Single Polygon Counting on Cayley Tree of Order 3
Published 2010“…We showed that one form of generalized Catalan numbers is the solution to the problem of finding different connected component with finite vertices containing a fixed root for the semi-infinite Cayley tree of order 3. …”
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Article -
Reinforcement-concrete ratio of building frames
Published 2010“…The results of this research show that the mean reinforcement-concrete ratios for the building categories of 1 to 5 storey height and more than 5 storey height are 188.70kg.m3 and 242.23kg/m3 respectively. Findings of this research conclude that the buildings which are in the category of more than 5 storey height are having higher reinforcement concrete ratio compared to buildings which are in the category of 1 to 5 storey height and the difference is statistically significant.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Harmonic reduction of a single-phase multilevel inverter using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization
Published 2016“…Particle swarm optimization shows strength in finding best total harmonics distortion where in 7-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (m=0.8) show 6.8% only as compared to genetic algorithm. …”
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Thesis -
Case studies of human-related problems in the implementation of quality management
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
Single polygon counting for two fixed nodes on a Cayley tree of order 2
Published 2011Get full text
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Modified biosorbents for dissolved oil removal from produced water
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Decolourisation of palm oil mill effluent using curvularia clavata
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Ising model with competing interactions on Cayley tree of order 4: an analytic solution
Published 2011“…For the Ising model with competing interactions on the fourth-order Cayley tree, we find the critical curve separate the region of phase transition and no phase transition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Single polygon counting on Cayley tree of order 4 : generalized Catalan numbers
Published 2013“…We showed that one form of generalized Catalan numbers is the solution to the problem of finding different single component containing single fixed root for Cayley tree of order 4. …”
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Article -
Ising model with competing interactions on Cayley tree of order four
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
Geometric Brownian motion and calculation of option premium in black scholes model
Published 2011Get full text
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Phase transition for Ising model with two competing interaction on Cayley tree of order
Published 2011Get full text
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