Development and evaluation of linerboard made from soda-anthraquinone treated coconut coir fiber for protective packaging
Published 2018“…The condition of 18% active alkali (AA) and 1.5 hrs cooking time was chosen for mechanical treatment (beating). …”
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Thesis -
Smoker desaturation during general anaesthesia: a case report
Published 2009“…We conclude that smoking cessation was necessary at long as possible even though in case of emergency to prevent potential hypoxaemia pre intubation and during extubation at the end of operation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Stress and practical assessments
Published 2010“…This paper explores the role of stress in practical assessments, which have long been used in an academic Sports Science and Sports Therapy setting. …”
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Article -
A key role for scientists in strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention
Published 2023“…In March 2023 an agreement was also reached on an agenda and timetable for this effort over the next two years. Scientists have a long history of providing valuable input to such meetings, in this paper, we discuss how such input might best be provided with complicated challenges now facing the BWC and concluded that there is much that could be done, but greater coordination amongst scientists is needed.…”
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Article -
Mixture of CO2-N2 as a potential to SF6 insulation gas: an overview
Published 2020“…An excellent gaseous dielectric material, however, required a long list of demanding properties, for example, having an utmost dielectric strength, good heat transfer, environmental-friendly, high thermal constancy, and available at low cost.…”
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Book Section -
A review on prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (Msds) among VDT users
Published 2018“…Through the studies, it was found that computer-related risk factors correspond with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) including awkward postures, long duration of computer use, work involving repetitive processes and the office environment…”
Article -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…This was achieved using stepped impedance lines (SIL). No isolators were necessary using the proposed technique. …”
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Thesis -
Beam-scanning leaky-wave antenna based on CRLH-metamaterial for millimeter-wave applications
Published 2019“…This paper presents empirical results of an innovative beam scanning leaky-wave antenna (LWA) which enables scanning over a wide angle from -35 to +34.5 degrees between 57 GHz and 62 GHz, with broadside radiation centered at 60 GHz. …”
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False positive detection rate of R2-CAD in evaluation of breast lesions at Full-Field-Digital Mammogram (FFDM)
Published 2009“…As such, it should be used as an aid not the first line mammographic interpretation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparing BRIN-BD11 culture producing insulin using different type of microcarriers
Published 2010“…The highest insulin concentration has been produced in PPMCs culture (5.31 mg/L) compared toHIIMCs culture (2.01 mg/L) and T-flask culture (1.99 mg/L). …”
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Millimeter-wave high-gain SIW end-fire bow-tie antenna
Published 2015“…The proposed antenna consists of a pair of bow-tie radiators, where each radiator is etched on the opposite side of the common dielectric substrate and fed through substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) feed-line. The bow-tie radiators are arranged to cross each other symmetrically by tilting the feed-lines by 30◦ to enhance the antenna gain and to obtain the required radiation pattern. …”
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Quasi-elliptic ultra-wideband bandpass filter with super-wide stopband
Published 2019“…The MMR structure essentially consists of a step impedance transmission-line resonator that is loaded centrally with a folded open-circuited stub. …”
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Accounting treatment for corporate zakat: a critical review
Published 2009“…These inaccuracies, in one way or another, have not been in line with the true spirit of zakat in Islam. More worryingly, some unfavorable consequences may and in fact have already been implicated on the larger Muslim community as a result. …”
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Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi’s views on ijtihad and their relevance to the contemporary Muslim society
Published 2010“…For Mawdudi, ijtihad is the concept, the process, as well as the mechanism by which the Shariah, as elaborated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah is to be interpreted, developed and kept alive in line with the intellectual, political, economic, legal, technological and moral development of society. …”
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Are perceptions of organizational justice universal? an exploration of measurement invariance across thirteen cultures
Published 2011“…Perceptions of justice are more highly intercorrelated in power distant and collectivistic samples, in line with extensions of the relational model of authority. …”
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Future direction of language education in Malaysia
Published 2010“…The study was an investigation of how tertiary level language education evolved in Malaysian universities since 1966. In line with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (2007), the study seeks to profile the range of languages, linguistics, and literature courses and their strengths and unique features across all language departments of different universities in Malaysia. …”
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Monograph -
Core crush criterion to determine the strength of sandwich composite structures subjected to compression after impact
Published 2008“…The mechanism of failure of this kind of structure under post-impact compressive loading is due to interaction between three mechanical behaviors: geometrical nonlinearity due to the skin’s neutral line off-set in the dent area, nonlinear response of the core and damages to the skins. …”
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Article -
Partners in national cyber security strategy? : An analysis of cyber security strategies of Ministry of Defence and police in UK
Published 2018“…The research also found that the Cyber Security Strategy is mainly state centric while policing is human centric in approach, this accounts for the challenges in bringing the policing cyber strategy in line with the National cyber strategy. The research concludes that an increase in education and expertise of both forces will help enhance bi-lateral and multi-lateral partnerships in the race to make the UK cyberspace safe.…”
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Thesis -
Development of new data partitioning and allocation algorithms for query optimization of distributed data warehouse systems
Published 2008“…However, although data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) are essential elements of decision support, the OLAP query response time is strongly affected by the volume of data need to be accessed from storage disks. …”
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