Beam-deflection using gradient refractive-index media for 60-GHz end-fire antenna
Published 2015“…The simulation and experimental results show that an antenna with a 5 × 4 array of GRIM unit-cells can steer the main beam in the E-plane by +26° with respect to the end-fire direction over 57-64 GHz. …”
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A compact balanced antipodal bow-tie antenna having double notch-bands
Published 2014“…In addition, the antenna provides notch-bands across 3.3–4 and 5–6 GHz to minimize interference from the WiMAX and WLAN networks.…”
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'Spaces to speak' of sour milk : exploring African-Caribbean-British women's activism and agency on childhood sexual abuse from the 1980s to the present day
Published 2016“…The thesis presents findings from 5 in-depth interviews with Black British feminists (Experts); a partial content analysis of British feminist periodicals from 1980s onward; 7 in-depth interviews with African-Caribbean British victim-survivors of CSA and a survey examining Black, Asian and Minority, Ethnic service provision (BAME) in 13 Rape Crisis Centre’s in England and Scotland.…”
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Thesis -
EM Isolation Enhancement Based on Metamaterial Concept in Antenna Array System to Support Full-Duplex Application
Published 2017“…The proposed antenna array has physical dimensions of 65×22.5×1.6 mm3 and an electrical size of 2.16λo×0.75λo×0.053λo, where λo is free space-wavelength at mid-band of 10 GHz.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
COVID‐19 comorbidities, associated procoagulant extracellular vesicles and venous thromboembolisms: a possible link with ethnicity?
Published 2020“…In a meta-analysis of seven studies (1,576 infected patients) the co-morbidities included hypertension (21.1%), diabetes (9.7%), cardiovascular disease (CVD), (8.4%) and respiratory system disease (1.5%). Of the critically ill COVID-19 patients with these co-morbidities and an associated hyperinflammatory state admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), up to 31% suffered thrombotic episodes (even with thromboprophylaxis), in particular, venous thromboembolisms (VTE), one of the important sequelae of COVID-19.…”
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Reducing conflict and containment rates on acute psychiatric wards: the Safewards cluster randomised controlled trial
Published 2015“…Results For shifts with conflict or containment incidents, the experimental condition reduced the rate of conflict events by 15% (95% CI 5.6–23.7%) relative to the control intervention. …”
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Wide stopband planar Microwave bandpass filter design
Published 2020“…Simulation results reveal that the proposed design enables the upper and lower transmission zeros to be adjustable independently by (±16.5%) prior to fabrication. Moreover, the coupling scheme employed allows the filter’s centre frequency to be adjusted by 8.69% and 3dB fractional bandwidth by 7.1% with insignificant effect on the stopband characteristics. …”
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A roadmap for lean production tools implementation
Published 2024“…By analysing the obtained results, a suitable roadmap for the implementation of lean manufacturing tools [including personnel (continuous improvement, performance management, organising), Kaizen, value stream map, 5S, standard work, productive maintenance, pull system, Jidoka, single minute exchange of die, Heijunka and continuous flow] has been presented.…”
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A systematic review examining alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction across genders
Published 2022“…Research looking at alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction in cisgender women, and even more so intersex, transgender and gender non-conforming people has received comparatively less attention than for cisgender men, with a 1:5 ratio. Consensus of the included literature indicated that alcohol dependence does impact sexual functioning, which includes erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for cisgender men and sexual desire and orgasmic difficulties for cisgender women. …”
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Optimal portfolio and trading strategy using machine learning
Published 2024“…The first sub-task is to use the annual financial ratios of each company under the sector of semiconductors from 2011 to 2018 to project the company returns in 2019 using machine learning algorithms. Then, the top 5 highest-return assets would be selected to form a portfolio. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Biological security education, awareness, and outreach as essential elements of strengthening the review of science and technology under the BTWC
Published 2022Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Computational study of antimony sulphide absorbance layer for solar cells
Published 2023Get full text