General Fuzzy Switchboard Transformation Semigroup
Published 2024“…The Switchboard State Machine is a controller that controls the direct flow of information from one state to another and also plays the main part in communication between the subsystems. …”
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Article -
Topical delivery of Niacinamide: influence of binary and ternary solvent systems
Published 2019“…However, data from the Skin PAMPA model and from human skin could only be correlated when the PG-fatty acid systems were excluded. These findings add to our knowledge of the potential applications of Skin PAMPA for screening dermal/transdermal preparations.…”
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Characterization and topical delivery of phenylethyl resorcinol
Published 2019Get full text
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Natural pigment based on orange fruit for superhydrophobic dyeing in cotton knitted textile application
Published 2018“…The synthetic pigment is replaced by orange fruit pigment to apply into cotton knitted textile applications in this study. The main objective of this study formulates and synthesis the orange fruit pigment for superhydrophobic dyeing and evaluate the mechanical and physical test for superhydrophobic dyeing in cotton knitted textile applications. …”
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Flood indicator system (FIS)
Published 2024“…Flood indicator system (FIS) is a water sensor that can detect the rise of water to alert the community about the possibility of flood disaster. The main focus of this project is to develop a simple system that can read water level increases but with alert function to send the information of water that increase to hazard level to the surrounding community. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Impact Tip Speed Ratio in Performance Analysis for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) with Optimal Twist and Tapered (OPT) Blade Shape
Published 2024“…This simulation was performed using the Moving Ratio Frame (MRF) method. To find the optimum grid resolution, a Grid Independence Test (GIT) was conducted comparing the coefficient of power (Cp). …”
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General Fuzzy Switchboard Transformation Semigroup
Published 2024“…The Switchboard State Machine is a controller that controls the direct flow of information from one state to another and also plays the main part in communication between the subsystems. …”
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The development of IBS structure panel using revit software
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Q-switched erbium-doped fiber lasers with ITO thin film saturable absorbers: A comprehensive cavity configuration study
Published 2024“…The system is designed in three distinct configurations, including linear, single-ring, and Figure-8 cavities, by integrating ITO in the setup, which has a modulation depth of 48.04 %. The research findings highlight that the single-ring cavity design has better performance over linear and Figure-8 designs in terms of Q-switched EDFL performance. …”
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A survey on work-related musculoskeletal disorders among construction trades
Published 2018“…Based on the survey, shoulder, wrists/hands and low back were the common area of pain or discomfort after and while performing works. The main causes of pain and discomfort were mostly from repetitive works, awkward working postures and manipulation of heavy load. …”
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