Economic freedom, development and bank intermediation spreads
Published 2012“…The results indicate that restrictions on the activities of which banks could undertake reduces their margins. We also find evidence supporting for government interventions contention. …”
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The Law Relating to Medical Confidentiality and Patient's Right of Privacy
Published 2012“…In providing care, medical professionals often find themselves trapped between conflicting duties and obligations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of localized solutions of the nonlinear discrete model for dipolar BEC in an optical lattice by the homoclinic orbit method
Published 2013“…We use homoclinic orbits to find solutions of a dynamical system of the dipolar Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) in a deep optical lattice. …”
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On dynamics of Lotka-Volterra type operators
Published 2014“…We prove that trajectories of such kind of operators converge, and moreover, we find an estimation for fixed points of the introduced operators.…”
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Ab initio NMR studies of chemical constituents of piper sarmentosum
Published 2002“…The NMR shifts are calculated using Hartree Fock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods. We find that the ab initio calculations are very useful in assigning the NMR peaks and provide insights on the electronic factors affecting the NMR shifts.…”
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Hierarchon vol. 2: a dictionary of AHP hierarchies
Published 2015“…We hope that the readers will find the present compilation useful.…”
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Essentials of management science
Published 2005“…Further, at the end of every chapter brief descriptions of several case studies have been included. Readers may find this section particularly interesting. Every method has been discussed using two numerical examples followed by one self-test exercise problem. …”
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Face recognition based on singular valued decomposition and back progagation neural network
Published 2005“…The back propagation training parameters are varied in order to find the best parameter with the highest performance accuracy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Becoming Writers: Transforming Students' Academic Writing
Published 2017“…Rather than focussing on a deficit student in need of ‘fixing’, we introduce and reflect on the usefulness of free- and creative writing exercises as we explore how we can enable students to find ‘a voice’ as we support them on the way to becoming successful academic writers. …”
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Teaching Research Methods : a pragmatic approach
Published 2007“…Previous studies suggest that students often find such modules challenging and difficult to relate to, and recommend a number of different approaches to lessen these difficulties and to improve the student experience of research methods modules. …”
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Learning on The Move
Published 2011“…The project ‘Making the most of my space’: Students’ use of mobile phones for studying and note making, was funded by the Write Now and Learn Higher CETLs, in conjunction with the Centre for Academic Professional Development. The aim was to find out about student mobile phone ownership, their attitude to using their mobiles for learning, and if they are using them for learning, what they are using them for.…”
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Helping students select a dissertation topic : a motivation-based approach
Published 2012“…It is not unusual for students to struggle to find a dissertation topic. To address this problem, I designed an exercise that helps students to better connect with their motivations, or the inner drives they have, for wanting to choose one topic or another. …”
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Dealing, music and youth violence: neighbourhood relational change, isolation and youth criminality
Published 2023“…The study considers the emergence of drill music, county lines and the lowering of the threshold of when weapons are used to explore the isolated social environments so many young people find themselves in. The book tracks how authorities have transitioned from an enforcement led to a public health approachh to tacking violence. …”
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Monograph -
Flexural strength of concrete prism strengthened using CFRP with modified mortar
Published 2020“…Hence, it is essential to find repair and strengthening techniques of deteriorated concrete structures not only suitable in terms of the economy, but also to use them for their intended service life.…”
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Book Section -
توظيف الألعاب المحوسبة في تعلّم اللغة العربية وتعليمها لغير الناطقين بها للطلاب للمبتدئين في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا أنموذجا...
Published 2011“…This is the main factor that prompted the researcher to conduct this study to look at the possibility of designing and utilizing computer games in the teaching and learning of Arabic language to non-native speakers at a pre-university level at International Islamic University Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Information from pharmaceutical companies and the quality, quantity, and cost of physicians' prescribing: a systematic review
Published 2010“…The narrative synthesis finding of variable results was supported by a meta-analysis of studies of prescribing frequency that found significant heterogeneity. …”
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Methods and methodologies in Fiqh and Islamic economics
Published 2008“…The paper argues that the methods used in Fiqh are mainly designed to find out whether or not a certain act is permissible or prohibited. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Contributing cost variation factors in highway projects
Published 2018“…Cost overrun or cost variation overrun is the main problem in the construction of highway projects in Sindh Province of Pakistan. …”
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Total quality management (TQM): decision making process model at planning phase for housing development in Malaysia
Published 2018“…The main aim of this study is to develop a process model for decision making in the planning phase of housing development in Malaysia. …”
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