Cheating behaviour among accounting students: Some Malaysian evidence
Published 2016“…In achieving the objectives, mean score, standard deviation and independent sample t-tests were performed. Findings – The results on the extent of cheating neutralization revealed that cheaters have significantly greater excuses to cheat than the non-cheaters. …”
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The effects of tawfik on ethical decision making process: the case of micro and small businesses in Malaysia
Published 2016“…In terms of practical implications, the findings of the study can be used as input for micro and small businesses to formulate guidelines in decision making process. …”
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Electron microscopic study of Esophageal Epithelium in non- erosive Reflux disease
Published 2011“…Conclusions: We can conclude that SEM study on DIS in esophageal surface cells is not a useful diagnostic test for differentiating between normal and NERD patients but TEM study in prickle cell layer is a promising diagnostic finding of early damage of esophageal epithelium. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of multicultural environment of Islamic educational institutes on students’ acculturation
Published 2016“…The fourth year students showed more appreciation for other cultures and comfort with differences. Based on the finding it has been suggested that if efforts are made to establish optimal conditions for positive intergroup contact to take place, intergroup prejudice can be reduced and problems of co-existence in the Muslim countries and communities can thus be addressed. …”
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Role of coping mechanisms to psychosocial stress in early development of hypertension in young adults: a pilot study
Published 2016“…Conclusions: Higher cortisol levels and greater BMIs were associated with prehypertension and mild hypertension in young adults. These findings are useful for future research in this area, and the continuation of the study is important in the hope to yield a more significant picture. …”
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Characterization of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) / atelocollagen hybrid scaffold for intervertebral disc regeneration
Published 2016“…The mechanical strength of PLGA-A is enhanced by 255.95% when tested with Instron E3000 machine. These findings suggest PLGA incorporation with atelocollagen type 2 may become a promising biomaterial for intervertebral disc regeneration. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of certain new 2-substituted-quinazolin-4-yl-aminobenzenesulfonamide as potential antitumor agents
Published 2016“…This novel compound inhibited the CA IX and CA XII protein expression in HT-29 cells without affecting CA I and CA II expression. These findings indicate that 3c inhibits cellular proliferation in two human colon cancer cells by specifically targeting the CA IX and CA XII expression.…”
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Lipid modulation activity of garcinia atroviridis extract on 3T3-L1 cell line
Published 2016“…Based on our present findings, the G. atroviridis fruit can be proposed as one of weight management agents due to its lipid modulation properties.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Torrential floods in Malaysia: Assessing the loss and vulnerabilities in three Kelantan villages
Published 2016“…As part of the qualitative study, the research conducted three FGDs and ten in-depth interviews. Findings of the study indicate that with a few exceptions, the great majority of the villagers regardless of their sociodemographic position, suffered badly from the floods in terms of losing their homes, food, pure drinking water and having no transport and carrier for immediate shiftment. …”
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Overview of property price and its influencing factors in Malaysia
Published 2016“…A bound testing approach to cointegration and error correction models, developed within an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) framework ARDL is employed to determine whether property price in Malaysia is explained by fundamental factors or other unexplained factors such as speculation. The findings from this study show that, based on the different segments of house prices, none of the variables is consistently having significant relationship with house price. …”
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Prevalence and associated factors of depressive symptoms among disadvantaged adolescents: results from a population-based study in Bangladesh
Published 2016“…Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a 21-item scale, measured the prevalence of depressive symptoms using a cut-off 16 or higher. FINDINGS: The prevalence of depressive symptoms among adolescents was 14%, with predominance in urban slums and among girls. …”
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The study of Broga Hill as an outdoor recreational area in Selangor
Published 2017“…There are 30 respondents who have participated in the survey. From the findings, this study has identified that Broga Hill is lacking in terms of providing safety features for its visitors and the visitors also did not realised that there are possibilities that they are disturbing the natural environment literally. …”
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A linear relationship between the tensile, thermal and gas barrier properties of mape modified rubber toughened nanocomposites
Published 2010“…Based on the optimum finding in tensile test, differential scanning calorimeter analysis (DSC) and gas barrier analysis were evaluated at 4 vol% of OMMT. …”
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إشكالية المنهج الأصوليي في الفكر الاجتهادي المعاصر = Problem of jurisprudential method in the contemporary Ijtihede thought = Masalah kaedah Yurisprudensi kontemporari Ijtihede...
Published 2012“…However, a thoughtful person finds the criticism of jurisprudential method problematic and lacking in clarity and organization, which has resulted in the development of different trends in the critical circle, with each of them having its own vision of the problem. …”
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Incorporating ‘First-World mindset’ into human capital enhancement for national development in Malaysia: the role of formal education
Published 2011“…The study has used a sample of 250 university students to probe the probability that students will be willing to pursue different academic programmes from those they are currently pursuing if they were nurtured instead in programmes that the Government believed would produce the human capital required to support the national development vision. The finding has revealed a variety of reasons underlying the preparedness of the majority to undergo this development socialization, whereas a few have objected with reasons. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Poly(lactic acid)/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene nanocomposites with hybrid graphene nanoplatelet/organomontmorillonite: effect of processing temperatures
Published 2020“…The hybrid nanocomposites were characterized for stress-strain, thermal, chemical, and morphological properties. The findings were that there was an increase in the mechanical properties in terms of tensile strength and Young’s modulus with the PLA/ABS/GnP/C20A at the high-temperature profile having the highest values of 43.1 MPa and 2533 MPa. …”
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An analysis of customer satisfaction on employee professionalism: a comparison between Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia
Published 2020“…Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a quantitative approach, where questionnaires are distributed to a total of 312 respondents. Findings – The results show that customers are more satisfied with the conventional banks’ employees in terms of their reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, except for tangibility, where they are more satisfied with the Islamic banks’ employees. …”
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Correlation study between financial and maintenance factor in facilities management of government hospitals: A study in Klang valley, Malaysia
Published 2011“…This paper presents the finding of five (5) government hospitals in Klang Valley, Malaysia on FM aspect. …”
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Building maintenance policy for office high rise buildings in Malaysia: A preliminary study in Klang valley
Published 2011“…This paper presents the preliminary finding of a study on the building maintenance policy standard of selected large high rise buildings in Klang Valley, Malaysia. …”
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Ownership effect of fractional reserve banking:an islamic perspective
Published 2009“…Design/methodology/approach – This is a theoretical paper that looks into the works of Islamic scholars on the issue of ownership that are based on Qur'an principles and the traditions of the Prophet, and evaluates the FRB from that perspective. Findings – The conclusion of the paper is that money creation through FRB is creation of purchasing power out of nothing which brings about unjust ownership transfers of assets, from the economy to the bank effectively paid for by the whole economy through inflation. …”
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