التفخيم والترقيق في روايتي حفص عن عاصم وورش عن نافع: دراسة صوتية وتحليلية = Valorization and attenuation in the narrations of Hafs of ‘Asem and Warsh of Nafi’: descriptive and anal...
Published 2016“…Volarization is a pertinent phonetic feature related to the volarized consonants " ،ط، غ، ض، ص، خ ق، ظ "and it is opposing the long vowel, short vowel, laam and ra’ والفتحة املد ألف والراء والالم ,whereby attenuation is an opposite feature of other Arabic phonetics. …”
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Article -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…Specific Aims: To investigate if (1) GDM adversely affects the plasma omega-3 and omega-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) levels in pregnant women. (2) High BMI is associated with adverse plasma fatty acid profile in GDM women. (3) Supplementation with DHA-enriched formula, enhances the level of the nutrient in the GDM women and their neonates. (4) Antioxidant vitamins status is enhanced by DHA-enriched supplementation in GDM women and their newborns. …”
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Thesis -
Environmental impacts of greywater use for irrigation on home gardens
Published 2011“…It is suggested that proper management of greywater irrigation with periodic monitoring of soil fertility and quality parameters are required to ensure successful and safe long-term use of greywater for irrigation. The adequate assessment of any environmental risks will require further research.…”
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Thesis -
A study on ultra-low power and large-scale design of digital circuit for wireless communications
Published 2010“…This procedure has disadvantageous that requires a long time to estimate the circuit performance for operation in the subthreshold region. …”
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Thesis -
Coproduction from theory to practice: Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network: an evaluation report
Published 2017“…This positive view of patient and community involvement has a long legacy within the NHS, albeit under slightly different formulations. …”
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Monograph -
Effects of positive metacognitions and meta-emotions on coping, stress perception and emotions
Published 2011“…Study 1 revealed that long-term challenge scenarios require a higher degree of resilience-related factors, whereas selfregulation appears to be crucial when the challenge is of a short-term nature. …”
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Thesis -
Professional doctorate in health psychology : thesis portfolio (Whippey : 2018)
Published 2017“…When starting this course, it took me a long time to decide on an original topic of research for the thesis, (Section C3, page 109) and I feel that at the beginning, when writing my ethics proposal, my thought process was much more basic. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis and structural studies of some metal complexes of tetraaza macrocyclic ligands
Published 1993“…A series of dibenzo macrocyclic tetraamine ligands with 14-, 15-, 16-, 17- and 19-membered inner great lings (L14 to L15) has been synthesized to investigate the effect of ring size variation on their complexation behaviour with the metal-ions, Ni(Il), Zn(ll) and Cd(II).…”
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Thesis -
Published 2010“…It would be instructive, therefore, to reflect on Martin Lings' explanation of the concepts of "development" (tatawwur), "progress" (taqaddum), "renewal" (tajdid) and "renaissance" (nahdah).....…”
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Article -
Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…Other bioethical issues related to abortion and euthanasia has existed as long as in early eighteenth century. Ethical dimensions of modern organ transplantation remain one of the topics in bioengineering that need further illustration from the socio-human perspectives. …”
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Book -
Perennial philosophy in re-understanding Malay mythology and science of symbol
Published 2010“…This paper will evaluate Malay mythology and the science of symbols from the perennialists point of view by taking into of consideration the various explanations made by scholars like Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr regarding myths, symbols and imageries in traditional thought and literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Environmental design consideration for courtyards in residential buildings in hot-humid climates: A review
Published 2014“…Mean-while, natural ventilation has been commonly utilized in woodenstructured traditional build-ings in hot-humid climates. However, most of the urban houses in Southeast Asian regions are becoming heavy-weight brick-walled buildings nowadays. …”
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Article -
Aligning internal market orientation (IMO) with market orientation (MO) to impact performance in the banking sector in Ghana
Published 2017“…The pioneering studies of Lings and Greenley on internal market orientation (IMO) in the 2000s and that of Kohli and Jaworski experience enormous investigation empirically. …”
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Thesis -
Knowledge representation of remote sensing quantitative retrieval models
Published 2014Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Web service based Grid workflow application in quantitative remote sensing retrieval
Published 2014Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Mawlâna Jalâleddîn-I Rûmî the life, work and the Mawlawî order
Published 2007“…As to “Rûmî”, it was used for those who are from Anatolia. Mawlâna be-longed to a noble and a distinguished family. His mother was Mu’mine Khatun and his father was Bahaeddin Walad which was well known as the Sultan of Scholars (Sultan’ül-‘Ulama’). …”
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Book -
49 collected poems
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Ephemera -
Mechanical properties of wood polymer composites (WPCs) after prolonged ultra-violet (UV) irradiation exposure
Published 2018“…In conclusion, the weather ability of WPC was observed by pro-longed exposure to UV radiation thus highlights the influence of parameters involved in the degradation rate of WPC as to contribute a good guidelines and resolution for the future growth of polymer composite structure.…”
Article -
The trope of home and the representation of Muslim women in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain and in Attia Hosain's Sunlight on a Broken Column
Published 2007“…Occasional references are made to Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own (1929), which also deals with women’s longing for home and for belongingness. I propose to subvert the binarism of private and public, and of male and female associated with the received notion of the home. …”
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Book Chapter