find that the jump of the degree of entanglement is due to a flip of the spin squeezing from one quadrature component of the atomic spin to the other component when the phase changes from zero to π. …”
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Mathematical modeling of sputtering-induced surface roughness
Published 2001“…The beam function includes ion type, acceleration energy, ion flux, ion beam intensity distribution, tailing and neighboring of the successive beams, and dwell time. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The competing interactions on a Cayley tree-like lattice: pentagonal chandelier
Published 2012“…Different types of lattice spin systems with competing interactions have rich and interesting phase diagrams. …”
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Phase diagram of an Ising model with competitive interactions on a Husimi tree and its disordered counterpart
Published 2008“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. …”
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Reconstruction and electronic properties of interface between carbon nanotubes and ferromagnetic co electrodes
Published 2012“…It implies that the spin transport through this layer is low, which results in the small hysteretic magneto-resistance of carbon nanotube devices.…”
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Lattice models with interactions on Caylay tree
Published 2010“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface roughness of FIB sputtered silicon
Published 2001“…The beam function includes ion type, acceleration voltage, ion flux, intensity distribution, dwell time, etc; the material function includes the inherent material properties related to FIB micromachining. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sidewall surface roughness of Sputtered Silicon 1: surface modelling
Published 2003“…The beam function includes ion type, ion acceleration voltage, beam radius, tailing and neighbouring of the successive beams. …”
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Probes in gaseous plasmas
Published 1966“…The plasma parameters of interest are electron and ion temperature, electron and ion concentration, and plasma potential.…”
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Thesis -
Quantum Markov fields on graphs
Published 2010“…We introduce generalized quantum Markov states and generalized d-Markov chains which extend the notion quantum Markov chains on spin systems to that on C∗-algebras defined by general graphs. …”
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