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Simulation and investigation of Gradient Refractive Index Profile (GRIP) and photonic effect in micro-fluidic waveguide of different geometries
Published 2013“…With the aid of professional software COMSOL’s Microfuildic model and RSoft’s beamprop module by designing liquid core and liquid cladding waveguides of different shapes including rectangle ,up-trapezoid, down-trapezoid, para-saddle and para-rhombus and injecting deionized water with refractive index of 1.335 into liquid core and 5M CaCl2 solution into liquid core at from 1ul/ min to 15 ul / min , the GRIN profiles and optical effects like chirped focusing and interference vary accordingly .The purpose of the study is to find the pattern of how the GRIN profile and optical effects change with the composition ,flow rate and shape.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Carbon aerogel for removal of oils and organic solvents spills
Published 2016“…A slower heating rate of 10°C/min produces a better sorption capacity aerogel than at 15°C/min. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Multi-valued logic synthesis for Resistive Random Access Memory (RERAM) based in-memory computing
Published 2018“…The synthesis of multivalued functions consists of bi-decomposition or functional decomposition of the given target function to obtain a multilevel network comprising of MIN and MAX gates. Synthesis tools, such as YADE and those based on Multi-valued decision diagrams make the implicit assumption regarding the availability of literals or CASE operator, while focusing on the optimization of the logic network solely based on the MIN and MAX gates. …”
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Thesis -
Financial sentiment analysis: techniques and applications
Published 2024“…FSA research falls into two main streams. The first stream focuses on defining tasks and developing techniques for FSA, and its main objective is to improve the performances of various FSA tasks by advancing methods and using/curating human-annotated datasets. …”
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Journal Article -
Design and construct an uninterruptible power supply system
Published 2011“…The uniqueness of this UPS lies with its non- dependence on a main supply. The charging process is through a dynamo-mounted bicycle. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The westward spread of Zhouyi and the issue of its English name
Published 2014“…In the following four centuries, western studies of Zhouyi were divided into three main stages, based on changing research purposes.…”
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Thesis -
Acquisition of Thai as a foreign language through watching subtitled drama series
Published 2019“…Thus, this paper discusses the effectiveness of using subtitled drama series as the main teaching method to acquire Thai as a foreign language (TFL) and the register that would be picked up by language learners through this teaching method. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Adsorption mechanisms of linear and branched alkane liquid on solid surfaces that influences heat transfer
Published 2024“…The contact interfaces of solid and liquid are common systems in tribology studies where the main parameter looked at are the wear rates and scar. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Designing a Virtual Counsellor for UUM Community (S/O 14347)
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Monograph -
Morphological conservatism in Enggano subordinate clauses
Published 2024“…This pattern fits with the typological trend for subordinate clauses to be more conservative than main clauses, but goes against the more widespread pattern of split-ergativity where main clauses have ergative alignment and subordinate clauses have accusative alignment. …”
Journal article -
An AI powered nutrition information mobile application
Published 2023Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of cultural intelligence on job stress for global employees.
Published 2010Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of user-generated content on consumer's perception.
Published 2011Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
CMOS friendly electrode material screening for HfOx-based RRAM
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
The new Chinese women
Published 2015“…This paper examines the portrayal of female sexuality and its impact on the individual, community and political engagements in the works of Chen Ran and Yan Ge Ling. In their storytelling from a female perspective; either through the eyes of the female characters or in the narration of the omnipresent female author, female sexuality is juxtaposed against male sexuality to contest patriarchal norms as well as to showcase the fluidity of it. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Big data analytics for smart transportation
Published 2020“…In this report, it will elaborate on how this project is implemented using Python, Django Framework, MySQL database and MapBoxGL to achieve the main objective of this project.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)