'Community of Inquiry' method and ESL Learners' speaking skill
Published 2015“…The participants comprised of twenty five ESL learners of beginner and pre-intermediate level at a private school in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electricity consumption forecasting using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Published 2019“…The univariate data was converted to multivariate and ANFIS was chosen as it carries both advantages of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). ANFIS yields the MAPE between actual and predicted electricity consumption of 0.4002% which is relatively low if compared to previous works of UTHM electricity forecasting using time series model (11.14%), and first-order fuzzy time series (5.74%), and multiple linear regression (10.62%).…”
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Towards realizing the Maqasid Al-Shariah: a critique of Islamic banking and finance practices
Published 2011“…The HSBC, University Bank in Ann Arbor and Devon Bank in Chicago offer Islamic banking products in the United States. …”
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Book Chapter -
Does connecting tobacco cessation intervention with tuberculosis care improve quality of life outcomes?
Published 2011“…The effects of the novel intervention on HRQoL were measured using EQ-5D questionnaire. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA was used to examine the effects. …”
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Multibiometric systems based verification technique
Published 2009“…Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is applied for feature learning and verification process. …”
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An evaluation on offline signature verification using artificial neural network approach
Published 2013“…It addresses the offline signature verification technique using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach. It also explains the fundamental characteristics of offline signature verification processes and highlights the comparison among various offline signature verification approaches and various signature recognition issues.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Power forecasting from solar panels using artificial neural network in UTHM Parit Raja
Published 2021“…The collected data are used in developing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) are the techniques used to forecast the outputs of the PV. …”
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Development of Smart Sajadah system
Published 2020“…Solat is the central element of muslim’s worship. It is one of the five pillars of Islamic faith and an obligatory religious duty for every muslim. …”
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Book Section -
A comprehensive survey on ‘‘various decoupling mechanisms with focus on metamaterial and metasurface principles applicable to SAR and MIMO antenna systems’’
Published 2020“…Such techniques include the use of defected ground structure (DGS), parasitic or slot element, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), complementary split-ring resonators (CSRR), decoupling networks, P.I.N or varactor diodes, electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, etc. …”
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Artificial intelligence model to predict surface roughness of Ti-15-3 alloy in EDM process
Published 2011“…Hence, the present research proposes artificial neural network (ANN) models for the prediction of surface roughness on first commenced Ti-15-3 alloy in electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. …”
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Impact of digital assistant attributes on millennials' purchasing intentions: a multi-group analysis using PLS-SEM, artificial neural network and fsQCA
Published 2024“…A combined approach of PLS-SEM, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) is used to predict the PUI of 345 millennials. …”
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Zakat administration, distribution and economic growth : a study in the Federal Territory of Malaysia
Published 2013“…Every Muslim must establish himself upon these five pillars. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which is based on the al-Quran and Sunnah (the practices of Allah’s Messenger). …”
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Book -
Propagation potentials of genotypes and different physiological ages of stem cuttings in Jatropha curcas L.
Published 2010“…The study showed significant variability in shoot and root development and growth of shoots of the three physiological ages of cuttings and five genotypes. Semi hardwood stem cuttings had lower days to opening of new bud and shooting (4.8 and 11.7 d, respectively) as well as higher percentage of sprouted and rooted cuttings of 100% and 98.5%, respectively. …”
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Meaningful eating: a new method for food design
Published 2013“…TED is designed by integrating a tool and a technique called Visual Explorer, developed by The Centre for Creative Leadership, into a particular structure derived from the Five Aspects Meal Model, introduced by Edwards J.S.A. and Gustafsson I.B. (2008a). …”
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Thesis -
Comparison study of sorting techniques in dynamic data structure
Published 2016“…The execution time for the five sorting algorithms of each group of data elements were computed. …”
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Thesis -
RE: Emphysematous pyelonephritis: is nephrectomy warranted?
Published 2016“…This change in management trend was associated with improve in mortality from 40-50% in 1970s to 13.5% recently. [2] It was similar in this paper which had the rate of 30% and 100% for overall mortality and radical nephrectomy rate respectively. …”
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Motivation to learn ICT among senior public service officials in Malaysia : a conceptual framework
Published 2010“…One factor, resistance to change, was believed to moderate the relationship between the five factors and the motivation to learn ICT. Proposed research methodology in conducting the study was also discussed.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Recurrent Bell's palsy in a young woman
Published 2008“…We report a 20-year-old nulliparous woman with five episodes of recurrent Bell's palsy. A review of recent medical literature revealed a paucity of case reports involving an individual with five episodes of recurrent Bell's palsy, with none found in Asian neurology medical literature. …”
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Forgery detection in medical images using Complex Valued Neural Network (CVNN)
Published 2011“…Capabilities of Neural Networks features have been exploited using the Complex version of ANN, trained by Complex backpropagation (CBP) algorithm. …”
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Artificial neural network model for predicting wet scrubber performance
Published 2012“…The performance fitness of the neural network (MSE = 0.00000107 and R-value = 0.9979) describes the effectiveness of the ANN model in predicting the performance of the scrubber system and the model follows the pattern of the theoretical data describing the scrubber performance at a higher efficiency range.…”
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