Renegotiating the sexual self after an HIV-diagnosis: listening to white, European women
Published 2013“…Clinical implications are discussed in light of counselling psychology’s multidisciplinary approach, spanning areas of HIV prevention, social change and individual and group therapy with women living with HIV.…”
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Thesis -
Do the innovative technological advancements foster the green transition pathways for Industry 5.0? A perspective towards carbon neutrality
Published 2025“…Through an extensive analysis of literature spanning from 2012 to 2024, sourced from the Scopus database, the research study unravels the transformative potential of green technological innovations, artificial intelligence, green supply chain management, and the metaverse. …”
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A Review of Genetic Algorithm: Operations and Applications
Published 2024“…The main findings show the adaptability of GA in tackling problems spanning engineering, economics, bioinformatics, and beyond. …”
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A gamification approach to enhance “third space mobility”: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse students
Published 2022“…Rather, intellectual development hinges on a dialogical and relational engagement with activities that students have co-created. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Evaluation of anti-gout potential of selected Malaysian medicinal plants
Published 2020“…Gout is a type of arthritis that causes painful inflammation in joints due to the elevation of uric acid in the blood. …”
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Thesis -
Prediction for high-risk symptoms of lung cancer in Malaysia using fuzzy linear regression model
Published 2023“…The results show that haemoptysis and chest pain has been proven to be the highest risk, among other symptoms acquired from the data analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Epitope mapping of antibodies induced with a conserved rhinovirus protein generating protective anti-rhinovirus immunity
Published 2019“…Recombinant capsid proteins, peptide pools and individual peptides spanning the immunogen sequence (RV-A16 VP0) were assessed for IgG binding sites to identify epitopes. …”
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Critical theatricality in the museum space
Published 2021“…If the terms theatricality and spectacle have been seen as potentially negative by some, symptomatic of an experience economy that risks dumbing down the complexity of culture by appealing to our ever-decreasing attention spans, I refer to these case studies as evidence for a new way in which the theatrical can be used as a powerful, critical tool in the museum experience. …”
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Article -
Hybridized Intelligent Neural Network Optimization Model for Forecasting Prices of Rubber in Malaysia
Published 2023“…This paper aims to propose hybrid intelligent models, which can be utilized to forecast the price of rubber in Malaysia by employing monthly Malaysia’s rubber pricing data, spanning from January 2016 to March 2021. The projected hybrid model consists of different algorithms with the symbolic Radial Basis Functions Neural Network k-Satisfiability Logic Mining (RBFNN-kSAT). …”
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Article -
Hybridized Intelligent Neural Network Optimization Model for Forecasting Prices of Rubber in Malaysia
Published 2023“…This paper aims to propose hybrid intelligent models, which can be utilized to forecast the price of rubber in Malaysia by employing monthly Malaysia’s rubber pricing data, spanning from January 2016 to March 2021. The projected hybrid model consists of different algorithms with the symbolic Radial Basis Functions Neural Network k-Satisfiability Logic Mining (RBFNN-kSAT). …”
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Article -
Prediction of the glucose level in blood using near infrared spectrometer
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Low magnetic field exposure alters prostate cancer cell properties
Published 2024“…These included cancerous, metabolic, blood, skin, cardiac and skeletal Disease Pathways, as well as pain and developmental disorders. In the normal PNT2 cells, less EV protein cargo was observed following LMF exposure compared with cells not exposed to LMF, and fewer associated functional enrichment pathways were identified. …”
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Article -
Nanoparticles-surfactant foam and crude oil interaction in porous media
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
The significance of perceptions and cultural engagement in the evolution of a European commercial and soft power diplomacy with the emerging Asian giants
Published 2017“…The focus of my submission is on external perceptions of Europe from the perspectives of the two new great powers in Asia: China and India. It spans over nine years of research. When the work started in 2006, the EU was in deep crisis just a year after the uncertainty that was unleashed by the rejection in France and the Netherlands of the then Constitutional Treaty. …”
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Thesis -
Effective vector variance in modeling Malaysia highway traffic network
Published 2019“…The current practice to analyse a network is by using social network analysis (SNA) with the following three steps: (i) the network is considered as an undirected weighted complete graph (UWCG), (ii) the important information in the network is filtered using minimal spanning tree (MST), and (iii) the topological properties of each node is investigated using certain centrality measures. …”
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Thesis -
2012 International Design Exchange Project, the 3rd Hidden Space Project, High street
Published 2012“…The interventions allows for views and vistas from the street and from within spanning the depth of London across the city giving the viewer a sense of inclusion and belonging.…”
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Book -
Novel approaches to applied cybersecurity in privacy, encryption, security systems, web credentials, and education
Published 2021“…In a nutshell, the thesis presents a coherent and novel narrative to applied cybersecurity in five categories spanning software, systems, and education.…”
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Thesis -
New panel unit root and cointegration tests of purchasing power parity
Published 2003“…We construct and use a unique data set consisting of twenty emerging market economies and black market nominal exchange rates, spanning over 1973M1-1993M12. As far as we know such a big data set has never been used in the studies of PPP using black market nominal exchange rates. …”
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Thesis -
Clinical and biochemical effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
Published 2011“…The main clinical manifestations are vaso-occlusisve painful crisis and haemolytic anaemia which lead to degenerative tissue pathology that affect major organs including the brain, eye, lung, spleen, liver, kidney, heart and bone. …”
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Thesis -