A study of annular plate buckling problem with tension loaded at inner edge
Published 2010Get full text
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Legal disputes in determining religious status of a child when one parents converts to Islam under Malaysian law
Published 2009Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Family mediation in Asia: a special reference to the law and practice in Malaysia
Published 2007“…For this purpose the practice in Singapore, China, Japan and Hong Kong is described. However the focus of the article is the law and practice of conciliation in Malaysia which are governed by the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, 1976. …”
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Article -
Exploring critical factors of tourist satisfaction: a study on Islamic tourists destinations in Malaysia
Published 2013“…This research will conduct 3 stages of data analysis: exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model ing to test the hypothesis. This research is necessary to provide a better understanding of Muslim tourist satisfaction in Malaysian Islamic tourist destination in different facets. …”
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Feedback controller and observer design to maximize stability radius
Published 2006Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
ARCASIA architectural timeline chart : Malaysia
Published 2006“…Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India,Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau,Malaysia, Mongolia,Nepal, Pakistan,Philippines, Singapore,Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam. …”
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Book -
Banding for access related iscaemia : our experience in Kuantan, Malaysia
Published 2014Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Mus'ab 'Umayr: the great martyr of the muslim nation.
Published 2011“…The storyline is based on ethical, moral and ha\ ing Islamic perspecti1.e in obtaining good issues in each story. …”
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Book Chapter -
Renal cell carcinoma in a von Hippel-Lindau syndrome; when should pheochromocytoma be anticipated?
Published 2007“…We discuss the risk of renal cell carcinoma a nd ph a e oc h romoc y toma a r i s ing concomitantly in von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, and how best to investigate and manage them.…”
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Article -
Overview effect of biodiesel storage on properties and characteristics
Published 2014“…Water and sediment contamination are basically housekeep-ing issues for biodiesel. Degradation by oxidation yields products that may compromise fuel proper-ties, impair fuel quality and engine performance. …”
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Article -
Early radiological outcome of cystic benign bone lesion treated with calcium sulphate bone graft: a one-year review
Published 2016Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Treatment of shallow groundwater quality for non-potable use: A case study in Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor
Published 2018“…With the exception of TDS, all parameters comply with the Malaysia’s standard of raw and drink-ing water quality set by Ministry of Health.…”
Article -
Measuring the performance of insurance industry in Malaysia: Islamic vis-à-vis conventional insurance
Published 2012Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Foreign portfolio investment inflows and economic performance in Malaysia: a disaggregated analysis
Published 2008“…The study adopts the vector error correction model to analyze the relationships between FPI inflows from major investing countries, namely the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong and Malaysia’s real GDP using quarterly data covering the period of Q1:1991 to Q3:2007. …”
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Attendance at the 6th Annual Library Leadership Institute, 18-22 April 2008, at Shantou
Published 2008“…This a report of an institute on library leadership (based at the Hong Kong University) with a format of eight lectures, each followed by 20 to 30-minute break-out sessions, and a case study that formed a crucial part of the program; each team was assigned a case study topic. …”
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