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Published 2018“…Namun, benda baru lain pula yang dia jumpa: sebuah buku lama yang membawa dia untuk belajar ilmu-ilmu baru. …”
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Experimental quantum advantage in the odd-cycle game
Published 2025“…We perform the associated Bell test and measure a nonlocal content of 0.54(2) – the largest value for physically separate devices, free of the detection loophole, ever observed.…”
Journal article -
Geometric grouping of repeated elements within images
Published 1999“…The objective of this work is the automatic detection and grouping of imaged elements which repeat on a plane in a scene (for example tiled floorings). It is shown that structures that repeat on a scene plane are related by particular parametrized transformations in perspective images. …”
Book section -
Single view metrology
Published 2002“…This minimal information is typically the vanishing line of a reference plane and a vanishing point for a direction not parallel to the plane. …”
Conference item -
Distributed and multimedia services for an experimental integrated hotel guest system
Published 2009“…In addition, the guest can use the DGM to initiate requests for common hotel services, namely room services, bell services from the concierge and front office services.…”
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Thesis -
UMPSA Journals secure second and third place for Best Journal Article at 15th MAPIM-KPT Awards
Published 2024“…PUTRAJAYA, 18 December 2024 – Journals published by Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Press were awarded second and third place for Best Journal Article at the 15th Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia (MAPIM)-Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Awards 2024, held at Dewan Za’aba, Ministry of Higher Education.…”
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Newspaper -
The geometry and matching of lines and curves over multiple views
Published 2000“…The new relationships focus on determining the plane of the curve in a projective reconstruction, and in particular using the homography induced by this plane for transfer from one image to another. …”
Journal article -
Single view metrology
Published 2000“…This minimal information is typically the vanishing line of a reference plane, and a vanishing point for a direction not parallel to the plane. …”
Journal article -
Some observations in the vortex-turning behaviour of noncircular inclined jets
Published 2013“…An experimental comparison was conducted for Re = 2,500, free elliptic and rectangular jets inclined at 30° and 60° along major or minor planes. Regardless of the jet base geometry, minor-plane inclined jets produced vortex roll-ups that remain inclined. …”
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Journal Article -
Perang Khaibar : Robohnya benteng Yahudi /
Published 2024“…Kawasan berbukit dijadikan kawasan kediaman orang awam dan penempatan anggota tentera. Kawasan pamah pula dijadikan kawasan pertanian dan ternakan. Mereka juga mempunyai sistem saliran air yang teratur. …”
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Perbandingan antara fonologi dan leksikal dialek utara dengan dialek Charok Kudong di Kedah, Malaysia
Published 2014“…Manakala, dalam objektif ketiga kajian ini pula adalah untuk menghuraikan penggunaan kata leksikal dan hubungan makna di antara kedua-dua dialek. …”
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Thesis -
A spatial panel wage curve for Spain
Published 2014“…From a methodological perspective, we apply the two-step procedure proposed by Bell et al. (2002) to estimate a dynamic wage curve with spatial spillovers. …”
Journal article -
Published 2008“…Imej seseorang terbina melalui kebolehannya bercakap dan berucap di khalayak ramai. Untuk berucap pula menuntut keberanian dan kekuatan mental yang bukan sedikit kerana bukan semua orang berbakat untuk berucap. …”
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Published 2021“…British akhirya akur terhadap desakan Tunku bersandarkan beliau begitu antikomunis. Chin Peng pula menyarankan pertemuan tersebut kerana dia menyedari bahawa dia tidak akan berjaya dalam peperangan bersenjata. …”
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Published 2023“…Para pemerintah kerajaan Kristian pula sentiasa menyerang kerajaan Islam demi mengambil semula tanah jajahan yang diduduki Islam dan seterusnya menghapuskan Islam. …”
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Published 2023“…Manakala di pihak tentera musuh pula, tiga orang yang terbunuh.…”
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Sajak-sajak Sejarah Melayu /
Published 2024“…Segala pelajaran ini disaring oleh watak dan kepercayaan penyair yang moden pula. Beliau telah mencantumkan yang baru dan yang lama dan dengan itu membenarkan karya-karyanya melampaui waktu dan makna bangsa. …”
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Amil Dan Pentafsirannya Sebagai Asnaf Zakat Dalam Konteks Syariah Dan Realiti Semasa Di Malaysia
Published 2022“…Zakat diagihkan kepada lapan golongan asnaf termasuk amil. Manakala, amil pula ialah individu yang ditugaskan untuk mengutip dan mengagihkan zakat sesuai mengikut syarak. …”
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Article -
Creating architectural models from images
Published 2001“…In particular, by using the circular points of a plane simple, linear algorithms are given for computing plane rectification, plane orientation and camera calibration from a single image. …”
Journal article