Palestine, international law and Muslim unity
Published 2010“…The Palestine issue is a heart breaking politico-legal issue that has remained unresolved for so long. The issue started immediately after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and following the occupation of Palestine by Great Britain. …”
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Bilateral trade balance, exchange rates, and income: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2009“…The results suggest that the bilateral trade balance, real exchange rate, domestic and foreign incomes are cointegrated. In the long-run, Malaysia’s bilateral trade balances are found to be responsive to the changes of bilateral exchange rate in the cases of the USA and Singapore but irresponsive for Japan. …”
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Transport of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) into a mechanically ventilated office building adjacent to a busy road
Published 2011“…Long term indoor and outdoor monitoring of NO2 at a congested street canyon location identified high indoor concentrations prompting occupational health concerns. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Contemporary healthcare experience in Malaysian Hospitals
Published 2016“…The main dissatisfaction of patients in hospital is the long waiting time, which could lead to stress. This research makes suggestions concerning how to reduce the impact of the negative perception about the lengthy waiting time by having a contemporary healthcare experience through sub-retailers and nursery services within the hospital. …”
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China's political and economic activities in Africa: development and environmental concerns
Published 2010“…Analysts suspect that its activities are multi-layered with unambiguous agenda to secure joint ventures for long-term economic expansion and for advancing its geopolitical ambitions. …”
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Pengurusan perpustakaan Muslim abad ke 8-19 Masihi: satu pengenalan
Published 2015“…Muslim libraries have undergone a long comprehensive history. Its existence which began since 6th century A.D. are recorded in written sources by Muslims and orientalists. …”
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Emerging issues on reclaimed land in Malaysia: alienation for freehold or leasehold?
Published 2010“…There are many issues derived from land reclamation; among others environmental degradation, instability of reclaimed land, long term excessive settlement and land reclamation disputes between the states. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prospect for nuclear engineering education in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The planning window for a national nuclear power program is long, but the need to graduate nuclear engineers from Malaysian universities should be thought about earlier. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Charles Handy’s ‘The Future of Work’ Re-visited
Published 2015“…Briefly, during the post‑war period the industrialised West had been more or less free from the threat and actuality of unemployment which had blighted the lives of many working people during the inter‑war years. The long post‑war economic boom produced a generation of workers who had little fear of losing their jobs and, in the UK at least, were protected by a combination of the welfare state and dominant trade unions. …”
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Alcohol complicates multimorbidity in older adults
Published 2019“…Lower birth rates and higher life expectancy are transforming global population age profiles, such that the prevalence of long term health conditions in the general population is rising steeply, with more people living with multimorbidity as they age. …”
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Early maladaptive schemas and parental bonding in skin disease: investigating the role of schemas and early attachment in Greek patients with psoriasis and eczema
Published 2007“…This case study focuses on providing a succinct overview of the schema model and its application in a long-term therapeutic relationship. The initial assessment and schema case conceptualisation is presented, followed by a summary of sessions, including interventions and difficulties encountered with the client. …”
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Thesis -
Material requirements planning: application in small medium enterprise
Published 2020“…In the separate operation in long-term view, PPC is the technique that used to plan every single step. …”
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Book Section -
Material requirements planning system: a case study of stationery manufacturer
Published 2020“…Production planning and control is the methodology used to schedule every phase of a different project in a long cycle. Production planning and management help to make right decision in right place at right time, to achieve optimum efficiency (Juneja, 2020).…”
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Study on thermal performance of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panel (PCSP) design for sustainable built environment
Published 2018“…Sustainability in construction industry has become an issue when designing a new building [1] and the conventional on-site construction methods have long been criticised for imposing rigorous human health and safety risk, as well as causing significant environmental destruction [2]. …”
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Characteristics of neodymium modified borate crystals and glasses grown via polycrystalline seed mediation
Published 2023“…As the concentration of Nd3+ ions for glass system increased, both optical band gap and Urbach energies decreased. …”
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Thesis -
The impact of unification on the German model of industrial relations
Published 1999“…However, employers are still likely to benefit from preserving some of the consensus-based features of the model. …”
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Therapeutic use of calpeptin in COVID-19 infection.
Published 2022“…This approach, identifying calpeptin, through large-scale screening studies as a candidate drug to treat COVID-19, however, has not considered the longer term likely benefits of calpain inhibition, post-COVID-19. …”
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Molding of three-dimensional microcomponents
Published 2006“…Nickel and aluminum mold inserts were used for the study; their cavities were fabricated by combinations of available micromachining processes like laser micromachining, micromilling, micro electrical discharge machining, and focused ion beam sputtering. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of oil prices on stock market performance
Published 2023“…The volatility in oil prices and the accompanying swings in stock market performance raised the question of what, if any, is the relationship between these variables. …”
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Thesis -
Practical Islamic input in Orthopaedics Undergraduate Medical Curricula
Published 2004“…In a non-English speaking country like Malaysia, the burden on the medical students to perform is much bigger due to the language barrier as most teaching medium available are in English. …”
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