The Relationship between Movement Control Order Impact Factors and Construction Project Performance
Published 2023“…The construction costs increased due to the increase in the prices of construction materials and machinery, lack of labours, and additional expenses for COVID-19 precautions. The findings found that the larger the negative impact of MCO’s actions during the COVID-19 outbreak on time, cost, and resources, the worse the performance of Malaysian projects will be in general. …”
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Experts' Opinion Matters! Green Technology Elements for Construction Technology in Vocational Colleges
Published 2023“…A set of questionnaires using a 7-point Likert Scale was formed based on expert interviews in the first phase of this study and the data obtained were then analysed using triangular fuzzy numbers and ranking for each variable was determined using the defuzzification process. The findings showed that all elements listed reached the experts' consensus. …”
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An overview of public transport reliability studies using a bibliometric analysis
Published 2023“…A bibliometric analysis was performed using VOSviwer software analysis the public transport reliability publications obtained from the WOS database to enable researchers to trace the historical and annual records of publications related to reliability covering the leading countries, institutions, journals, most frequently used keywords, authors, citation network analysis and the most cited publications. The analysis findings show the dramatic annual growth of public transport reliability publications and identify the indicators and interested points of reliability.…”
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Ensemble Classifier for Recognition of Small Variation in X-Bar Control Chart Patterns
Published 2023“…Before advancing to the classification step, Nelson’s Rus Rules were utilized as a monitoring rule to distinguish between stable and unstable processes. The study’s findings indicate that the proposed method improves classification performance for patterns with mean changes of less than 1.5 sigma, and confirm that the performance of the ensemble classifier is superior to that of the individual classifier. …”
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Impact of Teachers’ Commitment to the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Sustainable Teaching Performance
Published 2023“…The hypotheses of the study were tested using PLS–SEM. The findings showed a positive effect of transformational leadership on teachers’ commitment. …”
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The Effect of Psychological Well-Being on Students’ Perception of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Published 2023“…Spearman Rho correlation and Mann-Whitney U were used to test the hypotheses at a pvalue less than 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed a PWB effect on students' perceptions of online learning. …”
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The Relationship between Movement Control Order Impact Factors and Construction Project Performance
Published 2023“…The construction costs increased due to the increase in the prices of construction materials and machinery, lack of labours, and additional expenses for COVID-19 precautions. The findings found that the larger the negative impact of MCO’s actions during the COVID-19 outbreak on time, cost, and resources, the worse the performance of Malaysian projects will be in general. …”
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The Relationship between Movement Control Order Impact Factors and Construction Project Performance
Published 2023“…The construction costs increased due to the increase in the prices of construction materials and machinery, lack of labours, and additional expenses for COVID-19 precautions. The findings found that the larger the negative impact of MCO’s actions during the COVID-19 outbreak on time, cost, and resources, the worse the performance of Malaysian projects will be in general. …”
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Impact of Teachers’ Commitment to the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Sustainable Teaching Performance
Published 2023“…The hypotheses of the study were tested using PLS–SEM. The findings showed a positive effect of transformational leadership on teachers’ commitment. …”
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Readiness and Challenges of the Construction Industry in Implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Published 2023“…The data were then analyzed using thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes among the research questions in two categories of participants. This study finds that the rate of BIM implementation in construction industry is very low and the most factors influence companies’ readiness in BIM implementation from both categories of participants are client, enforcement from authority and lack of project that needs BIM. …”
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Anxiety in oral presentation among engineering and non-engineering students in english language classrooms
Published 2019“…The interviews were conducted between 5 students and 5 teachers to get clear evidence of anxiety occurrences during an oral presentation in the ESL classrooms. Based on the findings, there are no significant differences in the level of anxiety between engineering and non-engineering students. …”
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The mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between total quality management and organizational performance in the UAE
Published 2023“…Future work can extend the findings of this study by examining the TQM in the context of other organizations and other countries.…”
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The Impact of Spinning Speed on n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Fabricated through Sol–Gel Spin-Coating Method
Published 2024“…In this study, various spinning speeds were employed on an n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film, and characterizations were conducted, such as morphological, structural, and optical properties. The findings revealed that the optimal conditions for the thin film were achieved at a spinning speed of 3000 rpm. …”
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The Impact of Spinning Speed on n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Fabricated through Sol–Gel Spin-Coating Method
Published 2024“…In this study, various spinning speeds were employed on an n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film, and characterizations were conducted, such as morphological, structural, and optical properties. The findings revealed that the optimal conditions for the thin film were achieved at a spinning speed of 3000 rpm. …”
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Numerical modelling of the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on fertility and population growth rate in Malaysia
Published 2024“…Researchers scrutinized the data using numerical methods and population modeling and employed the Euler method, aided by MATLAB software, to compare their findings against authentic population figures. Their analysis disclosed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected Malaysia's population growth rates, although it did not directly impact mortality rates, as recovery rates exceeded mortality rates. …”
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Utilization of wastewater treatment sludge in the production of fired clay bricks: An approach towards sustainable development
Published 2024“…Furthermore, heavy metals leachability of sludge bricks was tested. The findings reveal that Barium (Ba) has the highest heavy metal concentration in the raw materials, and the chemical composition is Silicon Dioxide (SiO2). …”
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Identifying weaknesses and strengths of existing I4.0 Readiness Indices to enhance INDI 4.0
Published 2024“…This study offered a more comprehensive perspective, especially from developing countries like Indonesia, with industries struggling to adopt I4.0 to fill loopholes in existing major indices that are generally from developed countries, so most companies in their study have advanced or implemented I4.0 and are too focused and too oriented on technology. The findings from this paper are expected to contribute to industry, practitioners, and academicians in increasing accuracy when measuring readiness toward adopting I4.0.…”
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Effect of Technology Self-Efficacy on The Relationship of Innovative Learning Skills and Learning Sustainability Among UAE Students
Published 2024“…The analysis on the model found that the Technology SelfEfficacy has four partial mediation effects and one full mediation effect on the relationship between Innovative Learning Skills and Learning Sustainability among the five paths. The findings of this study contribute to the role of Education 4.0's innovative learning skills in improving high school students' learning sustainability in the UAE, providing actionable insights for educational policymakers and practitioners.…”
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The mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between total quality management and organizational performance in the UAE
Published 2023“…Future work can extend the findings of this study by examining the TQM in the context of other organizations and other countries…”
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Thesis -
Evaluating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Practice Among Malaysian Public Listed Construction Companies Using FTSE Russell Rating Model
Published 2024“…Environmental pillar practice remains the second highest score with 57.45% followed by governance with 55% score. The findings of this study are useful to investors, government agencies such as Bursa Malaysia and Securities Commission, industry, policy makers, and other related agencies. …”
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