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Gelagat Kepatuhan Membayar Zakat Perniagaan Di Syarikat Tersenarai Awam /Public Listed Company (Plc) Dan Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan /Government Link Company (Glc) Di Negeri Kedah...
Published 2018“…Namun, di dalam laporan Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) tidak dinyatakan jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan samada perniagaan berskala kecil, sederhana kecil, berskala besar atau entiti syarikat tersenarai awam kepunyaan negeri (PLC dan GLC). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Loan Moratorium Announcement and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis (S/O 14829)
Published 2022“…Moratorium pinjaman telah menjadi bantuan kewangan yang amat penting kepada peminjam bank semasa pandemik Covid-19. Walaupun jumlah yang besar telah diberi penangguhan oleh bank kepada peminjam, namun kesan peruntukkan ini kepada bank masih menjadi persoalan. …”
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Monograph -
Membongkar Enigma Projek Perumahan Terbengkalai di Malaysia: Perspektif Undang-Undang Tanah Islam
Published 2024“…Walau bagaimanapun, projek perumahan terbengkalai di Malaysia sehingga kini masih kekal merupakan isu besar yang masih belum sepenuhnya ditangani secara berkesan dalam industri perumahan negara. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
4.A21 Stories Without Words: Photographing the First Year, Fall 2005
Published 2005Get full text
Learning Object -
Prototyping wireless pulse oximeter
Published 2014“…This paper describes the incorporation of ZigBee protocol into medical devices such as Pulse Oximeter. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Autistic students' experiences, opportunities and challenges in higher education in Singapore: a qualitative study
Published 2023“…The present study sought to explore and understand (i) the experiences, opportunities, and challenges of autistic students in HE in Singapore; and (ii) non-autistic HE students’ experiences of studying alongside and socially engaging with their autistic peers. Twenty autistic and twenty-two non-autistic HE students in Singapore completed an online survey with open-ended questions. …”
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Journal Article -
The anxious chronicles: visualising my anxiety through acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) as well as humour and satire
Published 2024“…I noticed that I myself have been facing anxiety together with my peers around me and how we often use humour in the form of sarcasm or irony to externalise and mediate our emotions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Unlocking the mysteries behind baby viral videos.
Published 2012“…Online content that contains viral elements will effortlessly spread through the Internet as users share among their peers. Mysteriously, videos containing baby content are shared widely and received millions of views. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
‘Maturing out’ as dilemmatic: transitions towards relatively light drinking practices among UK University students
Published 2021“…One dilemma was characterised by managing to drink less (or nothing) without cutting off social options with university friends/peers. A second dilemma concerned not wishing to fully abandon the pleasures and increased social confidence that alcohol consumption could afford. …”
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Article -
Alcohol Use and Its Relation with Demographic, Environmental, and Psychological Factors among Adolescents in Nabawan, Sabah
Published 2024“…Analysis revealed that older age adolescents 18 years and 19 years, respectively (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 3.93; P=0.021; aOR, 5.38; P=0.003), having parents (aOR, 4.11; P=0.001) and peers (aOR, 11.57; P<0.001) who consume alcohol were significantly associated with alcohol use. …”
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Article -
21W.745 / SP.576J / WGS.576J Advanced Essay Workshop, Spring 2005
Published 2005Get full text
Learning Object -
Mode of action study for a novel class of antimicrobial polymers against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Published 2020Get full text
Thesis-Master by Research -
Novel nanogel formulations with good antibacterial activities against wound infections
Published 2024Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Analysis and design of RSSI in the RF receiver chain
Published 2018“…This dissertation presents the CMOS design of such a RSSI block implemented in the RF receiver chain, which is used in low-power applications such as BLE or ZigBee. IFA and rectifiers form the basic building blocks of RSSI that are constructed with much care in this design. …”
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Thesis -
Strategies of colour and lighting design in the cinematography of Christopher Doyle
Published 2019“…The study of these 5 feature films by renowned Directors Wong Kar Wai, Zhang Yi Mou, Tan Bee Thiam and Phillip Noyce will also showcase a detailed visual analysis of various narrative styles. …”
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Thesis -
Developing of applications on the Googles Android powered devices and Arduino-powered platforms 1
Published 2015“…This application also includes a tracking feature. Using the GPS tracker, the application will track the user’s item and plotted them to the Google map. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development and characterisation of novel silicon pixel detectors for tracking and timing
Published 2024“…<p>To achieve a total integrated luminosity of 3,000 fb^(−1) collected after the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by the Inner Tracker (ITk) with an increased demand for sensor radiation hardness. …”
Thesis -
Pengeluaran optimum dan mampan: aplikasi pelan caruman tertakrif di Malaysia
Published 2024“…Hasil kajian mendapati bagi model pengeluaran optimum, pesara yang mempunyai kadar penghindaran risiko yang lebih tinggi dijangka melakukan pengeluaran yang lebih kecil di awal tahun persaraan untuk menikmati pengeluaran yang lebih besar di akhir tempoh persaraan. Bagi model pengeluaran mampan, pesara yang mempunyai kebarangkalian kemusnahan kewangan yang lebih rendah adalah pesara yang menyimpan wang persaraannya ke dalam Unit Amanah. …”
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Article -
Modal budaya dan kebergantungannya kepada generasi kedua kelapa sawit: kajian kes pekebun kecil sawit di Jengka 5, Maran, Pahang
Published 2024“…Industri pertanian merupakan sektor ketiga terpenting dalam ekonomi Malaysia dengan sumbangan besar kepada pengeluaran dan eksport minyak sawit global. …”
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Article -
Model Ramalan dan Klasifikasi bagi Sistem E-mel UUM (S/O 13438)
Published 2019“…Walaupun e-mel dapat meningkatkan kualiti komunikasi, para penyelidik mengakui bahawa terdapat banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengguna e-mel, antaranya e-mel yang diterima berulang-ulang, e-mel spam, e-mel dengan fail lampiran bersaiz besar, dan ini menyebabkan peti simpanan e-mel cepat penuh. …”
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