Linear predictive coding of speech
Published 2011“…To remove the redundancy from speech signal, is done in 1\vo stages, first stage is to remove short term correlations form the signal and the second is to remove long term correlations. The short term and long term redundancies are modelled by digital filters very precisely. …”
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Book Chapter -
Development of Smart Sajadah system
Published 2020“…Solat is the central element of muslim’s worship. It is one of the five pillars of Islamic faith and an obligatory religious duty for every muslim. …”
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Book Section -
Exports and economic growth nexus: the case of Pakistan
Published 2004“…Results strongly support a long-run relationship among imports, exports, and output growth. …”
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Article -
Does exchange rate risks matter for exports? a case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…This paper attempts to estimate the impact of exchange rate risks on exports using Pesaran et al. (2001) bounds testing procedure to establish cointegration. The long run coefficients are estimated via the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. …”
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Article -
Critical Thinking through Problem-based Learning in an Applied Ethics Module
Published 2007“…Employers and governments have long called for graduates with generic, interpersonal, communication, and critical thinking skills [1]. …”
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Article -
The abuse of the due process doctrine
Published 2015“…Under the Malaysian evidence law, evidence procured by illegal methods, even by reprehensible methods such as entrapment is still admissible as long as it is relevant. Even though, there is a discretion to exclude, it is exercised in very circumscribed circumstances. …”
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Article -
The impact of cybervictimization on the self-management of chronic conditions: lived experiences
Published 2023“…Cybervictimization of people with long-term conditions is a disturbing phenomenon with a documented impact on health and well-being. …”
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Article -
Words and facts: children's fast mapping, retention and extension
Published 2015“…Neither study found any significant differences between conditions suggesting that the familiarity of the referent object has limited effect on the long-term retention of fast mapped facts. Study 2 evidenced poor retention whereas, Study 3 found good long-term retention in all conditions. …”
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Thesis -
The velocity of circulation of money : empirical evidence for the United Kingdom 1870-1991
Published 1995“…The main aim of this thesis is to employ long time series data and up to date econometric techniques to produce evidence that relate to these two opposing views. …”
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Thesis -
Inclusive formative assessment practices (IFAP) in higher education: promoting education for social justice [conference paper]
Published 2023“…Moreover, very few long-term studies, if any, have actually conducted research in HE using a mixed methods approach. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Bank Rakyat Malaysia: vision remains while mission is revisited
Published 2011“…Thus the vision of serving its members was maintained while a new structure was created to aid efficient decision making and communication with stakeholders. …”
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Article -
Single stage stirred tank bioreactor production of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) vinegar
Published 2011“…The fermentation of star fruit juice into vinegar was produced by decomposing sugar contained in the fruit substrate through alcohol and acetic acid fermentation over a period of three days with the aid of two microorganisms, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobactor aceti. …”
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Book Chapter -
Zakat administration, distribution and economic growth : a study in the Federal Territory of Malaysia
Published 2013“…Every Muslim must establish himself upon these five pillars. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which is based on the al-Quran and Sunnah (the practices of Allah’s Messenger). …”
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Book -
Propagation potentials of genotypes and different physiological ages of stem cuttings in Jatropha curcas L.
Published 2010“…The study showed significant variability in shoot and root development and growth of shoots of the three physiological ages of cuttings and five genotypes. Semi hardwood stem cuttings had lower days to opening of new bud and shooting (4.8 and 11.7 d, respectively) as well as higher percentage of sprouted and rooted cuttings of 100% and 98.5%, respectively. …”
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Article -
Meaningful eating: a new method for food design
Published 2013“…TED is designed by integrating a tool and a technique called Visual Explorer, developed by The Centre for Creative Leadership, into a particular structure derived from the Five Aspects Meal Model, introduced by Edwards J.S.A. and Gustafsson I.B. (2008a). …”
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Thesis -
Comparison study of sorting techniques in dynamic data structure
Published 2016“…The execution time for the five sorting algorithms of each group of data elements were computed. …”
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Thesis -
Morphology of some marine benthic Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) of Prorocentrum based on light and scanning electron microscopy
Published 2010“…In identification of the the seYeral morphological characteristics have been used ia. cellsize, omamentation of thecal plates, number ofplatelets in the periflagellar area and mode of liviug fulanktonic aid/or benthic). To date there are more tlnn 20 species of benthic Fro ro"";; tp;;". hur" been described based on these species' characteristics but sometimes confusion occurred due to_overlafping characteristics among closely allied In this study morphological feature of 5 species of proroiintir*and 2 strains of prorocentrum collected lima Differences from Banggi Island, sabah were detennined based on iigi, *a scanning Electron Microscopy. on cell size, thecal plate omamentation and numb";;Gilil;""";ildrar discussed' Detail area \ryere description of each species willprovide aaaiuonaiinforrnation Prorocentrum in species delineation of species…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Correlations between subdural empyema and paraclinical as well as clinical parameters amongst urban Malay paediatric patients
Published 2008“…Chi-square test was performed to determine the association between surgical methods and the survival of the patients, neurological improvement, clearance of empyema on CT brain, re-surgery and long morbidity among the survivors. If the 20% or more of the cells were having expected frequency less than five, then Fisher’s Exact test was applied. …”
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Article -
Effect of transverse shear in reinforced concrete slab on wide flange t-beam
Published 2023Get full text