Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 17 July 1992
Published 1992“…Presented as a draft report from Ann Schofield, dated 1 August 1992.…”
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Minutes -
Global fashion as a tool in the ethnographic museum
Published 2019“…For example, until 2009, Tropenmusem mounted a permanent Indonesian textile exhibition with historical garments and cloths combined with fashion by contemporary Indonesian designer BinHouse. The exhibition was later dismantled in favor of creating a space for educational purposes, leaving a vacuum of textile exhibitions in the museum and across NMVW.…”
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Article -
Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour
Published 2016“…The report brings together research findings on two main areas: how labour market intermediaries are regulated by public authorities in the different Member States, and to what extent social partners’ activities contribute to preventing trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. …”
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Monograph -
Placemaking, performance and infrastructures of belonging: the role of ritual healing and mass cultural gatherings in the wake of trauma
Published 2024“…In the spirit of this project to develop a dynamic community of praxis, the authors have decided to frame their contribution to this volume as a dialogue rather than a univocal essay, keeping the commitment to posing theory against practice, and bringing a new voice, that of an artistic researcher- practitioner, into the discussion. In what follows, Dr Anna Marazuela Kim (AMK) provides a wide- ranging introduction to explore the potential of mass cultural gatherings in the healing of societal traumas, specifically as they invoke placemaking in the absence of place – a dynamic which forms a new contribution to the literature on this topic. …”
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Book Section -
Deep learning-based microcirculation performance classification using multispectral photoacoustic technology
Published 2024“…The ultrasonic waves collected from their posterior left arm under two experimental settings, namely at rest (i.e., control) and with arterial blood flow occlusions, were used to predict the microcirculation changes in tissue using the deep networks. Our findings showed the superiority of the hybrid model over the Alexnet and LSTM, with an average testing accuracy of 95.7 % and precision of 98.2 %, making it an ideal deep learning model for the task. …”
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Characterization of ink-based phantoms with deep networks and photoacoustic method
Published 2023Get full text
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Letter on Leeds Irish Heritage Project
Published 2003“…Typescript letter from Anna Dunne of Leeds Irish Health and Homes to Tony Murray of the Smurfit Archive of the Irish in Britain regarding the Leeds Irish Heritage Project under development.…”
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Correspondence -
Making masks for maternity staff
Published 2020“…Despite self-isolation, social distancing and NHS work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandra Denicke-Polcher and Anna Lawin-O’Brien found a way to make a joyous difference, connecting the community with healthcare providers on the shop floor. …”
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Phenomenological exploration of separation in couples amidst Covid-19 pandemic
Published 2023Get full text
Dataset -
‘Medicine doesn’t cure my worries’ : understanding the drivers of mental distress in older Nepalese women living in the UK
Published 2018“…In many cases, the impact of these factors was experienced in combination rather than isolation, often influenced by cultural dynamics. Findings highlight that re-settlement in the absence of family is at the heart of emotional challenges for older Nepalese women. …”
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Training Urgency to Bridge the Digital Divide for Social Media Marketing Awareness and Adoption: Case of CBT Rural Homestay Operators Malaysia
Published 2023“…The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings show that the community still has low awareness of the digital divide as well as the unavailability of relevant human resources and technical expertise. …”
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Migration and innovation at the bottom end: understanding the role of migrant managers in small hotels in the global city
Published 2012“…The paper examines the role of international migration and innovation in small hotels through a comparative study of migrant and non-migrant owners and managers in London hotels. The findings show the dependence of the sector on international managers whose contribution to innovation is understood in relation to the global environment of London, sectoral particularities and complex processes of mobility amongst both migrant and non-migrant managers. …”