The perils of a dual mandate
Published 2024“…Specifically, the government controls the quantity of nominal debt, enabling price level determination independently of the interest rate trajectory (Hagedorn, 2021). Our findings indicate that under an inflation-targeting regime, price level determinacy is often the exception than the norm when the central bank pursues a dual mandate. …”
Working paper -
Fine-scale genetic structure and natural selection signatures of southwestern Hans inferred from patterns of genome-wide allele, haplotype, and haplogroup lineages
Published 2021“…Generally, we provided a case and ideal strategy to reconstruct the detailed demographic evolutionary history of Guizhou Hans, which provided new insights into the fine-scale genomic formation of one ethnolinguistically specific targeted population from the comprehensive perspectives of the shared unlinked alleles, linked haplotypes, and paternal and maternal lineages.…”
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Journal Article -
Changes in cerebrospinal fluid balance of TNF and TNF receptors in naïve multiple sclerosis patients : early involvement in compartmentalised intrathecal inflammation
Published 2021“…Finally, the CSF TNFR2-associated pattern (encompassing high CSF levels of IFN-β, IFN-λ2, sIL-6Rα) was linked to Th cell differentiation and regulatory cytokine signalling. …”
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Journal Article -
Diversity of Idea Flows and Economic Growth
Published 2021“…New forms of geo-located communications and economic data allow measurement of human interaction patterns and prediction of economic outcomes for individuals, communities, and nations at a fine granularity, with the strongest predictors of income, productivity, and growth being measures of diversity and frequency of physical interaction between communities (clusters of interaction). This finding provides both new investment opportunities and new methods of risk assessment. …”
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Article -
Causal Machine Learning to Discover Biochemical Determinants of Physical Fitness
Published 2024“…Identifying the key pathways relevant to cardiorespiratory fitness is of great importance for both predicting exercise responsiveness and potentially finding which interventions are likely to affect it. …”
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Thesis -
Agricultural transition and the adoption of primitive technology
Published 2015“…Using a proxy for the geographic diffusion barriers of Neolithic technology and an index of biogeographic endowments to isolate the exogenous component of the timing of agricultural transition, the findings indicate that countries that experienced earlier transitions to agriculture were subsequently more capable of adopting new technologies in 1000 BC, 1 AD, and 1500 AD. …”
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Journal Article -
What motivates parents to mediate children’s use of smartphones? An application of the theory of planned behavior
Published 2020“…A survey conducted with parents of young smartphone users aged 10–17 shows that parents tend to perceive discussion-based active mediation to be more desirable, as compared to rule-making restrictive mediation. Findings also indicate that the extent to which parents believe that they have control over their parental mediation practices plays an important role in forming positive intentions to practice parental mediation, regardless of the mediation domain.…”
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Journal Article -
Are two teachers better than one? Team teaching in TBL
Published 2020“…There are quantitative and qualitative differences in the nature of the questions that they ask. The findings provide insight into how effective TBL sessions arise from complementary questioning strategies from these parties.…”
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Journal Article -
The design of a rail-to-rail output swing using a nested-current-mirror single-stage amplifier with a high PSRR
Published 2021“…In this report, the design of the Operational Amplifier, simulation results and various findings is discussed.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Perceived economic prospects during the early stage of COVID-19 breakout
Published 2023“…Results show that fewer new confirmed COVID-19 cases significantly increase individuals' expectations on gross domestic product and consumer price index growth rates. Our finding provides evidence that at the early stage of an unfamiliar epidemic, containing the spread of the disease may help to maintain positive economic expectations among individuals.…”
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Journal Article -
Gaussian integer solutions of the diophantine equation x4 + y4 = z3 for for x ≠ y
Published 2024“…The discussion includes various preliminary results later used to build the resolvent theory of the Diophantine equation studied. Our findings show the existence of infinitely many solutions. …”
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Journal Article -
Fundamental understanding and materials design for atmospheric water harvesting
Published 2024“…Therefore, by investigating water condensation behaviours on surfaces with various morphologies and energies, combining this research with Molecular Dynamics and Python simulation, we hope to carry out optimal possible surface designs supported by the findings of our experiments and simulations, to aid in the atmospheric water harvesting process.…”
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Student Research Poster -
Subband adaptive algorithms for high-order transversal filters
Published 2008“…Acoustic echo canceller finds application in hands-free telephone systems, audio or video conference systems, hearing aids, voice-control systems, and many more.…”
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Thesis -
Narratives and tactile comfort for anxious children
Published 2015“…Through quantitative and qualitative methods administered to children aged 5 to 12 years of age, including parental feedback, findings were analysed to create a design outcome that can contribute to the current studies related to: (a) facilitating the treatment of childhood anxieties in cognitive behavioural therapy, (b) healthy emotional regulation and in (c) promoting children’s social wellbeing in general. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Review of Transmission Electron Microscopy of Quasicrystals—How Are Atoms Arranged?
Published 2017“…In this review, we summarized the achievements of the study of QCs using TEM, providing intriguing structural details of QCs unveiled by TEM analyses. The main findings on the symmetry, local atomic arrangement and chemical order of QCs are illustrated.…”
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Journal Article -
Self-consistent polaron states in the presence of simultaneous local and nonlocal exciton-phonon coupling
Published 2011“…Among the differences between our findings and those of the original work are polaron binding energies much larger and Debye Waller factors much smaller than originally anticipated.…”
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Journal Article -
Detection of DNA hybridization on chemically modified graphene platforms
Published 2013“…We believe that our findings may present a foundation for further research and development in graphene-based impedimetric biosensing.…”
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Journal Article -
On-the-fly specific person retrieval
Published 2012“…We describe a method of visual search for finding people in large video datasets. The novelty is that the person of interest can be specified at run time by a text query, and a discriminative classifier for that person is then learnt on-the-fly using images downloaded from Google Image search. …”
Conference item -
Sexual behaviour and social relationships among gelada baboons
Published 1978“…These results contrast with findings reported for other species of the baboon-macaque group, and the differences are discussed in relation to the contrasting social systems of these species.…”
Journal article -
Dysregulation of the Pdx1/Ovol2/Zeb2 axis in dedifferentiated β-cells triggers the induction of genes associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition in diabetes
Published 2022“…We carried out loss- and gain-of-function experiments in MIN6 and EndoC-bH1 cell lines. We analysed previously published mouse andhuman T2D data sets.Results:Bulk RNA-seq revealed thatb-cell dedifferentiation is associated with the induction of genes associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in prediabetic (2-week-old) and diabetic (12-week-old) Tg7 mice. …”
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Journal Article