Is Ying Chou an act of corruption? : An exploratory study of Ying Chou and the multidimensionality of Taiwanese female’s perception and judgement of Ying Chou in Taiwan.
Published 2010“…This study sheds light on Ying Chou from the multidimensionality of the Taiwanese female‟s perception and judgement of Ying Chou in Taiwan. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Leong Ying Foo sambung PhD kerana minat yang mendalam terhadap Penyelidikan
Published 2024“…GAMBANG, 25 Oktober 2024 – Minat yang mendalam terhadap bidang penyelidikan telah mendorong seorang penyelidik Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) iaitu Leong Ying Foo, 26 untuk menceburi bidang tersebut ketika pengajiannya di universiti ini.…”
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Newspaper -
Improved mobility and photovoltaic performance of two-dimensional Ruddlesden−Popper (ThMA)₂(MA)₂M₃I₁₀ perovskites applied in perovskite solar cells
Published 2023“…Notably, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 2DRP (ThMA)2(MA)2Pb3I10 perovskite is up to19%. However, lead pollution is still a problem that may hinder the development and widespread use of (ThMA)2(MA)2Pb3I10 perovskites. …”
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Journal Article -
Reactivating and reorganizing activity-silent working memory: two distinct mechanisms underlying pinging the brain
Published 2025“…Recent studies have proposed that visual information in working memory (WM) can be maintained in an activity-silent state and reactivated by task-irrelevant high-contrast visual impulses (“ping”). Although pinging the brain has become a popular tool for exploring activity-silent WM, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. …”
Journal article -
"Work-in-Life" : reconsidering work-life balance in Singapore
Published 2016“…This study examines how organizational control affects employees’ perception of work-life boundaries. The objective of this research is to provide insights on employees’ lived experiences and to reconsider the work-life balance debates. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Business networking in the east : the concept of Ying Chou and the impact on women.
Published 2010“…More specifically, I looked at the concept of ying chou. I also looked at the impact of ying chou on women. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2021“…Parti berpecah kerana itu, Tujuan penulisan buku ini ialah untuk memberikan perspektif yang munasabah terhadap perlakuan ahli-hali politik dan aneka peristiwa yang terjadi. …”
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Kesudahan Yang Baik hanya bagi yang Bertakwa /
Published 2023“…Mengandungi 100 tajuk dan dipecahkan kepada enam bahagian merangkumi akidah, ibadah, akhlak, ilmu hadis, isu semasa dan sejarah. Kritikan dan saranan yang disentuh oleh Maulana dalam buku ini kebanyakannya berkisarkan realiti dan isu yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. …”
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Technoeconomic Analysis of Geothermal District Heating in the Boston, MA area.
Published 2024“…This study conducts a comprehensive technoeconomic analysis of geothermal district heating (GDH) in the Boston, MA area, with a specific focus on the MIT campus. …”
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Thesis -
Large range sizes link fast life histories with high species richness across wet tropical tree floras
Published 2025“…These links suggest that dispersal has been a key process in the evolution of the tropical forest flora.…”
Journal article -
Kumpulan Cerpen : Yang Jauh /
Published 2023“…Kata alu-aluan rektor MARSAH -- Kata alu-aluan Ketua Satu PPJ -- Kata alu-aluan Penulis -- Kata alu-aluan Penterjemah -- Yang Jauh -- Bagai Terkurung Dalam Perut Paus -- Sepanas Marrons Chauds --Lelaki Kotak -- Pintu Mabrur -- biodata Penulis -- Biodata Penterjemah.…”
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TRANSIT : an astrological understanding of the quarter-life crisis
Published 2019“…Although the role and reputation of astrology has gone through countless revisions across multiple cultures and eras, the ancient discipline of astrology still remains relevant, controversial, and surprisingly commonplace in this generation ruled by scientific knowledge and rational thought.TRANSIT aims to deconstruct the experience of a quarter-life crisis — a transitory period characterised by uncertainty and doubt “during which individuals relentlessly question their future and how it will follow the events of the past” (Robbins & Wilner, 2008) — through the symbolic language of astrology.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Understanding solar PV through the MinUS-C module grounded in the ADDIE instructional model
Published 2024“…This study addresses this gap by developing the MinUS-C (Minecraft Urban Solar Community) learning module, grounded in the ADDIE instructional model, to systematically enhance students’ understanding and readiness for solar PV technology. …”
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Article -
KUMPULAN CERPEN : Pendoa yang Ikhlas /
Published 2020“…Pendoa yang Ikhlas menghimpunkan 16 buah cerpen yang mengemukakan tema dan persoalan masyarakat setempat. …”
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Such is life
Published 2017“…Director's film-making, planning and decision process written with full scene breakdowns pertaining to his Final Year Project "Such Is Life" Short film…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)