Investigating stock market efficiency: a look at OIC member countries
Published 2016“…Following the recent global crisis, attention on emerging and develop-ing markets have increased tremendously, questioning whether these countries’ market areapt in withstanding influxes of capital without crashing. …”
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Cultural harmony and Religious tolerance in Islamic Spain
Published 2012“…Spain came under Islamic rule in 711, when Tariq bin Ziyad, a Lieutenant of Musa bin Nusayr, Umayyad governor of Northern Africa, proceeded to punish King Roderick for his alleged crime against the teenage daughter of Julian, a Christian governor under his rule. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Filial piety in confucianism and Islam: a comparative literary analysis of Quran, Hadith and four Chinese classics
Published 2011“…The Four Books are the most quoted sources of Confucius’ thought, namely The Great Learning (Da Xue 大学), The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong 中庸), The Confucian Analects (Lun Yu 论) and The Works of Mencius (Mengzi 孟子). …”
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Fikrah Dr. Salam :rahsiakan status perkahwinan
Published 2009“…1- Anak luar nikah mesti bin atau binti Abdullah 2- Waniata onani ketika berpuasa …”
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Visually induced motion sickness can be alleviated by pleasant odours
Published 2015“…Several countermeasures against VIMS exist, but a reliable method to prevent or ease VIMS is unfortunately still miss- ing. In the present study, we tested whether olfactory cues can alleviate VIMS. …”
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Highly infectious prions are not directly neurotoxic
Published 2020“…We fur- ther show that treatment of brain homogenates from prion-infected mice with sodium lauroylsarcosine destroys toxicity without diminish- ing infectivity. This is consistent with models in which prion propa- gation and toxicity can be mechanistically uncoupled.…”
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Nanofiltration of hazardous congo red dye: performance and fluxdecline analysis
Published 2014“…Under20 mg L−1of initial CR concentration at pH 9, the decline of permeate flux was due to standard block-ing mechanism during the initial filtration. The cake formation took place rapidly at the second stage offiltration which contributed to the relatively constant permeate flux decline.…”
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Contributions of Javanese Scholars towards the enrichment of the Malay intellectual Heritage = Sumbangan para ulama Jawa terhadap pengayaan Warisan Intelek Melayu
Published 2015“…The study concludes that with the beginning of the twentieth century a number of Javanese scholars studied from the highly-ranked scholars in the Holy Ka‘bah, including Sheikh DÉ’Ëd bin ‘Abd Allah al-PatÉnÊ, the leader of the Patani community in Makkah. …”
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Hak umat Islam memilih pemimpin
Published 1998“…Khalid al-Walid dengan penuh kerelaan menerima pelucutan jawatan oleh Khalifah Omar al-Khattab demi kepentingan umat Islam. Ali bin Abi Talib yang terkenal dengan kewarakan dan seorang yang alim juga sanggup menghadapkan dirinya ke mahkamah apabila dituduh mencuri baju besi oleh seorang Yahudi.…”
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Zamana sığmayan iktisadi paradigma: Değer (Timeless economic paradigm: value)
Published 2011“…Bir başka ifade ile atacağı adımların hesabını bin düşünüp bir atarak yaparlar. Böyle olunca sağduyu ve hikmet vücuda gelir. …”
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The status of an illegitimate child in Islamic law: a critical analysis of DNA paternity test
Published 2016“…See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/Baby-dumping-cases-turn ing-into-an-epidemic-in-Malaysia#sthash.fpHHoWGk.dpuf.). …”
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Migrants becoming mathematics teachers : personal resources and professional capitals
Published 2017“…The focus of the research is on the complications of ‘bring[ing] off’ (MacLure, 2003:55) the embodied performance of becoming a teacher, and on how student teachers develop ‘enough’ (Blommaert and Varis, 2011:5) professional capital to pass the course. …”
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Thesis -
Exergy analysis of organic rankine cycle and electric turbo compounding for waste heat recovery
Published 2018“…Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and Electric Turbo Compound-ing (ETC) system have a good potential to be used as exhaust energy recovery. …”
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Engineering properties of asphalt binders containing nanoclay and chemical warm-mix asphalt additives
Published 2016“…In the effort to promote the construction of green pavement the asphalt concrete industry has been mak-ing consistent effort to use warm-mix asphalt (WMA) in their construction. …”
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Sikap murni Sayid Ahmad
Published 2009“…Sayid Ahmad bin Sayid Zaini Dahlan ialah tokoh yang tersangat alim dari keluarga Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang Allah telah bersihkan mereka dari kekotoran dan menyucikan mereka dengan sesuci-sucinya; yang menekuni cawangan-cawangan ilmu setekun ulama yang beramal dengan ilmunya, yang bersih sikap murni memberi nasihat, menumpukan seluruh himah, diri dan harta bendanya dalam memberi tarbiah kepada para murid dan mengajar mereka perkara-perkara yang bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat. …”
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