Characterization of drug-release kinetics in trabecular bone from titania nanotube implants
Published 2012“…The distribution of released model drug in the bone was monitored throughout the bone structure, and concentration profiles at different vertical (0–5 mm) and horizontal (0–10 mm) distances from the implant surface were obtained at a range of release times from 1 hour to 5 days. …”
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Diagnostic flexible airway endoscopy in paediatric intensive care setting : an analysis of 109 examinations in HTAA, Kuantan
Published 2013“…The most common indications for diagnostic endoscopy were stridor (76.1%), stertor (11%), chronic cough (5.5%), hoarseness (4.6%), and non-specific chest x-ray changes (2.8%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A central bioactive region of LTBP-2 stimulates the expression of TGF-β1 in fibroblasts via akt and p38 signalling pathways
Published 2017“…Inhibitory antibodies to integrins β1 and αVβ5 showed no reduction of LTBP-2 stimulation of TGF-β1. …”
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The chemopreventive effects of Nigella sativa extract and Thymoquinone in a paternal toxicity study
Published 2015“…Groups (v) and (vi) were treated with CPA followed by NSE and TQ after six hours. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tailoring electrospun nanofibers and electrosprayed nanoparticles to enhance cellular uptake of low bioavailability drugs
Published 2020“…A variety of electrospinning conditions were attempted and optimal conditions for producing high quality fibers were found to be 0.5 mL/hr, 14 cm (distance) and 12.22 kV (voltage) for PVP/1% (w/w) hemin fibers. …”
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Thesis -
14-BIT CMOS hybrid differential DAC for high-resolution sar ADC using VLSI implementation
Published 2022“…Detailed transient simulations implemented at the schematic and post-layout levels indicated that the DAC performed the required conversions at a 14-bit precision and maximum conversion frequency of 2.5 MS/s with peak DNL errors of –0.1612 and –0.8272, respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Low velocity impact response of rc beam with artificial polyethylene aggregate as concrete block infill
Published 2018“…All beams were tested with 100 kg steel weight dropped vertically from a height of 0.6 m and 1.54 m, which was equivalent to 3.5 m/s and 5.5 m/s respectively. Based on the experimental results, the impact force, displacement and crack patterns were affected by the impact load. …”
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Thesis -
Performance of laser assisted micro-milling (laμmill) of titanium alloy using micro ball end mill
Published 2018“…This study has proven that laser assisted micro milling reduces the cutting force approximately 5 to 20 %, depending on the feed and depth of cut applied. …”
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Thesis -
Generation of tunable q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on graphite flakes saturable absorber
Published 2020“…The wavelength tunability of passively Q-switched fiber laser for EDF M-5 and EDF I-12 were optimized at fixed pump power where the tuning range of EDF M-5 occurred between 1544 nm to 1560 nm and 1552 nm to 1570 nm for EDF I-12. …”
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Thesis -
Fabrication and optimization of N-Cu2O thin film using electrodeposition method for homojunction solar cell
Published 2018“…The parameters for electrodeposition of Cu2O such as the deposition potential, pH solution, solution temperature, and deposition time were optimized at -0.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl, pH 6.5, 60 °C, and 60 minutes, respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Cold compression in direct recycling of aluminium 6061
Published 2016“…Only one optimum chip size was used, that is (4-6) mm x (3.5-4.5) mm x (1.45-1.55) mm. The chips were cold compressed with a Force (F) of 35, 40 and 45 tons with variable in Holding Time (t = 1, 5 and 10 minutes). …”
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Thesis -
Chip serration frequency-the primary cause of chatter during end milling operation
Published 2011“…This paper includes the findings of an experimental study on instabilities of the chip formation process during end milling of Ti6Al4V alloy at different cutting conditions with two different two holders and its influencing factors on chatter formation. …”
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Chemical constituents and biological activities of the leaves of Garcinia griffithii(Guttiferae)
Published 2011“…lsolation and characterization of the n-Hexane crude extract of G. oriffithiihave afforded soualene. friedooleanan-3-one and stigmasta-5-en-3-ol.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Medicine for wound healing from the discarded seeds of tamarind
Published 2010“…Results: Induced wound (5 mm in diameter) on mouse epidermis were treated topically with various forms of tamarind seed extracts. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Growth performance of a neonate exclusively fed on buffalo milk: a case study
Published 2003“…A full term baby born through C-section with a birth-weight of 7.7lbs, which were within the standard range of 5.5-7.7 lbs. The baby was kept on the Nestle`s Lactogen-1 with the advice of a classified Pediatrician when the mother was failed to breast-feed the baby. …”
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Chip serration frequency-the primary cause of chatter during end milling operation
Published 2009“…This paper includes the findings of an experimental study on instabilities of the chip formation process during end milling of Ti6Al4V alloy at different cutting conditions with two different two holders and its influencing factors on chatter formation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of an aftermarket voltage stabilizer for its performance and emission on passengers vehicle
Published 2011“…Chassis dynamometer test shows on certain value of capacitors it does have an increase of torque and power by 5%. From emission result by using Gas Analyzer, it shO\vs that the voltage stabilizer could reduce some the hazardous gases especially hydrocarbon which contributes to the global warming. consumption from 160 km test drive shows a 5% mileage increase from the ordinary vehical setting. …”
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Book Chapter -
Phytochemical screening and galactagogue of banana flower (Musa x paradisiaca ABBB) extract on lactating rats
Published 2010“…Lactating rats in treatment groups were fed eith plant extract while mohters in control group were given an equivalent amount of distilled water start from day 5 through fay 14. Sample was administered via oral animal feeding tubes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preliminary analyses on detection of SYT-SSX fusion-transcripts in Synovial Sarcoma
Published 2012“…Introduction: Synovial Sarcoma is a rare cancer and account for 5-10% of adult soft tissue sarcomas. The tumour exhibits unspecified histogenesis composed primarily of spindle cells with variable epithelial components. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of pH and water turbulence on the growth of harmful algae pyrodintum bahamense var. compressum
Published 2010“…This study shows thatP bahamenseattained the highest cell density (616 cells mT:t; when grown at pH 8-5 without water motion. However, in the presence of Ilow water turbulence or water motion, the cell density is relatively low (128 cells ml,-r) at pH 8.5. …”
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Proceeding Paper