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Tribological performance and mechanism of graphite, hBN and MoS2 as nano-additives in palm kernel oil-based lubricants: a comparative study
Published 2024“…The four-ball tribotester analysis indicated that the wear scars lubricated with graphite, hBN, and MoS2 nanolubricants exhibited a lower coefficient of friction (COF) and wear scar diameter (WSD) than the base lubricant. The findings also showed that the MoS2 nanolubricant had the best friction reduction and anti-wear performance, with a 24.9% drop in COF and a 12.3% drop in WSD. …”
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The use of English interaction strategies in cooperative learning: a case study of four Chinese college students' spoken discourse
Published 2024“…The frequencies of their interaction strategies employed in the transcribed recordings were analysed through descriptive statistics and the learner diaries were analysed through thematic analysis. Findings: The findings indicated that the four students’ Modified-Interaction strategies were employed much less frequently than Social-Interaction strategies when they worked cooperatively, and training in Modified-Interaction strategies was greatly needed for promoting students’ effective interaction and language development. …”
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Cost performace of road construction projects in Nigeria
Published 2024“…Finally, findings show that 60% of federal highway projects in Nigeria experience very high cost overruns (of over 20 %), with their attendant effect on other project objectives.…”
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Disaster Risk Management Strategies Among SMEs in Malaysia (S/O 14702)
Published 2021“…Finally, several policy recommendations were suggested for various stakeholders; policy makers, government agencies, SME business associations and MSME operators in the states of Kedah and Penang, respectively, based on the findings of this study…”
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Monograph -
A Sustainable System Dynamics Optimization Model for Rice Self-Sufficiency in Malaysia (S/O: 13248)
Published 2020“…This research is in line with the Malaysia’s Plan agenda of empowering the agricultural sector which finding from this research is significant in assisting MOA on designing policy for the better future prospect of rice industry in Malaysia…”
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Monograph -
Mitigating Corruption with Corruption Risk Management Model – A Cyber Security Measure (S/O 13807)
Published 2020“…Without the two components, process of CRM could not be feasible. The findings are relevant to the National Anti-Corruption Plan. …”
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Monograph -
Takaful Business Model and Business Performance: A Comparative Evidence from the Global Takaful Industry
Published 2024“…The finding also highlights that Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Bhd recorded the highest profit-after-tax average and the average of return on assets using a wakalah-qard model. …”
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Development and Usability Analysis of eFloraCyntok: a Digital Botanical Repository for Herbal Plant Conservation
Published 2024“…Usability testing, conducted using the Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory (WAMMI) framework, revealed both strengths and areas for improvement. Findings indicate that users found the repository effective in information retrieval and visually engaging, with 49% agreeing the structure was logical and 67% noting ease in finding information. …”
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21A.01 How Culture Works, Fall 2012
Published 2020“…Students conduct empirical research on cultural differences through the systematic observation of human interaction, employ methods of interpretative analysis, and practice convincing others of the accuracy of their findings.…”
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Learning Object -
Credit card industry : banks' marketing strategies vs consumers' preferences.
Published 2008“…A consumer survey was carried out and an interview with HongkongBank was conducted during the study. Findings indicate that banks in Singapore generally focus on the product and promotion aspects of credit card marketing.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The effect of IMF bailout announcements on bank security returns.
Published 2008“…Standard event study methodology is applied to a sample of twenty-one banks from four countries, namely Singapore, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia to detect the presence of significant abnormal returns surrounding the bailout announcements. The study finds mixed results on the announcement effects on creditor (Singapore and Japanese) banks’ security returns.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of Singapore Indian pioneers : persistence and change of organisational and business strategies.
Published 2008“…This research analyzed the primary data source of 20 oral history transcripts from the National Archives of Singapore, to extract the prominent characteristics of the organizational and business strategies of early Singapore Indian pioneers. Placing the findings in the context of historical political-economy background of early Singapore, this project attempts to explain the persistence and change of the strategies of these family-owned businesses from the founding period to the period of the interviews (1980s to early 1990s).…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigations of in-fiber gratings for smart sensing applications
Published 2008“…Fiber optic sensors based on photogenerated Bragg gratings are finding increased applications in "smart structures" for civil, industrial and military use. …”
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Thesis -
Scaling up green investment in the global south: strengthening domestic financial resource mobilisation and attracting patient international capital
Published 2024“…This policy report (1) discusses challenges for private financing of climate adaptation and resilience, (2) finds that emerging countries have exported $15 trillion of capital over a 20 year period, and (3) highlights how a new breed of national development banks could be the perfect vehicle for capturing these funds and redirecting them into climate finance. …”
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Monograph -
Thomas Hoccleve: Chaucer’s first editor?
Published 2015“…Building upon recent findings regarding the copying of early manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales and the identity of their scribes, this article revisits the question of who was responsible for commissioning and overseeing the production of the Hengwrt and Ellesmere manuscripts. …”
Journal article -
Alignment of rod-shaped single-photon emitters driven by line defects in liquid crystals
Published 2015“…It is demonstrated that the electric dipoles associated with the dot-in-rods, tilted with respect to the rods, remain oriented in the plane including the smectic linear defects and perpendicular to the substrate, most likely due to dipole/dipole interactions between the dipoles of the liquid crystal molecules and those of the dot-in-rods. …”
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Journal Article -
Graphite oxide to graphene. Biomaterials to bionics
Published 2015“…Similarly, future materials developments are likely to continue to drive development in treatment of disease and disability, or even enhancing human potential. …”
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Journal Article -
Match making in complex social networks
Published 2021“…Our observations show that, in a more densely connected social network, individuals’ efforts for seeking for matches with the strongest partners would be more likely to end up with matching with someone similar to themselves. …”
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Journal Article -
Let's choose one of each: using the partition dependence effect to increase diversity in organizations
Published 2022“…When choosing a single candidate, people were more likely to choose candidates who were not partitioned together than candidates who were partitioned together (Study 7). …”
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Journal Article -
On assuming Mean Radiant Temperature equal to air temperature during PMV-based thermal comfort study in air-conditioned buildings
Published 2017“…Study of TSA and MCI show that the assumption is more likely to affect comfort level determination in the uncomfortable range.…”
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Conference Paper