Analysing the impact of sustainable human resource management practices and industry 4.0 technologies adoption on employability skills
Published 2021“…The study employed Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 to confirm the construct and test the hypotheses. Findings: The current study reveals that all the four SHRM practices (TR, FL, EP and EE) along with I4Te directly influence ES in the organisation. …”
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Mature non-specialist undergraduate students and the challenges they face in learning mathematics
Published 2014“…The study shows that the major perceived factors that affect mature non-specialist students learning of mathematics include the pedagogical model that is used; the attitudes and beliefs of the learners; the support available to aid learning; and the prevalent discourses about the learning and perceptions of mathematics. These findings have a number of important implications for policy and practice for teaching mathematics to such students, for our understanding of student identities and for widening participation. …”
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Thesis -
Benchmarking the outsourcing factors of third-party logistics services selection: analysing influential strength and building a sustainable decision model
Published 2021“…A courier company in the United Arab Emirates is considered for implementation. Findings: All identified and validated factors are segregated into two categories (cause and effect). …”
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A rule and graph-based approach for targeted identity resolution on policing data
Published 2020“…Therefore, an identity resolution approach using both a rule-based scoring system and graph analysis, could be effective in facilitating the investigation process for law enforcement agencies and assisting them in finding criminals using false identities.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Evaluation of sustainable supply chain risk: evidence from the Iranian food industry
Published 2021“…Risk management in the sustainable supply chain has the role of identifying, analyzing and providing solutions to control risks. Findings The following criteria in each group gained more weight: loss of credibility and brand, dangerous and unhealthy working environment, unproductive use of energy, human error, supplier quality, quality risk, product perishability and security. …”
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Progress and trends in integrating Industry 4.0 within circular economy: a comprehensive literature review and future research propositions
Published 2022“…The review provided insights into the present and future trends in integration of I4.0 and related Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in CE’s. Based on the findings, a framework for integrating I4.0 and CE, was developed to guide CE decision-making that will help researchers and industrialists, integrate I4.0 tools within CEs to improve logistics, resource efficiency, safety, product quality, and reduce fossil-carbon footprints.…”
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Forecasting exchange rates : an empirical investigation of advanced, emerging and frontier market economies
Published 2014“…The results show that single volatility models outperform other time series and a causal model in many of the emerging and frontier markets. These findings also provide additional evidence on leverage effects of advanced, emerging and frontier currencies exchange rates. …”
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Thesis -
Non-performing bank loans and banking crisis in the Pakistani banking system
Published 2004“…The inefficiency of the banking sector was highlighted in our findings, showing an increase in interest spread between lending and deposit, as well as unequal distribution of credit among different sectors. …”
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Thesis -
Making sense of humour: some pragmatic and political aspects
Published 2002“…The study then examines the relevant aspects of gender before the final analysis is then elaborated. Some of the findings challenge the conventional conversation analytical notion of preference organisation, draw attention, contra CA theory, to its significant subjective content, and also point up how politeness phenomena also play a prominent role, further underlining the subjective element. …”
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Thesis -
Heritage tourism and English national identity
Published 1998“…In all three sites the language and symbolism of nation-ness is shown to be central to the way in which identity and belonging is both constructed and communicated. A key finding relates to the studies of visitor behaviour which reveal the many ways in which attachment to the nation is understood and internalised. …”
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Thesis -
The social dimension of chronic pain: problems of measurement
Published 1997“…There has been little research into patients own accounts of their pain and in particular how the measurements relate to their experiences. The findings in this study suggest that the pain measurements are both methodologically and theoretically problematic. …”
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Thesis -
The sexual politics of asylum: lived experiences of sexual minority asylum seekers and refugees in the UK
Published 2014“…Second, I elaborate on the structural discourses explored throughout the thesis by putting them into direct dialogue with the findings arising from the ethnography. Within this space respondents' biographical accounts highlight how being situated in liminal socio-political and legal interstices produc.es precarious forms of life. …”
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Thesis -
Corticospinal and peripheral responses to heat-induced hypo-hydration: potential physiological mechanisms and implications for neuromuscular function
Published 2022“…With the development of magnetic resonance imaging and neurophysiological techniques, such as electromyography, peripheral nerve, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), the integrity of the brain-to-muscle pathway can be further investigated. The findings of this review demonstrate that heat-induced hypo-hydration impairs neuromuscular function, particularly during repeated and sustained contractions. …”
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Article -
An empirical analysis of European retail banking integration
Published 2011“…The results on integration depend crucially on which methodology and data is employed. In particular, the findings point to a more heterogeneous consumer credit market compared to the household deposit and mortgage market and the deposit and lending market to non-financial corporations. …”
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Thesis -
Poor vitamin D status, obesity and associated health outcomes: focus on groups at risk
Published 2011“…It has also been identified that the low income/deprived population is another group at high risk of poor vitamin D status and findings from this study show inverse associations between 25(OH)D levels and body mass index. …”
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Thesis -
Heritage tourism and symbolic representation of national identity: an ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace, Seoul
Published 2007“…This study utilises a multi-method (qualitative) approach: ethnographic interviews with visitors and palace employees; observational accounts derived from `systematic lurking' situations; participatory techniques through active involvement in guided tours; utlisation of friendly conversations; and open evaluation of written (visitor) narratives. The findings indicate that a sense of `Koreaness' is firmly grounded in an emotional attachment to the nation, evoked during people's heritage encounters. …”
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Thesis -
A pilot study on peptidylarginine deiminases and protein deimination in animal cancers across vertebrate species
Published 2022“…Both PAD2 and PAD3 were the most predominantly expressed PADs across all of the cancers assessed, while PAD1, PAD4, and PAD6 were overall expressed at lower, albeit varying, levels. The findings from this pilot study provide novel insights into PAD-mediated roles in different cancers across a range of vertebrate species and may aid in the understanding of cancer heterogeneity and cancer evolution.…”
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Article -
Sustainable supply chain management in construction: an exploratory review for future research
Published 2022“…The article offers a broad list of potentials for improving the current situation in the construction sector by using various types of supply chains such as increasing investment in energy conservation and emission reduction technologies to drive sustainable development, establishing strong green supply chain relationships, and forming a Covid-19 financial support group for small construction companies among other things. The study’s findings suggested that due to the significance of long-term relationships between construction companies, suppliers and customers, smart technology could make it simpler to reach every supply chain link. …”
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Article -
Exploring behavioural bias affecting investment decision making: a network cluster based conceptual analysis for future research
Published 2022“…This study analyses the trends, the intellectual structure, and provides directions for the future of academic research. Findings: In the article, it was determined which contributed documents were the most significant in this particular subject area, along with the citations, publications, and nations that were associated with them. …”
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Tourism destination quality and the UN sustainable development goals: Tourism Agenda 2030
Published 2022“…This is followed by examining potential links between destination quality and the SDGs, using results of a recent empirical research on tourism destination quality (henceforth the TDQ study). • Findings: The paper reveals that most of the SDGs are largely focused on quantity, whilst relatively few are concerned primarily with quality. …”
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