Pemetaan zon potensi tanah runtuh bagi jalan persekutuan dan jalan negeri di negeri Johor menggunakan kaedah jumlah ramalan bencana (TEHD)
Published 2021“…Faktor utama kegagalan cerun ditentukan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) yang diterima pakai dari kaedah statistik menggunakan Pakej Perangkaan untuk Perisian Sains Sosial (SPSS). Kesimpulannya, 19 faktor telah dikenalpasti dan boleh dikategorikan kepada enam kategori iaitu; lithologi, kecerunan cerun, topografi, kelas penggunaan tanah, hujan tahunan dan jenis tanah. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of storage temperature and duration on physico-chemical properties, microbial growth and nutritional composition of papaya and banana fruits
Published 2017“…Dapatan keseluruhan kajian ini boleh menyediakan alat pengurusan berasaskan sains untuk prestasi penyimpanan buah pisang dan betik.…”
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التفخيم والترقيق في روايتي حفص عن عاصم وورش عن نافع: دراسة صوتية وتحليلية = Valorization and attenuation in the narrations of Hafs of ‘Asem and Warsh of Nafi’: descriptive and anal...
Published 2016“…Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji phenomena phonetik Bahasa Arab yang terdapat di dalam al-Quran dengan menganalisa dapatan-dapatan kajian yang berdasarkan susun atur bentuk phonetic Bahasa Arab yang diperhatikan berdasarkan kajian sains. Kajian ini pada asasnya berpaksi kepada kajian deskriptif yang akan meneliti dua phenomena phonetik yang berkaitan dengan struktur syntak al-Quran iaitu; al-Tafkhim dan al-Tarqiq. …”
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Manchester Irish education conference
Published 1988“…Programme for the Manchester Irish education conference, held at the All Saints Building, Manchester Polytechnic, on Saturday 19 March 1988, as part of Manchester Irish Festival week.…”
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Manchester Irish Education Conference and Book Fair
Published 1988“…Poster advertising the Manchester Irish Education Conference and Book Fair, held at the All Saints Building, Manchester Polytechnic, 19 March 1988, as part of the Manchester Irish Festival.…”
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Ephemera -
Synthesis and structural studies of some metal complexes of tetraaza macrocyclic ligands
Published 1993“…A series of dibenzo macrocyclic tetraamine ligands with 14-, 15-, 16-, 17- and 19-membered inner great lings (L14 to L15) has been synthesized to investigate the effect of ring size variation on their complexation behaviour with the metal-ions, Ni(Il), Zn(ll) and Cd(II).…”
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Thesis -
Published 2010“…It would be instructive, therefore, to reflect on Martin Lings' explanation of the concepts of "development" (tatawwur), "progress" (taqaddum), "renewal" (tajdid) and "renaissance" (nahdah).....…”
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Public lecture series 2001
Published 2001“…Advertises three public lectures taking place on 8, 22 and 30 November 2001: Professor Terry Eagleton on 'Saint Oscar'; a panel debate on 'European integration and the Euro'; and 'An address by the President of Ireland', Mary McAleese. …”
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Pamphlet -
Britain, Germany and the European Security and Defence Policy: constructivist socialisation at work?
Published 2012“…The British Prime Minister and the French President were therefore able to launch the European defence project at their historic meeting in Saint Malo. A few months later, Germany presided over the important Cologne European Council. …”
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Thesis -
Buku bentuk minda rakyat
Published 2008“…Ia sebenarnya telah diilhamkan daripada tradisi Catalan, yang lebih dikenali sebagai Festival of the Rose. Mengikut legenda, Saint George telah membunuh naga untuk menyelamatkan puteri Catalan. …”
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Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…This paper will evaluate Malay mythology and the science of symbols from the perennialists point of view by taking into of consideration the various explanations made by scholars like Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr regarding myths, symbols and imageries in traditional thought and literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper