Arap Baharı’nın kavşak noktası (Crossroads of the Arab Spring)
Published 2012“…Ürdün’ün başkenti Amman’ın mütekavvim üniversitelerinden biri olan Ürdün Üniversitesi’nde mastır çalışması yaparken mütemadiyen gidip geldiğim, zamanımı etkili ve hesaplı kullanarak üniversitenin yoğun derslerinin yanında kendimi daha da geliştirerek ruhi olgunluğuma katkı sağlaması için iştirak ettiğim “al-Mahad al-Alami lil-Fikr al-Islami”, International Institute of Islamic Thought, (IIIT) vardı. …”
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Studies on the growth and characterization of rare-earth Gd-Doped InGan/Gan magnetic semiconductor heterostructures
Published 2011“…Spintronics is an emerging field in which the spin of carriers in addition to the charge of carriers can be used to achieve new functionalities in electronic devices. …”
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Thesis -
Cloning and expression of Voltage-dependent Anion Channel 2 (VDAC2) from electrically stimulated chicken
Published 2013“…Recombinant VDAC2 protein was purified by Ni-NTA spin-column. Western blot performed using polyclonal anti-N terminal human VDAC2 and anti-His tag revealed a 34 kDa protein, confirming the expression of recombinant VDAC2.…”
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Fetih 1453 ile Gelen Kalıba Sığmayan Evrensel Boyut (Unlimited universal dimension with the coming of the Conquest 1453)
Published 2012“…Anlamış olsalardı baskı ve zulümlerinin farkına varır, yaptıklarından pişman olup iyilik yoluna seferber olurlardı. Böyle olması Allah’ın, Yüce Kudretin (cc) tecellisinin bir ifadesidir ki zalimler hak ettiği cezayı bu dünyada da tadabilsinler.…”
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Akrabalık bağları ve Çin ziyaretinin önemi (The importance of the visit to China and Kinship Ties)
Published 2012“…Başbakanımız Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın 8–12 Nisan’da Çin'e yapmış olduğu resmi ziyaretle bir çok değişimlerin de zamanla geleceğini ümit etmekteyiz. …”
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Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes
Published 1990“…Hossbauer and magnetic studies indicate that Na[Fe(N-Acqo)j]-4H20 is a low spin iron(II) complex whereas the bischelates have properties indicative of the S - 1 spin state. …”
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Thesis -
Lyapunov exponents and modulated phases of an ising model on cayley tree of arbitrary order
Published 2012“…Different types of the lattice spin systems with the competing interactions have rich and interesting phase diagrams. …”
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Heterologous expression of Bromelain in Escherichia coli
Published 2011“…The enzyme fractions were purified using Nickel-NTA spin column. Purification fold and % yield of the purified lysate were found to be 35 and 75% respectively. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phase diagrams of an Ising system with competing binary, prolonged ternary and next-nearest interactions on a Cayley tree
Published 2011“…In this paper we consider the Ising model with spin values in Φ = {−1, 1}, the relevant Hamiltonian with competing binary nearest-neighbor, prolonged ternary and prolonged next-nearest neighbors interactions has the form H(σ) = −Jp �� >x,y< σ(x)σ(y) − Jt >x�,¯y,z< σ(x)σ(y)σ(z)− J1 � <x,y>σ(x)σ(y), where Jp, Jt, J1 ∈ R are coupling constants. …”
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The blume-emery-griffiths model on Cayley tree and its phase transitions
Published 2013“…We consider simple version of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on the Cayley tree and investigate the problem of phase transition using the exact recursion equations for the Cayley tree of second order, so that every spin has three nearest neighbours. These equations are studied analytical-ly for D>0 and J>0. …”
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Anti-social behaviour: local perception and reporting behaviour in a small urban location
Published 2013“…Anti-social behaviour legislation and centralised policy was initially based on the notion anti-social behaviour was easy to define. Innes’s (2004) signal crimes perspective identified the importance of local, context specific research to uncover what residents identify as important in relation to crime and anti-social behaviour. …”
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Thesis -
Single-atom entropy squeezing for two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode radiation field
Published 2008“…Also we comment on the relationship between spin squeezing and linear entropy. We show that the amounts of the nonclassical effects exhibited in the entropy squeezing for the present system are less than those produced by the standard Jaynes–Cummings model. …”
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The potential for suppressing rail defect growth through tailoring rail thermo-mechanical properties
Published 2016“…Thermal damage of rails can occur through brake lock-up, or traction control system failure to prevent wheel spin. In most cases the damage produced is shallow and takes the form of a “white etching layer”, usually thought to have a martensitic structure, formed as the steel is heated above its eutectoid tem-perature and then rapidly cooled as the wheel moves away. …”
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Expression, purification, and characterization of a recombinant stem bromelain from ananas comosus
Published 2011“…The recombinant bromelain was then purified in a single step using a Ni-NTA spin column, an example of immobilized metal affinity chromatography. …”
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Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Activities of Garcinia Eugenifolia and Calophyllum Enervosum
Published 2007“…The antioxidative activity was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method by electron spin resonance. The cytotoxicity was measured by the MTT assay against MCF7 cell line. …”
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An outline of Qucs-S compact device modelling: History and capabilities: Part 1: Equation-Defined Device (EDD) modelling to Verilog-A module synthesis
Published 2017“…Qucs-S is a spin-off of the Qucs cross-platform circuit simulator. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An outline of Qucs-S compact device modelling: History and capabilities: Part 2 XSPICE Code Models; basic properties to model synthesis, and beyond
Published 2017“…Qucs-S is a spin-off of the Qucs cross-platform circuit simulator. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item