Students' perceptions of fieldwork of local study ICSS in relation to vision 2020, Malaysia
Published 2009“…Millions of Ringgit were allocated and spent by the government and the agencies to preserve and decorate the national heritage such as the museums, gallery, archives, sites, and other historicar-geographical remains. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Brain tumor quantification equation: modeled on complete step response algorithm
Published 2012“…In Image Guided neuro-Surgery (IGnS) protocol relating to tumor, the planning stage is the bottleneck where most times are spent reconstructing the slices in order to; quantify the tumor, get the tumor shape and location relative to adjacent cells, and determine best incursion route among others. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pro-social attitudes towards ethno-religious out-groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey experiment in five countries
Published 2024“…We find that those of minority origin and those who have spent less than a year in a country are disadvantaged. …”
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A hybrid pre-processing attenuation correction technique for SPECT imaging
Published 2006Get full text
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Panduan hidup wanita & keluarga Islam
Published 2007“…Ia mengandungi ilmu fardu ain yang mudah difahami serta memberi panduan kepada wanita-wanita dalm mengamalkan hukum-hakam Islam secara yakin berkaitan dengan syariah Islam. …”
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Book -
Enhancement of oil palm empty fruit bunch char by impregnation of pyrolytic carbon from tar vapor decomposition
Published 2016“…Tar vapor was obtained from fast pyrolysis of fine EFB particles at 400–700°C, and the weight ratio of fine EFB particles—the tar source—to char substrate was increased from 0.5 to 4.0. …”
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Article -
Wear study of Mg-SiCp reinforcement aluminium metal matrix composite
Published 2016“…This is due to the fact that mixed particle size supports a greater fraction of applied load while the fine and intermediate particle sizes sustain the hardening due to dislocation. …”
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Effects of simple abrasive combing and pretreatments on properties of pineapple leaf fibers (PALF) and PALF-Vinyl ester composite adhesion
Published 2010“…In pineapple leaves, PALF are present in top lamina as large vascular bundles and bottom lamina as fine strands. Tensile strength and modulus of fine PALF strands are 155% and 134% higher than those of vascular bundles respectively. …”
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Utilization of Silica Fume and Sodium Hydroxide in Treated Crumb Rubber for Cement Mortar
Published 2024“…Cement mortar offers an excellent replacement for materials such as fine aggregate with tire rubber waste in the form of crumbs. …”
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Sikap murni Sayid Ahmad
Published 2009“…Sayid Ahmad bin Sayid Zaini Dahlan ialah tokoh yang tersangat alim dari keluarga Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang Allah telah bersihkan mereka dari kekotoran dan menyucikan mereka dengan sesuci-sucinya; yang menekuni cawangan-cawangan ilmu setekun ulama yang beramal dengan ilmunya, yang bersih sikap murni memberi nasihat, menumpukan seluruh himah, diri dan harta bendanya dalam memberi tarbiah kepada para murid dan mengajar mereka perkara-perkara yang bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat. …”
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İngilteredeki Türkler (Turks in England)
Published 2005“…İngiltere’de Müslüman nüfusu The Financial Times’in 23 Ocak 2002 raporuna göre 1milyon 800 bin civarında olup Hiristiyanlar hariç diğer azınlık dinler içerisinde en yüksek, hatta diğer dinlerin toplam nüfusunun iki katından daha fazla oranı oluşturmaktadır. …”
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The establishment of the IIUM as explained by Mahathir Mohamad
Published 2009“…The announcement was made in Abu Dhabi when the Prime Minister visited H.H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.…”
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Book Chapter -
Islamic banking service quality and withdrawal risk: the Indonesian experience
Published 2011Get full text
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Syiah dan pluralisme agama
Published 2013“…Di antara kumpulan pertama yang dikatakan membentuk golongan ini ialah Saba’iyyah yang diketuai oleh seorang tokoh kontroversi Yahudi ‘Abdullah bin Saba’ berkulit hitam dari Yaman dan memeluk agama Islam.…”
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Target culture teaching in the English as a second/foreign language classroom
Published 2016Get full text
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İpek Yolu’ndan Gyeong-Ju Şehrine (Through the Silk Road to the City of Gyeong-Ju) (2006)
Published 2006“…Tarih kültür ve medeniyetlerin kesişme noktası, efsanelerin yurdu, imparatorlukların mücadele merkezi Anadolu’da madde ve mananın hercümerç olduğu, geçmiş ve geleceğin izlerini yüreğinde barındıran bir şehirdir Konya. Adının tarihin bin bir çile ve hengamesinde Ekonien, İconium, Cogna, Claudiconium, Gunya, Konia olarak değişime uğramasına rağmen asaletini koruyabildiği, varlığını ebediyete zincirleyerek ruhların eriyip mana alemine yol bulup gönüllerin sükün bulduğu evliyalar şehri (Medinetül evliya), Mevlana şehri Konya.…”
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