Kehidupan manusia perlu ada sistem dan nilai
Published 2009“…Binaan ilmu (kurikulum) yang menepati konsep I mengambil pertimbangan integrasi Ilmu Mengurus Diri (Fardhu Ain) dan Ilmu Mengurus Sistem (Fardhu Kifayah). …”
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Article -
Alternative sweetener from curculigo fruits
Published 2020“…Finally, the dried fruits were blended in order to get a fine powder. Curculin is a sweet protein with a taste-modifying activity of converting sourness to sweetness. …”
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Book Section -
Effect of river indus sand on concrete tensile strength
Published 2018“…In the development of Pakistan construction industry, the utilization of River Indus sand in concrete as fine aggregate has expanded tremendously. The aim of this research is to study the effect of Indus River sand on the tensile strength of various grades of concrete when it is utilized as fine aggregate. …”
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Article -
Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Containing Unground Palm Oil Fuel Ash as Partial Sand Replacement
Published 2024“…This is owing to void filling mechanism and product of pozzolanic reaction due to the fine particles of the ash.…”
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Article -
MEMS and EFF technology based micro connector for future miniature devices
Published 2013“…Therefore, the stamped contact hertz stress becomes lower and less suitable for fine pitch connector. To overcome this pitch size problem a narrow pitch Board-to-Board (BtoB) interface connectors are in demand for the current commercial design. …”
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Article -
Optimizing Sustainable Concrete Strength With Laminated Waste Glass (Lwg): Insights From Waterto-Cement Ratios And Slump Values (0.35-0.5)
Published 2024“…This study investigates the use of laminated waste glass (LWG) as a fine aggregate in concrete, with a focus on optimizing strength and workability through variation in water-to-cement (w/c) ratios. …”
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Article -
Fiqh Sunnah Imam Syafie: pedoman dalam kehidupan (terjemahan At-tahzib fi adillati matn al-ghayah wa al-taqrib)
Published 2011“…Kitab Fiqh Al-Sunnah Imam Syafie ini adalah sebuah kitab fiqh yang sepatutnya dimiliki dan dibaca oleh setiap individu Muslim dalam mendalami pengetahuan Fardu 'Ain dan fardu Kifayah. Perbahasan dan kandungannya yang lengkap dan mantap merangkumi hampir kesemua aspek amalan dalam kehidupan seharian seperti solat, puasa, zakat, haji, fara'id, hukum-hukum jinayat dan muamalat serta banyak lagi....…”
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Book -
Drinking intoxicating liquor or alcohol: the shariah punishment and with reference to the case of Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno
Published 2009“…In Kartika's case, the accused pleaded guilty to the charge of consuming alcohol and was sentenced to six strokes of the cane and a fine of RM5, 000. She accepted the sentence and was adamant that the canning be carried out and that too, in public. …”
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Article -
MEMS and EFF Technology based micro connector for future miniature devices
Published 2013“…Therefore, the stamped contact hertz stress becomes lower and less suitable for fine pitch connector. To overcome this pitch size problem a narrow pitch Board-to-Board (BtoB) interface connectors are in demand for the current commercial design. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of a high hertz-stress contact for conventional batch production using a unique scribing technology
Published 2013“…Accordingly, more compact fine pitch contact is successfully fabricated and tested with 5μm High Hertz Stress without using the MEMS and EFF technology. …”
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Article -
Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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Article -
Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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Article -
Investigation on Mechanical Strengths and Carbon Foot Print of Modified Foamed Concrete
Published 2023“…Although incorporation of POFA in the foamed concrete containing RHA fine aggregate gained lower mechanical strengths compared to the use of FA, the minimum compressive strength is still can be attained. …”
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Article -
The grading effect of coarse sand on consolidated undrained strength behaviour of sand matrix soils
Published 2019“…Coarse sand (retain within 2.0 mm to 0.6 mm) was mixed with 0%, 10 %, 20%, 30%, and 40% of fine particles (kaolin) independently by weight to prepare reconstituted samples. …”
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Effects of gradation on engineering properties of compacted laterite soil liner
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Development of a High Hertz-Stress Contact for conventional batch production using a unique scribing technology
Published 2013“…Accordingly, more compact fine pitch contact is successfully fabricated and tested with 5μm High Hertz Stress without using the MEMS and EFF technology. …”
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Proceeding Paper