Decisive insight on communal and moral assessment of Islamic banking: is it identical to social and ethical banking?
Published 2010“…The emergence of Islamic banks is to introduce the ethical aspects that seem to be long forgotten into the current global financial system. …”
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Acute airway obstruction due to Ascaris Lumbricoides in a ventilated child
Published 2002“…Emergency rigid bronchoscopy under general anaesthesia extracted an eight-centimetre long Ascaris lumbricoides. The patient’s ventilation and oxygenation improved drastically and he was discharged home 3 weeks later.…”
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First record of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum off'the west coast of Sabah Malaysia
Published 2008“…Gymnodinium catenatum forms long chains of up to 30 cells and is characterized by cells which are anterior-posteriorly compressed and with cell sizes ranging from 30-40 um. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Global challenge of manual suapicion: Boko Haram uprising in Nigeria
Published 2013“…Religious sensitivity and a long time economic marginalisation of the north favor the growth of the insurgence in the region. …”
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Is shorting of Exchange Traded Funds a dangerous financial sport? recent UK evidence
Published 2013“…An ETF investor gains immediate exposure to the basket, by taking either a long or short position on this instrument. Both hedgers and speculators can short ETFs, making the informational content of increases in ETF short interest difficult to interpret. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Whole grain uncovered
Published 2012“…CEREAL GRAINY has long been a major part of our daily lives and we now consume rice on average three or two times a day. …”
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Post tsunami psychological impact among survivors in Aceh and West Sumatra, Indonesia
Published 2014“…The aim of this study was to determine the long-term psychological impact on the residents inhabiting these regions and to identify factors associated with it. …”
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The effects of subdermal hormonal contraceptive implant on health indices. A preliminary report
Published 2007“…Subdermal etonogestrel implant (Implanon®) is the newest, long term contraceptive implant which has recently been made available to Malaysian women. …”
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The effects of real exchange rate on trade balance and domestic output: a case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…The cointegration results suggest that a real ringgit exchange rate depreciation improves the Malaysian balance of trade in the long run.The impulse response analysis suggests that the effects of a depreciation of ringgit on the trade balance and domestic output are quite similar. …”
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Is there a link between development financial institutions (DFIs) and the economic development? the Malaysian case
Published 2015“…We found evidence that both the variables of DFIs in the form of total assets and financing activities have positive and statistically significant long run equilibrium relationship with per capita real income suggesting that the DFIs are important in influencing per capita income in Malaysia.…”
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Racial extinction and regeneration: representation of North Africa in the factual and fictional writings of Grant Allen
Published 2015“…It highlights his contributions to the racial discourse circulating throughout the nineteenth century with regards to the Kabyles, a sub-division of the Berbers, as the long-lost descendants of the Romans who had formerly conquered North Africa.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mosque decoration between acceptance and rejection
Published 2015“…The paper concludes that in principle mosque decoration is permissible so long as it conforms to the requirements of the Islamic spirituality and the quintessence of genuine Islamic art and architecture. …”
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Rationalizing the permissibility of mosque decoration
Published 2016“…The chapter concludes that in principle mosque decoration is permissible so long as it conforms to the requirements of the Islamic spirituality and the quintessence of genuine Islamic art and architecture.…”
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A constitutional perspective on the legal effect of international laws and treaties on Syariah in Malaysia
Published 2009“…International laws and international treatise and conventions must be adopted as long as they are not in conflict with the Syariah as well as religious values and norms of other religion practiced in Malaysia. …”
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Book Chapter -
The vanishing veins: difficult venous access in a patient requiring translumbar, transhepatic, and transcollateral central catheter insertion
Published 2011“…Central venous catheter placement is indicated in patients requiring long-term therapy. With repeated venous catheterisations, conventional venous access sites can be exhausted. …”
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Sulh (mediation) in the Syariah court: some problems and prospects
Published 2011“…Overcoming these operational challenges identified will go a long way in reducing the backlog of cases in Shari'ah courts in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
International linkages among stock markets of Malaysia and its major trading partners
Published 2009“…This study empirically examines the short- and long-run dynamic causal linkages between Malaysia and its major trading partners (the United States, Japan, Singapore, China, and Thailand) based on a two-step estimation, Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) during the period 1992–2008. …”
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Trade openness, foreign direct investment and growth in Thailand
Published 2011“…The cointegration analysis suggests that the variables are cointegrated and there exists a unique long-run relationship among the variables. The results of Granger causality test show that trade openness, foreign direct investment and gross domestic investment Granger caused economic growth unidirectionally, except trade openness. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Virtual realities in the business world
Published 2018“…In that light the aspiration to enable people to fully enter digital environments becomes understandable. We are a long way off fully realizing that ideal, but day-to-day virtual reality (VR) is bringing us gradually closer. …”
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Money Matters : Research into the extent and nature of financial abuse within intimate relationships in the UK
Published 2015“…Yet the impact of this form of abuse – where financial control, exploitation or sabotage are used to control a person’s ability to acquire, use and maintain financial resources - can be both devastating and long-lasting. The Co-operative Bank and Refuge commissioned a nationally representative survey (n=4,002) designed to lift the lid on the extent of financial abuse in the UK. …”
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