Treatment outcome of acromegaly due to pituitary macroadenoma in a single tertiary centre
Published 2014“…A prospective, multi- centre study to investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of octreotide LAR (long-acting repeatable octreotide) in the primary therapy of patients with acromegaly. …”
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Aesthetics and beautiful lifestyle - Redefining the concept of aesthetics in the built environment
Published 2009“…The question of aesthetic is an age long enigma in many societies with various conceptions and perceptions through philosophers of yore till the present day. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of coastal development on mangrove cover in Kilim river, Langkawi Island, Malaysia
Published 2012“…Tthe pace of coastal development throughout the entire island including Kilim River had suppressed the mangroves propagation over the years. Long term monitoring of mangrove ecosystems is essentials to ensure the survival and sustainability of mangrove associated biodiversity. …”
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"New boys on the block" limited liability partnerships; Special reference to the LLP consultative document April 2008
Published 2009“…Partnerships structure has long been accepted as one of the major business vehicles. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Repeated endoscopic excision of an eroding calcified mesh sling-continued follow-up is required
Published 2010“…Despite satisfactory cystoscopic management, long-term regular follow-up is still required.…”
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Fabrication and characterization of SU8 Polymeric microring resonators for biosensors
Published 2009“…High Q factor enables the achievement of high sensitivity due to the long residence times of the photons that propagate in the ring, which increases the probability of photons interacting with the analytes in solution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The integration of Human Sciences and Revealed Knowledge in the KIRKHS
Published 2009“…These academic and intellectual reforms, he strongly believed, would go a long way towards ameliorating the miserable condition of the Muslim ummah throughout the world and reestablishing the holistic and balanced Islamic civilization that the Muslims once built with great flourish as universal centres of learning, innovation and enlightenment in West Asia, Spain (Andalusia) and India. …”
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Book Chapter -
Japanese contribution to Islamic studies: the legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu interpreted
Published 2010“…However, we believe that this should be academically acceptable as long as all are based on the sound arguments from academic perspective. …”
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A comparative study on MEMS piezoelectric microgenerators
Published 2010“…The growing demand of wireless sensor networks has created the necessity of miniature, portable, long lasting and easily recharged sources of power. …”
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Ibn al-Khatib and his theory of contagion
Published 2011“…Soon after his death, the energies of the Muslims of al-Andalus were wholly absorbed in the long costly struggle against the Christian force (Brockopp and Thomas, 2008, p. 38).…”
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Book Chapter -
Transmission power consumption management for zigbee healthnets
Published 2011“…With the use of small portable computers at other locations within the hospital or elderly nursing home, medical staff would be able to monitor a patient regardless of her position as long as she is connected to the network. Sometimes battery operated sensors are embedded into the patient's body, hence replacing the sensor's battery is done by a surgical operation. …”
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Book Chapter -
Published 2008“…This system could ensure a long-term operation under different working conditions and reduce a lot of building thermal cost, especially for hotel and hospital in the tropics.…”
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Stability and rupture of nano-liquid film (NLF) flowing down an inclined plane
Published 2005“…The two-dimensional flow of a nano-liquidfilm (NLF) down an inclinedplane is represented by Navier–Stokes equation accounted for van der Waals and gravity forces. A long wave perturbation method obtains a non-linear evolution equation for the film interface. …”
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Effects of frequency on fade slope based on measured rain attenuation data in Malaysia
Published 2010“…There is an ever increasing demand for radio-frequency (RF) spectrum by the nations of the world, in order to satisfy the growing demand for long-distance communications. As C-band (4/6 GHz) is already congested, and Ku-band (12/14 GHz) is filling up rapidly, currently interest focus on the utilization of higher bands. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lacrimal bone cyst–a case report
Published 2007“…Introduction: Bone cyst is a rare benign bone tumour which normally affects the vertebral region or long bones. Despite its benign in nature, this lesion is expansile and may cause local compression and destruction of bone and soft tissues. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Deposit behaviour in Indonesia Islamic banking : do crisis and fatwa matter?
Published 2011“…Cointegration test and impulse response functions are utilized to examine the long run and short run relationship among the variables. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The first Yoruba translation of the Qur’an: a study of Reverend M. S. Cole’s work
Published 2011“…There are also indigenous Yoruba communities in the countries of Benin, Ghana and Togo as well as significant Diaspora Yoruba communities in Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Long before the translation of the Qur‘an became acceptable to most Muslims in Africa, Christian missionaries had taken the initiative in rendering the Qur‘an into the local African languages. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design of a profilograph for mapping pavement in virtual environment
Published 2012“…Traditional profilographs are big in size and take long time for mapping, although they are capable of generating pavement map but unable to show 3D graph. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Crystal structure of heterodonor ligands with their potential application
Published 2012“…In pursuing application potential-based compounds,heteroatom donor ligands were specifically designed,synthesized and characterized with single-crystal X-ray diffraction that is a non-destructive analytical technique that provides very detailed information about theinternallatticeofcrystallinesubstancesofthesesynthesizd ligands.Dipotassium disulfanilamidate trihydrate is expected to exhibit significant biological activity as it possess the core structure of sulfanilamide with the ionic characteristic that enable it to influence the current fluctuations in cell membrane.4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde–nicotinamide(1/1)with its cocrystal structures exhibit long-range order with hydrogen bonding and pi-pi interactions.These intermolecular interactions generate physical and chemical properties that are different from the properties of the parent compounds that would benefit the crystal engineering and in pharmaceutical industry.4,4'-[(1E,2E)-hydrazine-1,2-diylidenedi(E)methylylidene]bis(2-methoxyphenol)are hydrazones that can bind to metal ions to form complexes that are expected to possess different geometries and propertiesthat are worthwhile to inestigate.They are known to possess biological properties,electrochemical properties,fluorescence properties,nonlinear optical properties(NLO)and polymeric properties.…”
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Proceeding Paper