Historicity and the contemporary theatre of Kuo Pao Kun and Krishen Jit
Published 2020“…Their overlapping theatre commitments require us to see their engagement with the issue of plural identities within and without the modernising nation-state (for Kuo) and within the boundaries of the modernising nation-state (for Jit) in the decades of the 1980s and 1990s, when that great modern ideology of nationalism was being revamped by globalising imperatives. …”
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Journal Article -
Ideology, patronage, and manipulation of translation in Zouxiang weilai congshu: with special reference to the translation and introduction of Max Weber
Published 2023“…Cultural Studies helps us to see that translation is not merely a simple and isolated process but is intricately bound to ideology, patronage, and poetics. …”
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Journal Article -
Effects of product reviews on purchase intention : online shopping from a presence perspective.
Published 2013“…Additionally, this study attempts to see if the intended effects would differ between search and experience products. …”
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Thesis -
Exploring students' hypertext reading behaviour and social media use in their learning
Published 2018“…While past studies have looked at students as mere consumers of information, this time, this study focuses on students as contributors of information on a wiki page to see how this associates with the process of hypertext reading. …”
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Thesis -
The space-times of post-capitalist transformation: More-than-human affects in French and Catalan eco-communities
Published 2021“…I do so with a view of uncovering attempts at thinking and doing differently in ways that may guide us in the Anthropocene (Clark, 2011: 162, see Gibson- Graham and Roelvink, 2009; Haraway, 2008; Povinelli, 2011; Tsing, 2015), whilst simultaneously responding to calls to study such sites in further depth as potential ‘niches’ with lessons to help address the excesses of capitalism and the associated climate crises (Litfin, 2014; Pickerill, 2017). …”
Thesis -
Large eddy simulation of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame: impacts of Lewis, turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers
Published 2024“…Cases C0 and C2–C4 barely see differences in terms of instantaneous and/or time-averaged temperature, velocity, and mixed combustion modes except for further downstream areas where combustion occurs. …”
Journal article -
Promoting the implementation of clinical decision support systems in primary care: A qualitative exploration of implementing a Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO)-guided decisio...
Published 2025“…Results: Three themes were developed: Appreciating the recommendations of the CDSS, whilst wanting to retain control; Doubt about appropriateness of CDSS recommendations, especially when you can’t see how they were produced; and Potential for the CDSS to increase patients’ trust and adherence to their treatment. …”
Journal article -
Differences in pulse manifestations at Cunkou based on simplified modeling of tactile sensing
Published 2024“…Some researchers mentioned that no significant differences were observed in pulse manifestations at various Cunkou areas, hence there might be some difficulty in evaluating the status of different organs through checking pulse manifestations at Cunkou. This research aims to analyze the pulse response at Cunkou from the aspect of the characteristics of tactile sensing, thus to give a preliminary explanation to the above question. …”
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Journal Article -
Mitigating Barriers to Public Social Interaction with Meronymous Communication
Published 2024Get full text
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Active Extrinsic Contact Sensing: Application to General Peg-in-Hole Insertion
Published 2024Get full text
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Dynamic scan chains : a novel architecture to lower the cost of VLSI test
Published 2005Get full text
Thesis -
Free text phrase encoding and information extraction from medical notes
Published 2007Get full text
Thesis -
Implementing pull production within an aerospace assembly operation
Published 2007Get full text
Thesis -
Regional seismic risk of railway system including derailment consequences
Published 2007Get full text