The study on the influence of the Master Chin Kung Model towards the spread and the growth of the Amitabha Buddhist Society Malaysia = Kajian pengaruh model Master Chin Kung terhad...
Published 2015“…Model Master Chin Kung adalah berdasarkan Empat Misi Sucinya yang meliputi; (1) Memulihkan agama Buddha sebagai pendidikan Buddha tradisi.Pendidikan Buddha tradisi adalah berpusatkan pendidikan duniawi, alam semesta dan akhirat yang disampaikan melalui ajaran Dharma Buddha oleh pengasas agama Buddha iaitu Buddha Shakyamuni.(2) Mendorong dan mengembangkan penggunaan Bahasa Cina Klasik secara meluas.Penguasaan Bahasa Cina Klasik dapat membolehkan seseorang menimba ilmu yang serba lengkap dan lebihmendalam seperti yang tercatat dalam Si Ku Quan Shu 《四库全 书》 dan Qianlong Dazangjing 《乾隆大藏经》; (3)Mendorong dan meluaskan konsep dan semangat kekeluargaan yang terkandung dalam tradisi kebudayaan orang Cina.Konsep dan semangat kekeluargaan ini ada tercatat di dalam kitab Dizigui; (4) Mempromosikan dan memperkembangkan pendidikan multi agama dan budaya.Ia dapat mentransformasikan dan menyelesaikan konflik yang semakin runcing yang sering berlaku di antara manusia dan mengekalkan keamanan sedunia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…Meanwhile virtue ethics theory outlines the idea of moral distinction, traits and character-fine, emphasizing on the personality. Professional ethics refers to the moral rules that professionals should adhere to. …”
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Book -
An experiment on electromechanical power steering (EPS) system of a CAR
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Taking the implementation of ECtHR judgments seriously : right assessment, wrong approaches?
Published 2010“…The entry into force of Protocol 14 will be of no help, as infringement proceedings are not coupled with daily fines, unlike the practice of the European Court of Justice. …”
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Article -
Effect of nano black rice husk ash on the chemical and physical properties of porous concrete pavement
Published 2018“…The chemical and physical properties of the Nano BRHA mixtures were evaluated using fineness test, X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). …”
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Article -
Design and implementation of an optimal fuzzy logic controller using egentic algorithm
Published 2011“…Works so far reponed techniques which are on how to oveTCQme or reduce the effects of these issues for ensuring smoother and finely tuned eolltrolling proceM. The devised solution is softwllrebased which employs an algorithmic approach for programming II PICI6F877A microcontroller, thus eliminating allogether the parametric dependence issues while adding the benefits of easier modification to suit a given control system for varying operational conditions_ The approach is first simulated using MATLAB/and the simulated results are verified by programming {he PICI6I'g77A mierocontrolter with {he algorithm and using it on a temperature control system where a fan is regulated in response to variations in the ambient system temperature. …”
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Book Chapter -
Gender and the translation of audiovisual non-profit advertising
Published 2016Get full text
Article -
The impact of direct nucleation control on crystal size distribution in pharmaceutical crystallization processes
Published 2009“…In addition, DNC provides in situ fines removal through the operating protocol, rather than having additional equipment and external recycle loops. …”
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Article -
Influences of various particle sizes of coal bottom ash as supplementary cementitious material on the pozzolanic properties
Published 2024“…To evaluate the pozzolanic reaction of CBA based on the strength activity index (SAI), CBA was ground to same fineness as cement. Five substitution levels were used. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Improvement of sonication processing conditions for extraction of antibacterial compounds from spathiphyllum cannifolium
Published 2011“…A set of eleven experimcnts was designed and data obtained from those ellperiments were fined to the mathematical model in which was used to plot tri-dimensional (3D) response surfaecs graph. …”
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Book Chapter -
Elimination of burr formation during end milling of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) through high speed machining
Published 2011“…The four specific types of burr are: Roughness refer to the small, finely spaced deviations from the nominal surface, which is determined by the material characteristics and the process that formed the surface [4]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Computational intelligence techniques for hand gesture recognition
Published 2011“…IIN has been less used in the: field of gestu<e recognition because of ilS greater computational burrlcn. susceptibilily to training data over·fining and the huge number database il requin:s.…”
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Book Chapter -
Characterization of pineapple leaf fibers from selected Malaysian cultivars
Published 2009“…Based on potential fiber quantity, fineness, mechanical properties and thermal stability, PALF from Josapine cultivar was best followed by those from Sarawak and Moris cultivars. …”
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Article -
Strength of blended cement mortar containing palm oil fuel and eggshell ashes
Published 2018“…This is due to the high fineness of POFA providing more surface area that filled the voids between cement and aggregate. …”
Article -
The application of Islamic laws in cyber related cases: An analysis
Published 2013“…Some of them are released and acquitted while some others are fined and jailed or both for certain period of time. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modified palm oil fuel ash (pofa) as quartz replacement for the production of porcelain
Published 2019“…To remove the moisture of POFA, the powder was dried in an oven at 110 °C for 24 hours and ground to a sufficient fineness ≤ 50 μm for 12 hours at 250 rev/min. POFA powder underwent heat and HCL acid treatments. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of the effect of grain refinement on the solidification characteristics of Al-Si-Cu eutectic cast alloy using thermal analysis technical (CA-CCTA)
Published 2015“…In the case of Al-11.7 Si-Cu- alloys, this would involve the fineness of the primary α-Al dendrites (as determined by (SDAS) value), the Al-Si eutectic structure (Si morphology), as well as the CuAl2 and other copper intermetallic, depending upon the alloying and the trace elements present in the alloy. …”
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Thesis -