The influence of periodontal treatment on serum lipid and systemic marker levels in patients with destructive periodontal disease
Published 2011“…Methods: Following protocol review and approval by the Institutional Review Board of Jordan University of Science and Technology a total of fifty five periodontitis patients randomly distributed into either a treatment group (37 patients) who received non-surgical periodontal therapy with intensive oral hygiene instructions and a repeated course of therapy for residual bleeding in periodontal pockets or a control group (18 patients) who received delayed periodontal treatment after completion of the clinical trial evaluation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The outcome of facial nerve decompression via transmastoid approach in facial palsy secondary to the temporal bone fracture
Published 2007“…In some cases, the fractures proceed antero-medially towards the facial hiatus and this can be approached via the supra-labyrinthine drilling with removal of the incus. Five patients experienced normal or near-normal recovery (HB grade I-II). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Multi-criteria optimization in end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel using coated carbide inserts
Published 2011“…In this study the desirability index reaches to a maximum value of 0.889 after five consecutive solution searching. At this stage, the optimum values of machining parameters - cutting speed, depth of cut and feed were determined as 44.27 m/min, 0.61 mm, 0.065 mm/tooth respectively. …”
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The supply-side IT outsourcing competencies and relationship exchange in Malaysia
Published 2008“…The authors have arranged an expert focus group deliberating on the emerging issues and subsequently interviewed five senior executive managements in the service provider firms to explore further on key variables. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Stress management among administrator and seniors teachers of private Islamic school
Published 2010“…A principal component analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation yielded a 5-factor solution with satisfactory psychometric properties. …”
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Screening of fungi on solid state bioconversion of oil palm empty fruit bunch for production of cellulase
Published 2011“…Five potential strain of fungi (Trichoderma reesei RUT C-30 (ATCC 56765, USA; Trichoderma harzanarium (SCahmT 105); Trichoderma harzianum (Isolated by UPM); Penicillium 1 (isolated from sewage treatment plant);Peniczllium 2 (isolated from empty fruit bunch) were screened for production of cellulase using solid state bioconversIOn of oil palm empty fruit bunch. …”
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Book Chapter -
Defaulters among lung cancer patients in a suburban district in a developing country
Published 2012“…The reasons for default were determined. RESULTS: Ninety five patients were recruited. Among them, 81.1% patients were males; 66.3% were Malays. …”
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Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity from potential Malaysian medicinal plant as remedies for gout
Published 2012“…Our preliminary screening study had employed the use of distilled water, 70% methanol and absolute ethanol to extract XOI from twenty parts of five plant species, namely, Averrhoa carambola, Carica papaya, Dimocarpus longan malesianus, Manilkara zapota and Salacca zalacca. …”
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Supercritical carbon dioxide fractionation of pithecellobium jiringan jack seed compositions using fast gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry
Published 2011“…The extract was collected every 20 min and the yield was successively extracted into five fractions; thus, the total extraction time was 100 min. …”
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Towards sustainable regional economic development : the case study of Iskandar Malaysia
Published 2012“…In Malaysia, there are diverse development concepts of regions implemented to accelerate the economic growth of the country. There are five economic regions namely Iskandar Development Region (IDR), North Corridor Economic Region (NCER), East Corridor Economic Region (ECER) Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) and the most recent The Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
IPv4 and IPv6 client-server designs: the sockets performance
Published 2012“…Our experimental results show that IPv4 took less time in kernel mode in all the five server designs, and IPv6 took less time in user mode only under iterative server, pre-fork server, and pre-thread server. …”
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Integrated Scheduled Waste Management System in Kuala Lumpur using Expert System
Published 2011“…Scheduled waste expert system is developed based on five types of scheduled waste management which are label requirements, packaging requirements, impact of scheduled wastes, recycling of scheduled wastes, and recommendations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Integrated Scheduled Waste Management System in Kuala Lumpur using expert system
Published 2011“…Scheduled waste expert system is developed based on five types of scheduled waste management which are label requirements, packaging requirements, impact of scheduled wastes, recycling of scheduled wastes, and recommendations. …”
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Book Chapter -
Effects of Murraya koenigii leaves on glucose level, kidney and islets of langerhans in streptozocin induced diabetes in rats
Published 2012“…Rats were randomized into five groups (n=6) of normal control, diabetic control (non-treated), and diabetic treated with MK aqueous leaf extract. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparison study of sessile benthic community of coral reefs between Benuang Bay and Renggis Island, Tioman
Published 2012“…Coral Video Transect (CVT) method was used to record images of substrates along five 20 m transects at 3 – 5 m depth and 8 – 10 m depth in both study areas. …”
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Investigation of the characteristics of geoelectric field signals prior to earthquakes using adaptive STFT techniques
Published 2013“…In 2008, 12 earthquakes occurred in Greece. Five of them were recorded with magnitudes greater than Ms = 5R (5R), while seven of them were recorded with magnitudes greater than Ms = 6R (6R). …”
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Internal customer satisfaction towards HRM practices and its influence on external customers and organisational outcomes
Published 2011“…Data was collected from five universities in the Klang Valley. Data was collected from internal customers (employees) and external customers (students). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Audit assessment of the facilities maintenance management in a public hospital in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Design/methodology/approach – A case study is conducted in one district hospital in Malaysia to assess five key elements: leadership; policies, plans and procedures; training and orientation; monitoring and supervision; and service performance. …”
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Does religious fasting affect cognitive performance?
Published 2013“…The level of cognition was assessed by using two approaches: mathematical problem solving and memory testing. Five questions of mathematical problem were given to the subjects and were different at each week. …”
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Malaysian parents’ perceptions of children’s play
Published 2004“…Thirty parents of 4 to 6 years old children attending five different types of pre-school settings were interviewed about their perceptions on play as pedagogical tools, reasons for sending their children to a certain type of pre-school; and their preferred activities for the children either more academic or play-based. …”
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