Musharakah Mutanaqisah home financing: a review of literatures and practices of Islamic banks in Malaysia
Published 2010Subjects: “…HG Finance…”
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Determinants of customers' intention to use Islamic personal financing: the case of Malaysian Islamic banks
Published 2011“…Purpose – Islamic banking and finance is an emerging global industry founded on Islamic ethical precepts. …”
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İslâmi finans sektörü: Yeni İpekyolu (Islamic finance sector: the New Silk Road)
Published 2011Get full text
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Legal reform on the dispute resolution mechanism in Islamic banking and finance in Indonesia: issues and challenges
Published 2011“…In addition to this Court, an alternative institution for resolution of Islamic banking and finance disputes such as BASYARNAS (National Shari'ah Arbitration Body) is also established. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Adoption of green finance and green innovation for achieving circularity: an exploratory review and future directions
Published 2023“…There is growing attention from governments and regulators towards crucial matters such as climate change and global warming, resulting in a pressing need to investigate the factors that make it possible for businesses to engage in green finance (GF). The externality of environmental pollution prioritizes the need of green innovation (GI) in public management. …”
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A new geometrical approach to solve inverse kinematics of hyper redundant robots with variable link length
Published 2011“…In this paper a new approach that generates a general algorithm for n-link hyper-redundant robot is presented. This method uses repetitively the basic inverse kinematics solution of a 2- link robot on some virtual links,where the virtual links are defined following some geometric proposition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparison of LQR and PSO-based state feedback controller for tracking control of a flexible link manipulaton
Published 2010“…In this paper, the state feedback control design problem for tracking control of a flexible link manipulator is considered. The calculation of state feedback control gains is conventionally handled by pole placement method or LQR method via Riccati equation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rain fade and it's effect analysis for earth-to-satellite microwave link based on measured rainfall statistics in Bangladesh
Published 2009“…The fast growth in communication systems has resulted congestion in lower frequency bands and microwave link designers are forced to explore higher and higher frequencies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Housing, health and affordable warmth: an investigation into the link between fuel poverty risk and the health of older people
Published 2003“…A significant positive correlation was found between the FPR and the EWMbR, adding to the evidence-base of links between fuel poverty and health. The mapped analysis is illustrated using GIS software, which is helpful for presenting multidisciplinary data and is a common epidemiological tool. …”
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Dynamic modelling of flexible link aerator with embedded holes to generate dissolved oxygen in tiger prawn pond
Published 2015“…This aerator uses a new concept by using flexible link by implementing embedded holes in its design in. …”
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A Meta analysis of research on private finance initiative (PFI) or public private partnership (PPP)
Published 2011Subjects: “…KBP3526 Public finance…”
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A systematic review of research on the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Published 2011“…Paper type: Literature review. Keywords: Private Finance Initiative, Public Private Partnerships, meta-analysis, content analysis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Transition of Islamic banks from debt-based modes to equity-based financing: issues and prospects
Published 2010“…Adopting an equity format could solve problems faced in debt-based project financing from an Islamic perspective, in addition to realising justice and fair play. …”
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Consumers’ acceptance on Islamic home financing: empirical evidence on Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) is the most predominant mode of home financing in Malaysia since the introduction of Islamic banking in 1983. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Determining the viability of rental price to benchmark Islamic home financing products evidence from Malaysia
Published 2011“…Practical implications – This feature of the RP renders it as a fair pricing mechanism for the Islamic home financing product. Results of this study contribute towards finding an alternative benchmark for the Islamic home financing product which is currently using the conventional interest rate as its benchmark. …”
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Maqasid Al-Shari'ah in business transactions: Special focus on sukuk as islamic project finance
Published 2011“…Furthermore, sukuk and its various types provide options for project finance. Thus, it is important for the maqasid al-shari’ah and sukuk to be considered and implemented in construction works. …”
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