Kualiti pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar-pelajar sarjana muda kejuruteraan elektrik di Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) dari aspek pembelajaran kognitif, psikomo...
Published 2003“…Data-data yang dikumpulkan, dianalisis menggunakan SPSS version 11.0 yang melibatkan skor min dan sisihan piawai. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kualiti keseluruhan pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar adalah di tahap sederhana (skor min = 3.49). …”
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Thesis -
Amalan pemakanan yang sihat di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah teknik
Published 2006“…Responden mempunyai konsentrasi pada tahap sederhana dengan min 3.42 dan kesedaran juga pada tahap sederhana dengan min 3.42. …”
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Pengaruh elemen gamifikasi terhadap motivasi pelajar menggunakan aplikasi quizizz
Published 2019“…Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 22.0 bagi menentukan purata skor min dan analisis regresi berganda. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahawa tahap motivasi intrinsik adalah (min=3.52) dan tahap motivasi ekstrinsik adalah (min=3.53) selepas menggunakan kaedah gamifikasi. …”
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Automated platform for histological race and sex comparison of human cortical bone
Published 2019“…In first part, parameter measurement and calculation performed by the system were compared with existing tools in terms of percentage error in measurement (DinoCapture: 5.3%, L-measure: 5.1%, ImageJ: 4.7%, designed system: 4.0%) and consumed time for measurement (DinoCapture: 15-20min, L-measure: 15-20min, ImageJ: 20-25min, designed system: 1-2min). …”
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Posterior mediastinal abscess secondary to esophageal perforation following fish bone ingestion
Published 2008“…Radiological findings and surgical management namely esophagoscopy and neck exploration are briefly described.…”
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Persepsi guru-guru Mara terhadap faktor-faktor mempengaruhi disiplin pelajar-pelajar institusi pengajian Mara Malaysia.
Published 2011“…Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 15.0 yang dipaparkan dalam kekerapan respons, peratusan, dan, min. Dapatan menunjukkan konstruk bagi guru mempunyai nilai min tertinggi iaitu 3.77 dan paling rendah ialah konstruk sikap pelajar dengan nilai min 3.31. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Yam contributes to improvement of glucose metabolism in rats
Published 2009“…Insulin levels at 30 min and 60 min were significantly lower than those in the control group. …”
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Optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of fish oil from viscera of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Published 2012“…Optimum points were observed within the variables of temperature from 35 °C to 80 °C, pressure from 10 MPa to 40 MPa, flow rate from 1 mL/min to 3 mL/min and soaking time from 1 h to 4 h. …”
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A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…One being supported on an argon flowrate of 0.1 1 min-1 using a Babing!qn nebulizer, the other on a flowrate of 1.0 1 min-1 using a crossflow nebulizer. …”
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Pancreatic Metastases from Ovarian Carcinoma - Diagnosis by Endsocopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration
Published 2012“…Our patient presented with severe epigastric pain which was initially treated as acute pancreatitis. …”
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Luc’s Abscess: a reminder of a potential complication of otitis media
Published 2012“…We report the case of a 73- year-old man diagnosed with Luc’s abscess who presented with a week’s history of right temporal swelling that was associated with fever, right ear pain and progressive hearing impairment. This case report is a reminder to clinicians of this rare but treatable complication of a very common disease in the community.…”
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Refusal of medical treatment: assessing the required capacity
Published 2007“…Problem usually arises with patients who have the necessary capacity but may be deprived of it or have it reduced by reason of temporary factors, such as unconsciousness, confusion or other effects of shock, severe fatigue, pain or drugs being used in their treatment. Medical professionals faced with a refusal of consent have to give very careful and detailed consideration to the patient’s capacity to decide at the time when the decision was made. …”
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Three case reports of infants with ankyloglossia affecting breastfeeding
Published 2020“…Post frenotomy, infants were able to breastfeed easily and this was beneficial in continuation of breastfeeding and pain reduction in mothers.…”
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Fliess’s Kappa: konsesus kesepakatan pakar bagi bakat bekerja pelajar TVET di universiti teknikal
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Predicting safe tonsillectomy for ambulatory surgery
Published 2010“…Significant increase in risk was observed for both primary haemorrhage (OR: 1.05, 95% CI 1.01–1.09 min, P = 0.020) and respiratory complications (OR: 1.08, 95% CI 1.01– 1.16 min, P = 0.024) by 4.5% and 8.3%, respectively, with every 1-min increase in length of surgery. …”
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Production of carrageenan from Malaysian seaweed
Published 2011“…In this stage the highest gel strength \\'as 659.13 g/cm2 at condition of 6% \viv KOH concentration, 80LlC temperature and 65 min extraction time. …”
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Book Chapter -
Supercritical carbon dioxide fractionation of pithecellobium jiringan jack seed compositions using fast gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry
Published 2011“…The extract was collected every 20 min and the yield was successively extracted into five fractions; thus, the total extraction time was 100 min. …”
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Supercritical enhancement for separation of lauric acid and oleic acid in palm kernel oil (PKO)
Published 2004“…The extraction of dehulled ground palm kernel using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) as a solvent at a temperature of 80 ◦C and pressures ranging from 27.6 to 48.3 MPa was studied for 30–60 min. At 27.6, 34.5, 41.4 and 48.3 MPa the sample was extracted for 60, 40, 30 and 30 min, respectively, and the total oil achieved 37.5, 38.35, 41.0 and 44.75%, respectively. …”
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Kinetics of cadmium adsorption by CNTs grown on PACs
Published 2012“…Based on the kinetics study, the pseudo second order was the best fit with R2 of 0.996 and model constants were qe = 34.29 (mg/g) and K2 = 0.0013 (g/mg.min). Coefficients for the pseudo first order were qe= 21.145 (mg/g) and K1= 0.09 (min-1) with R2 of 0.936. …”
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Proceeding Paper