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Detection of damaged supports under railway track based on frequency shift
Published 2017“…An auxiliary mass is utilized herein and when it is mounted on the beam, the natural frequencies of the whole system will change with respect to the location of the auxiliary mass. …”
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Journal Article -
Potensi peptida sintetik Wolbachia (WolFar) bagi pembangunan biopestisid berdasarkan kesan perubahan histologi pada sel ovari kumbang merah palma, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
Published 2024“…Penemuan baharu kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa peptida berasaskan Wolbachia, WolFar mempunyai potensi besar sebagai alat baharu untuk dibangunkan sebagai formulasi biopestisid untuk mengawal populasi RPW.…”
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Article -
Kelestarian sosial komuniti peniaga pesisir pantai di Negeri Terengganu
Published 2024“…Hal ini disebabkan oleh kerana Pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) oleh pihak kerajaan memberi kesan yang besar kepada komuniti peniaga di Negeri Terengganu. …”
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Article -
Nilai kerja sebagai pengantara dalam hubungan antara budaya keselamatan dan sikap keselamatan
Published 2024“…Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat (Industri 4.0) yang telah mencetuskan perubahan besar kepada operasi sektor perkilangan ke arah teknologi pengkomputeran dan automasi. …”
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Article -
Gelagat Kepatuhan Membayar Zakat Perniagaan Di Syarikat Tersenarai Awam /Public Listed Company (Plc) Dan Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan /Government Link Company (Glc) Di Negeri Kedah...
Published 2018“…Namun, di dalam laporan Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) tidak dinyatakan jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan samada perniagaan berskala kecil, sederhana kecil, berskala besar atau entiti syarikat tersenarai awam kepunyaan negeri (PLC dan GLC). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Loan Moratorium Announcement and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis (S/O 14829)
Published 2022“…Moratorium pinjaman telah menjadi bantuan kewangan yang amat penting kepada peminjam bank semasa pandemik Covid-19. Walaupun jumlah yang besar telah diberi penangguhan oleh bank kepada peminjam, namun kesan peruntukkan ini kepada bank masih menjadi persoalan. …”
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Monograph -
Membongkar Enigma Projek Perumahan Terbengkalai di Malaysia: Perspektif Undang-Undang Tanah Islam
Published 2024“…Walau bagaimanapun, projek perumahan terbengkalai di Malaysia sehingga kini masih kekal merupakan isu besar yang masih belum sepenuhnya ditangani secara berkesan dalam industri perumahan negara. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Compression dynamics and radiation emission from a deuterium plasma focus
Published 2008“…In order to study the correlation between the total neutron yield and the time-integrated energy spectra of the axially emitted deuteron beam, on a shot-to-shot basis, a magnetic spectrometer was successfully designed, constructed and implemented. …”
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Thesis -
Shape measurement of single gold nanorods in water using open-access optical microcavities
Published 2024“…Here we introduce a novel technique to measure the aspect ratio of rod-shaped particles by analyzing changes in the polarization state of a laser beam transmitted through an optical microcavity through which the particle diffuses. …”
Journal article -
Cold atoms laboratory in a hollow core fiber
Published 2021“…Cold $^{85}\text{Rb}$ atoms of temperature $\sim$\SI{6}{\micro\kelvin} are loaded into a Kagome type photonic crystal hollow-core fiber (HCF) through an optical trapping beam coupled into the HCF. I first demonstrate an inertia-sensitive Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer using two counter-propagating Raman beams. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Development and characterisation of novel silicon pixel detectors for tracking and timing
Published 2024“…Multiple 1×1 mm^2 LGAD devices were tested in a test beam at the CERN North Area. The results demonstrate excellent hit efficiency (>99%), charge collection (>15 fC), and timing resolution below 20 ps.…”
Thesis -
Pengeluaran optimum dan mampan: aplikasi pelan caruman tertakrif di Malaysia
Published 2024“…Hasil kajian mendapati bagi model pengeluaran optimum, pesara yang mempunyai kadar penghindaran risiko yang lebih tinggi dijangka melakukan pengeluaran yang lebih kecil di awal tahun persaraan untuk menikmati pengeluaran yang lebih besar di akhir tempoh persaraan. Bagi model pengeluaran mampan, pesara yang mempunyai kebarangkalian kemusnahan kewangan yang lebih rendah adalah pesara yang menyimpan wang persaraannya ke dalam Unit Amanah. …”
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Article -
Modal budaya dan kebergantungannya kepada generasi kedua kelapa sawit: kajian kes pekebun kecil sawit di Jengka 5, Maran, Pahang
Published 2024“…Industri pertanian merupakan sektor ketiga terpenting dalam ekonomi Malaysia dengan sumbangan besar kepada pengeluaran dan eksport minyak sawit global. …”
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Model Ramalan dan Klasifikasi bagi Sistem E-mel UUM (S/O 13438)
Published 2019“…Walaupun e-mel dapat meningkatkan kualiti komunikasi, para penyelidik mengakui bahawa terdapat banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengguna e-mel, antaranya e-mel yang diterima berulang-ulang, e-mel spam, e-mel dengan fail lampiran bersaiz besar, dan ini menyebabkan peti simpanan e-mel cepat penuh. …”
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Monograph -
100 THz optical switching with plasmonic metamaterial
Published 2015“…Alloptical modulation is control of the phase or intensity of one light beam by another.1 Although modulation can be achieved using nonlinear optical materials, it can be also obtained using constructive or destructive interference of a coherent beam. …”
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Conference Paper -
Behaviour and design of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section members
Published 2023“…At member level, ten column tests and ten beam-column tests were conducted to study the flexural buckling behaviour of channel section columns and global buckling behaviour of channel section beam-columns, respectively. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Influence of operating parameters on morphology of laser hardened surfaces
Published 2018“…To identify the effect of various parameters on laser hardening, scanning conditions such as beam spot size, scan rate, power input, surface condition and overlap ratio were controlled. …”
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Conference Paper -
A Trajectory Piecewise-Linear Approach to Model Order Reduction and Fast Simulation of Nonlinear Circuits and Micromachined Devices
Published 2003“…Computational results and performance data are presented for a nonlinear circuit and a micromachined fixed-fixed beam example. These examples demonstrate that the macromodels obtained with the proposed reduction algorithm are significantly more accurate than models obtained with linear or the recently developed quadratic reduction techniques. …”
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Converse flexoelectric effect in comb electrode piezoelectric microbeam
Published 2013“…The fringe electric field of a comb electrode induces converse flexoelectric responses in uniformly poled and depoled beams. The simulated electric field distribution shows that bending of the beam is induced by piezoelectric and μ11, μ12 flexoelectric coefficients. …”
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