The relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers' sample at al-Batinah North governorate the Sultanate of Oman = فاعلية الذات وعلاقتها بالصحة النفسية لدى عين...
Published 2020“…The study used the Self-Efficiency Scale (Abu Ghaly, 2012) consisting of (30) statements and the mental health scale (Ismail, 2016) consisting of ( 36) statements. The findings indicated that: the level of self-efficacy among the teachers was an intermediate level (60.63%), the percentage of the level of mental health among the teachers reached (62.02%) which is also an intermediate level. …”
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The identification of helminths and coccidia from goats in two farms in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Coccidia oocyst counts were significantly higher in young goats as compared to adult goats while the Strongyle and Strongyloides egg counts were significantly higher in adult goats compared to young goats (P<0.05). The findings of this study suggested that good management practices and proper hygiene management are important to combat the infection so that there will be no case of parasitic infection among goats in the near future in Terengganu. …”
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Dose and duration of opioid use in patients with cancer andn non-cancer pain at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia: A retrospective cross sectional study
Published 2016“…The median days covered in a year was 37 days in both study groups. Conclusions: The finding from this study showed that 42% of opioid users at an outpatient hospital setting in Malaysia received opioids for non-cancer pain and 21.8% of these users were prescribed opioid for long term. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cytotoxic activity of Luvunga scandens against human cancer cell lines
Published 2016“…Conclusion: The present findings revealed the potential of L. scandens as a cytotoxic agent against MCF-7 cell line. …”
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إفشاء السر في الفقه الإسلامي: السر الطبي نموذجاً(Secrets in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Case Study of Medical Secret), Penyebaran Rahsia Menurut Perspektif al-Fiqh al-Islami: Kajian...
Published 2010“…In doing so, the researcher combines between inductive approach in finding the relevant religious texts, and the opinions of classical and modern scholars, and analyzing them and comparing among them in order to arrive at the more proper opinion among them, with reference to the provisions found in current civil laws for such cases. …”
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Determination toxic effects of Hystrix Brachyura Bezoar extracts using cancer cell lines and embryo zebrafish (Danio rerio) models and identification of active principles through G...
Published 2020“…. >1.0 revealed teratogenic property for PB extracts. Conclusions: The findings revealed that all three PBs aqueous extracts possessed anticancer activity and exhibited significant toxicological effects on zebrafish embryos with high teratogenicity index. …”
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Performance of soft ground improved by floating bottom ash columns
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Visualising process and placemaking : upgrading shack urbanity in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Published 2019“…The thesis comes to rest on four key findings: First, tenure security and ownership of place built through participatory processes are significant positive forces. …”
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Thesis -
Microwave absorber based on biocomposites derived from agricultural wastes with reinforcement of poly lactic acid
Published 2021“…Then, a similar trend observed with the simulations when varies from 0o in 45o in TE and TM polarization. Therefore, these findings on natural fiber reinforced PLA biocomposites have significant implications in the application of microwave absorber. …”
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Thesis -
حديث «لاَ يُسْأَلُ الرَّجُلُ فِيمَا ضَرَبَ امْرَأَتَهُ»: دراسة تحليلية لإشكالاته وحلوله = Analytical study of the Ḥadith “A man should not be asked the reason he hits his wife"...
Published 2019“…The methodologies used in this study are inductive and analytical method in which several related materials from the Qur’an and Hadith are collected and analyzed in order to derive the authentic meaning of this hadith. Some of the findings discovered by this research are; First, there are two rulings regarding questioning the husband’s action of hitting his wife which are permissible (Mubah) or detestable (Makruh). …”
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Dispute over the legality of codification of Islamic law: a critical analysis = Perselisihan tentang kesahihan kodifikasi undang-undang Islam: analisa kritikal
Published 2018“…In addition, codification of Islamic law complies with the noble objectives of the Shariah (Maqasid al-Shariah). The study finds out that the merits and motives of codification are far higher than its perils as seen by some scholars. …”
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Assessment on awareness of the medical primary care nurses on the existing oral health services in Kuantan, Malaysia, 2012
Published 2013“…Conclusion: Positive findings of this study highlight the feasibility of the medical primary care nurses as one of key oral health educators to promote the oral health education and provide the available oral health services information among the patients attending at medical primary care clinics.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment on awareness of the medical primary care nurses on the existing oral health services in Kuantan, Malaysia, 2012
Published 2013“…Conclusion: Positive findings of this study highlight the feasibility of the medical primary care nurses as one of key oral health educators to promote the oral health education and provide the available oral health services information among the patients attending at medical primary care clinics.…”
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The impact of continuous assessments in replacing mid-semester examinations for undergraduate pharmacy students at International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2011“…The performance was ranked according to very good (75-100%), good (60-74%), fair (50-59%), poor (45-49%) and very poor (≤ 44%). Result: The findings from this study showed that 17.1% (n=18/105) of students in the group one (mid semester examination) and 23.8% (n=24/101) of students in the group two(continuous assessment) were ranked as very good in their academic performance in the introduction to pharmacy practice subject during end of semester examination. …”
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