Factors influencing voluntary disclosure: empirical evidence from Shariah approved companies
Published 2010“…The data were collected from the 2003 annual reports of the top 50 ShAC. The main statistical tests conducted were: descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. …”
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Biotechnological uses of enzymes from psychrophiles
Published 2011“…In this review we describe the main properties of enzymes from psychrophiles and describe some of their known biotechnological applications and ways to potentially improve their value for biotechnology. …”
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Article -
Eylül Sonrasi Dinleri Öğretme-Öğrenme İslami Örneklerin Bir Ön Değerlendirmesi (Teaching-Learning Religions after 9/11: A Preliminary Assessment of Islamic Cases)
Published 2010“…Islam, in particular, has been the most badly affected and maligned among these religions as being projected widely the main agent behind the tragedy. Then, all negative attributes and stigmas, such as violence, terrorism, hatred, intolerance, etc., are labeled loosely and massively against Islam. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proposing a working definition and framework to evaluate Islamic websites
Published 2011“…Design features consist of navigation, interactivity and attractiveness; content features consist of legitimacy, objectivity, authority, relevance, credibility and reliability. The main contributions of this paper are the working definition of Islamic Websites and a framework to evaluate religion-based websites, particularly Islamic websites.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Probable solution of torque dip problem of CAMPRO 1.6L engine
Published 2008“…The dip which occurs at 2500 – 3500 rpm is mainly influenced by the geometry of the designed intake manifold and valve timing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Formation of the concept of Istihsān in Islamic law
Published 2009“…In the process of formation of istihsan, the concept of analogy was the main factor. When the result of qiyas would cause hardship to the people, the concept of istihsan was applied giving preference to unconsidered evidence which may eradicate hardships. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy logic approach for prediction the lift coefficient on an aircraft model with and without winglet
Published 2009“…Focusing on predicting the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft model, three main issues are studied in this paper. First, a six component wind tunnel external balance is used for measuring lift, drag and pitching moment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lawsonia Inermis as green inhibitor for corrosion protection of aluminium alloy
Published 2012“…Both solvent extract Lawsone component which is the main constituent of Lawsonia Inermis and both also were able to inhibit AA5083 in this experiment.…”
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Article -
Leadership experiences of undergraduate Muslim student leaders: an exploratory case study
Published 2011“…However, few empirical investigations have been conducted thus giving impetus to this research. The main purpose of this study is to explore the leadership experiences and practices of undergraduate student leaders on their involvement as student government (SG) leaders at two Islamic institutions of higher learning in Marawi City, Philippines. …”
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On p-Adic quasi Gibbs Measures for q+1-state Potts model on the cayley tree
Published 2010“…S. 15, 85–100 (2005)], since when q is divisible by p, which means that q + 1 is not divided by p, so according to a main result of the mentioned paper, there is a unique and bounded p-adic Gibbs measure (different from p-adic quasi Gibbs measure.…”
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Investigation of low end torque dip problem of CAMPRO 1.6L engine
Published 2008“…The main objective of this work is to perform an extensive study on the causes of the torque dip in CAMPRO engine and subsequently to provide the best solution that will improve the performance, reliability as well as production cost. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and implementation of an intelligent fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for Air Handling Unit (AHU) for smart house
Published 2011“…IBAS has been developed along with the rapid sophistication of the information and control technologies in this study. The main objective of the continuous effort is to provide an intelligent monitor and control of various facilities within the building so as to offer its users or occupants with effective security, improved productivity, human comfort, and efficient energy management. …”
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Malaysian Islamic capital market : regulatory and legal scaffold altercations in the legal 'Thick" jungle.
Published 2011“…This is the only way to appreciate the Malaysian regulatory and the legal infrastructure for the Islamic capital market. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the legal issues confronting the Islamic capital market due to the sparks created whilst operating it parallel with its counterpart, i.e., the conventional capital market. …”
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Book Chapter -
The rights of the Orang Asli under the federal constitution of Malaysia
Published 2011“…ln the Peninsuhr, the IX'pulation is made up ofthree main ethnic groups, viz; Malays. Chinese aod Indians. …”
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Book Chapter -
Lucky draw, contest and modern competition from Islamic view
Published 2011“…Our group chose; Lucky draw, contest and modem competition from Islamic view', as our project paper's topic. The main reason we chose this topic is because the phenomenon of lucky draw and competition are widely occurring around the globe and even among the Muslims. …”
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Book Chapter -
The influence of process parameters on lactic acid fermentation in laboratory scale fermenter
Published 2006“…Three parameters have been chosen as the main parameters that affect significantly to the growth of L. rhamnosus; the agitation speed of the impeller, dissolve oxygen level (p02) and pH. …”
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Islam: knowledge and civilization
Published 2009“…This book is an outcome of efforts made to consolidate the main topics covered in the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) university required course entitled, 'Islam, Knowledge and Civilization' (UNGS 2040). …”
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Book -
Design, fabrication and experimental testing of IIUM free wing unmanned aerial vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2011“…Foam, fiber glass, carbon fiber, wood, aluminum and steel were the main materials used to build the experimental model. …”
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H.264/advance video coding standard
Published 2011“…The ITU-T and ISO/IEC are the main actors in developing image and video coding standard. …”
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Book Chapter -
The Importance of islamic art in mosque interior
Published 2011“…Ornamentation should be taken as part of mosque components and not as mere decorations done after-thought or filling in the gap. The main objective of the paper is why is it important to focus the ornamentation towards mosque interior so that ornamenting the mosque will not be done uncontrollably and unnecessarily.…”
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Proceeding Paper