The biosemiotic imagination in the Victorian frames of mind : Newman, Eliot and Welby
Published 2016“…Drawing on nineteenth-century debates on the origin of language and evolutionary theory, the thesis argues that the ideas of John Henry Newman, George Eliot and Lady Victoria Welby were cultural precursors to the biosemiotic thought of the second half of the twentieth century and beyond, specifically in the way in which these three thinkers sought to find a ‘common grammar’ between natural and human practices. …”
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Thesis -
Decoding Covid-19 with the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Published 2021“…Purpose of review: SARS-CoV-2, the recently emerged coronavirus (CoV) that is responsible for the current global pandemic Covid-19, first appeared in late 2019 in Wuhan China. Here, we summarise details of the SARS-CoV-2 genome to assist understanding of the emergence, evolution and diagnosis of this deadly new virus. …”
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Unevenness 2013-14, The Brazil Programme at the Cass
Published 2014“…We are looking forward to the programme developing further and would like to thank staff and students from the Cass and Escola da Cidade, as well as all the supporters, who are making the ongoing Brazil Programme happen. …”
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Monograph -
Becoming Writers: Transforming Students' Academic Writing
Published 2017“…Rather than focussing on a deficit student in need of ‘fixing’, we introduce and reflect on the usefulness of free- and creative writing exercises as we explore how we can enable students to find ‘a voice’ as we support them on the way to becoming successful academic writers. …”
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Teaching Research Methods : a pragmatic approach
Published 2007“…Previous studies suggest that students often find such modules challenging and difficult to relate to, and recommend a number of different approaches to lessen these difficulties and to improve the student experience of research methods modules. …”
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Learning on The Move
Published 2011“…The project ‘Making the most of my space’: Students’ use of mobile phones for studying and note making, was funded by the Write Now and Learn Higher CETLs, in conjunction with the Centre for Academic Professional Development. The aim was to find out about student mobile phone ownership, their attitude to using their mobiles for learning, and if they are using them for learning, what they are using them for.…”
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Helping students select a dissertation topic : a motivation-based approach
Published 2012“…It is not unusual for students to struggle to find a dissertation topic. To address this problem, I designed an exercise that helps students to better connect with their motivations, or the inner drives they have, for wanting to choose one topic or another. …”
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The Barrie guide to the English legal system 2021 (October 2021 update)
Published 2021“…If you have not studied or worked with English Law before, you will find it invaluable to gain a basic knowledge of legal structure, legal language, legal research and legal analysis, before looking at the substantive law which forms the main body of this course. …”
Teaching Resource -
Dealing, music and youth violence: neighbourhood relational change, isolation and youth criminality
Published 2023“…The study considers the emergence of drill music, county lines and the lowering of the threshold of when weapons are used to explore the isolated social environments so many young people find themselves in. The book tracks how authorities have transitioned from an enforcement led to a public health approachh to tacking violence. …”
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Monograph -
The commercial street as “frozen” festival: a study in Chinese mercantile traditions
Published 2018“…This study explores themes relating to these intersections between building and festive occasion through an examination of two traditionally designed commercial streets in China. It argues that architecture in these two cases presents in different ways a “foregrounding” of festivals, in which participants are reminded of previous events. …”
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A literature survey on vaccine supply chain management amidst COVID-19: literature developments, future directions and open challenges for public health
Published 2022“…The top five countries contributing to VSCM literature are the USA, France, China, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Supply chain, vaccine, immunization, and Vaccine Supply Chain Management are the high-frequency keywords in the area of VSCM. …”
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Are Industry 4.0 technologies enablers of lean? Evidence from manufacturing industries
Published 2022“…Further, we drew a prioritization map of I4.0 on the employment of lean tools in manufacturing, using the Best-Worst Method (BWM). Findings: The findings indicate that cloud manufacturing, simulation, industrial internet of things, horizontal and vertical integration impact 100% of the lean tools, while both cyber-security. …”
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The research in Scotland event in Edinburgh: reflections and key issues
Published 2025“…Several important points were raised: the requirement for better awareness and better support for those living with Parkinson’s (including specialist care) and the need to invest in research and work together including the importance of Patient and Public Involvement to find better treatments and, hopefully, a cure.…”
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Re-examining the decline in the US saving rate : the impact of mortgage equity withdrawal
Published 2012“…We estimate a Vector Error Correction (VEC) model including the saving rate, asset prices, equity withdrawal and interest rates and find that indeed mortgage equity withdrawal is a key determinant of the observed saving pattern.…”
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Competitiveness of credit associations and credit cooperatives in Japan
Published 2009“…The results correspond to research findings by Tsutsui and Kamesaka (2005), and Uchida and Tsutsui (2005). …”
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Fiscal shocks and real exchange rate dynamics: some evidence for Latin America
Published 2008“…Using quarterly data over the period 1980-2006, we find that in a majority of cases fiscal shocks are the main driving force of real exchange rate fluctuations.…”
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Ageing and personal retirement savings plan participation with heterogeneity in preferences : the Portuguese case
Published 2007“…A mixed logit model is used to analyse the determinants of retirement saving behaviour, allowing for heterogeneity in the responses. We find considerable heterogeneity among individuals (in terms of socio-economic variables such as age, gender and income), which must be taken into account by any policy aimed at changing retirement saving behaviour.…”
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Identification of segments of European banks with a latent class frontier model
Published 2007“…A latent class frontier model is used which allows the identification of different segments in the production frontier. We find that there are three statistically significant segments in the sample. …”
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Opinion on the compatibility of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) with the European Convention on Human Rights & the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Published 2011“…It follows a request to find out “if the final Version of ACTA and its foreseen legislative procedure is in line with the Treaties of the European Union and which legal possibilities there are for the European Parliament to challenge this in front of the European Court of Justice.” …”
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